October 2014 due dates

Hi daisy,

Snap, I'm also due on the 1st :)

Are there any other second/third time mummies?
Yay mrswoody!!!Although in hoping it will be a September baby and make an early appearance.Are you starting to show yet??
Good luck for your scan tomorrow Hellogoodbye, looking forward to seeing your pictures.xx
I am hoping this baby comes early or not too late. My LO was 10 days late and it was horrible being so overdue.

I wasn't really starting to show but I do feel I've popped out a little.
I'm still in regular clothes though so I'm not complaining. What about you?

Good look for scans ladies.

I'm hoping I'll have the nerve to start team yellow again!x
Hi mrswoody - I'm going to be a second time mummy :)

Shootingstar11 - I'm really, really hoping for a VBAC this time around. My recovery was awful after my c section!

So many scans happening - it's exciting!! Good luck to those having theirs this week :)

Hope everyone is well xx
My daughter was 10 days late too!I think I have just started to pop also, i can only fasten one pair of jeans and that's because they are very stretchy! : )
Hi mrswoody - I'm going to be a second time mummy :)

Shootingstar11 - I'm really, really hoping for a VBAC this time around. My recovery was awful after my c section!

So many scans happening - it's exciting!! Good luck to those having theirs this week :)

Hope everyone is well xx

My recovery in regards to the incision was fine, but I struggled with getting around, anxiety and lack of sleep in hospital.

I would like a vbac but am concerned over risks-- another section frightens me somewhat, even though the procedure itself was ok.
Ooo lots of scans tomorrow!! Exciting!!

I'm back in for 12 week scan take two tomorrow lol... Baby was misbehaving last week and consultant wrote on my notes "non ideal CRL measurments" so wanted me back a week later! Excited to see our peanut again... Let's hope the little wriggler stays still this time round!! xx
Hi mrswoody - I'm going to be a second time mummy :)

Shootingstar11 - I'm really, really hoping for a VBAC this time around. My recovery was awful after my c section!

So many scans happening - it's exciting!! Good luck to those having theirs this week :)

Hope everyone is well xx

My recovery in regards to the incision was fine, but I struggled with getting around, anxiety and lack of sleep in hospital.

I would like a vbac but am concerned over risks-- another section frightens me somewhat, even though the procedure itself was ok.

My surgical side of recovery was painful, but I had an extremely low iron count as well to contend with. But, like you, also struggled with getting around, baby blues, and lack of sleep whilst in hospital. The thought of another section right now, frightens the life out of me. However, once I've seen and felt my baby kick, I'm sure that, if I need another section, I'll do anything to get my baby out safely. I'd hate it, but of course I'd do it!! Xx
Scan 2moro at 11:05am can't wait to see baby! Be nice to have a fixed due date too. Not showing yet but waking up in the morning with a bladder bump if you get me 😃. Xx
I'm a second time mummy. My daughter was 12 days late (when I typed that in I accidentally typed 212 days late, although at the time it really did feel like it!). She's 8 now so I feel like a first time mum all over again.

Looking forward to seeing your scan pics today ladies! Hope everything goes well for you. Sama, mine's tomorrow as well. 4pm French time :)
Hey everyone, mrswoody, I am also a 2nd time mummy, Max is 2 in June :) Max was 3 weeks early and I had a great labour and delivery so I'm keeping my fingers crossed for the same again.

How did everyone's scan go? Can't wait to see pics :) I still don't have my scan date and am getting very impatient now, I just want a date! To make myself feel better I ordered a doppler today, it's arriving tomorrow :yay: xxx
Congrats Daisyboo! Scan photo looks lovely and so clear!
Really excited about my booking scan tomorrow and my scan next thursday (12+2). I am glad they are close together! Really hoping to see everyone in tri2! Best wishes xx
Cross-posting here...

Scan went well, Tiny Human was very active indeed! I've been dated at 11+2 instead of 10+6 so my new EDD is the 14th of October :)

So ladies turns out I won't be abandoning you to join the sept mummies as scan today confirmed dates are bang on so still due 2nd of October! Ended up being scanned by 2 diff Drs before being sent to consultant because of squirmy baby! Lol

Gorgeous photos Hellogoodbye and CoachQueenie! Can't wait to have that feeling of seeing my baby for the first time. It must be wonderful, congratulations to you both!
CoachQueenie, sounds like you have a little athlete in there as they are moving around so much!

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