October 2014 due dates

9 weeks, so still early but I was able to pick up the heartbeat early on with DD. But then my Uterus wasn't being difficult!
This is exactly why I'm not getting a Doppler lol I would freak out if I couldn't find it, especially when last week at my scan they couldn't even see the baby through an external scan. I hope you find yours soon xxx
some people dont find he HB at home until around 12 - 14 weeks especially if the baby is in an awkward place or if you are not a skinny-mini.
I am happy to say that I am listening to it right now!! Picking it up slightly to the left up just a lightly above by c-section scar. It's difficult to hold the location as A slight movement looses the beat. Seem as those it's beats are 30 in 10 secs- so 180 a min! Seems quite high!!
Just like to say it's really really hard to locate the heartbeat. You can easily pick up all your different pulses and beats, but for the baby it's always in a specific spot and you have to get the right angle!x
I can find the swooshing and a slow beat which must be mine just no baby yet. I'm not trying till Sunday now again. X
Yeah the swooshing is you, and you'll find loads if places where you can hear yourself. But you will find a certain spot (which is tricky to hold into) where you heard a rapid strong beat. It is nothing like your own and when you hear it you will is gantlet notice the difference. I would say its a harder sound to your own heartbeat, but obviously not as loud. I am really please I found mine. Must mean my uterus gads flipped forward. Plus I sat in a little an angled the Doppler in such a way. Lost the sound for a few minutes though as I slightly moved- took me forever to find the beat again. Only downside now is that you end up worrying about the heartbeat itself. I know I'm not going to be as accurate as a computer, but I was counting 180 plus a minute and that seems very fast.x
I am happy to say that I am listening to it right now!! Picking it up slightly to the left up just a lightly above by c-section scar. It's difficult to hold the location as A slight movement looses the beat. Seem as those it's beats are 30 in 10 secs- so 180 a min! Seems quite high!!

Whenever I find baby's heartbeat it registers at between 170-180 bpm on the Doppler so really fast, everything has been perfect at our scans though and now 14 weeks tomorrow xx
I had a doppler with my son, but sold it last year and now wishing I hadn't, not sure if I'll get another.

Just had my booking in appointment with my midwife, she's not the same one as I had with Max but is really lovely and easy to talk to, which is great. After hearing about Max's birth she recommends a home birth for me and after chatting it through with her I am open to it so am going to do some reading on it. The only thing that will stop it is if the baby is too early, I need to be at least 37 weeks, Max was 37+1. Hopefully will get my scan date through in the next few days, can't wait! xxx
I had my booking appointment yesterday and got all excited when I saw a letter from the hospital come through the post hoping it was my scan date. But it wasn't :-( it was a appointment to see the anaesthetic clinic for in June as I have a hereditary back problem with my spin and I need to get checked out to see if I would be able to have a epidural if I wanted one.
Just want to wish luck to CoachQueenie who is having her 12 week scan today - cannot wait to see your pictures!!
Yay! Scan pics! Lovely Kathy :) you must be thrilled.

Thinking of Coach who should be back soon after her scan. Hope all went well x
Sorry to keep you all in suspense lol! Appointment was at 2.30 and they were running soooo behind! I didn't get out until 5!! Then straight back to work... Still working at the mo and hubby has gone home with the pics!

All is well but baby was being very naughty and decided curling up in a ball was a good idea so she wasn't happy with the measurements and has asked me back next thurs again for more! She has assured me nothing is wrong so excited to see peanut again in a week!! :D although with the measurements she got today it was still measuring big!! Average of 12+5 and one set of measurements was even 13weeks!! And I am 100% sure on my dates!!

Will update with a pic when I'm home! xxx
Brilliant news!! Cannot wait to see your pictures!! Looks like you could be a September Mummy now with me!!

So happy for you! :)
Ah so please your scan went well Queenie, can't wait to see pics :) xxx
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So pleased you had good scans Kathy and Queenie.

I have a Doppler, was able to pick in up with dd as soon as it arrived at 10 weeks. I have been trying to find it this time from 7 weeks and still can't find it. I'm over 9wks now so really hope I find it soon. Found it so reassuring last time. It is supposed to be harder it you are tall or overweight but i'm short and fairly slim.
Glad to hear yours went well CoachQueenie! Mine was this afternoon too and I'm now expecting in September and exactly 13weeks today.

Hubby bought me my first Subway in Months which I'd been craving for the past week or so and I can honestly say it was The Best Thing I've had to eat in Years!!! My reward for drinking copious amounts of fluid in order to see our naughty baby :)

Here's hoping you ladies are all starting to feel a lot better than you did these last few weeks!

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