October 2014 due dates

My dating scan come. It's 7th April. Ill be 13 weeks. Seems like forever away x
Ah that's great to have a date to look forward to Fun, I don't have mine yet and am getting really impatient.

Today I feel pretty rotten. I've suffered with nausea this pregnancy which is new to me as I didn't have any at all when I was pregnant with my son. But on the flip side I've also been eating for England! Last night I had a craving for chicken chow mein and curry sauce from the chinese, nothing else would do. It was lovely but I got into bed and started feeling really sick and next thing I know I had my head in the toilet for an hour. I was more gutted about losing dinner, but it also seems I will be getting my morning sickness in the evening/night!

How's you all doing? xxx
Ah that's great to have a date to look forward to Fun, I don't have mine yet and am getting really impatient.

Today I feel pretty rotten. I've suffered with nausea this pregnancy which is new to me as I didn't have any at all when I was pregnant with my son. But on the flip side I've also been eating for England! Last night I had a craving for chicken chow mein and curry sauce from the chinese, nothing else would do. It was lovely but I got into bed and started feeling really sick and next thing I know I had my head in the toilet for an hour. I was more gutted about losing dinner, but it also seems I will be getting my morning sickness in the evening/night!

How's you all doing? xxx

I chased my appointment up last week. I was 10 weeks and so impatient so my midwife gave me a number to call and they booked me in there and then on the phone, got the letter the next day! whoop it's next thursday and I can't wait. Will be so relieved to know everything is ok. I did ahve a scan at 7 weeks and there was a heartbeat so we're half way there!!!
My symptoms have been a bit rubbish really. I've only felt sick a few times, eating loads and loads, gone off vegetables and hot dinners really trying to eat lots of salads, tiredness is ridiculous and been weeing in the night between 3-6 times!! Hopefully it'll ease off soon. So glad I haven't had any sickness!!!
My symptoms have gone again lol. I'm not worried as they did last time that's why I had a scan and all was fine. A couple of days later I was nauseous again. I just have a naughty baby lol x
Hello, everyone! I am due on the 17th of October and have a scan booked for the 27th of March. Nice to meet you all :)
Hello everyone. Seems to be quiet in here. I'm still off work but managing well on my anti sickness tablets. Had to face a food shop today and it wasn't fun, I didn't even know what to buy! Got my scan on Monday, can't wait! I've already had 2 as booked a private one at 8 weeks and then had one in hosp last week. But it will be so nice to get the 12 week mark out the way :) xx
I was thinking it was quiet in here too! I am guessing we have all got our heads down wishing the weeks away till we get to Tri 2.They wont know whats hit them in Tri 2 when we get there, we are not going to stop posting things, from details about our lady bits to cm to sex! X
If anyone is like me I've been spending a lot of my time with my head down the toilet :mad:
Sorry for being AWOL!! I, like claire louise, have had my head down the toilet, and when it's not, my nausea is so awful I feel like I'll be running to put my head down the toilet haha!!

Just like TaffyRose, it's all new to me, last pregnancy with LM wasn't like this at all, just some sickness when I got hungry but no nausea at all. Who knew it could be so different?!

Hope everyone else is doing well. Again, don't mean to be ignorant, just feel super rubbish!! Xx
I'm just a moody cow at the moment and don't want to talk to anyone in RL. I'm tired and just constantly feel anxious that something has gone wrong even though I have no reason to think that. I only had nausea till 7weeks then it went so i'm grateful for that although it doesn't help the anxiety. Just really want 12weeks to come fast.
Just realised I have my dating scan the same day as you fun. I'll be exactly 12weeks.
Hey all, glad to hear people are doing well and I'm not the only one feeling queasy! (although obviously not happy to hear anyone is actually like this! :() I have just been working hard on uni related things and this is allowing the time to pass! I am 9+5 and have my booking appt on the 28th march and my scan on the 4th april. Not too far away now!
I sometimes feel like I am not pregnant as there are days when I don't feel pain at my breasts, and I worry about the little beans growth and development. I am also desperate to tell people although i will be good and wait until my scan :)

p.s nice to meet you too Hellogoodbye! welcome to the forum :) our scans are only a week apart! xx
I feel yuck. Like I feel all over bloated and can't stand my trousers clinging to my legs!! Ahhhh
Due 7th oct will know if that's definate at my 12 weeks scan nxt Friday xx
So sorry all you girls are feeling so bad.I have my 12 week scan next Tuesday and i am slightly anxious as i have had no symptoms what so ever, but i feel your pain ladies as i had terrible sickness with my other children.Just praying little bean is in there and doing well.There seems lots of scans coming up in the next few weeks, cant wait to see everyones pictures! Xx
Hi all! So basically we're all getting a bit fed up aren't we? I'm the same as a lot of you, I feel really tired and just when I think my nausea is going away it comes back and knocks me out.

Whose oh is helpful and understanding and whose isn't? Mine told me last night, after having a go at me because he's having a hard time at work, that I'm a grumpy moo because of the pregnancy. If he doesn't know grumpy my word he's going to find out!!!! And I'm frustrated because he's still refusing to discuss anything serious about the baby (like names for example, and agreeing on something is going to take aaaaaaaaages!).

Roxie my scan's a week on Friday as well, can't wait now... And I get to see my gynaecologist on Monday and fill in the forms that will make everything official.

Daisy when we think about it, tri 1's nearly finished in fact. We've already done a good quarter of the work :)
Just realised I have my dating scan the same day as you fun. I'll be exactly 12weeks.

Yay positive thinking that we're both going to post lovely photos of our babies. I'll be telling the world after my scan if everything is ok. It's killing me keeping quiet
My OH has been a star since I was in hospital, think he may have doubted how bad it was before that. He is back at work now but is helping a lot when he can. Excited for all the scans, thought we may have some this week xx

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