October 2014 due dates

Well I wasn't sick before bed last night so that was a bonus :) Still have nausea this morning but I've just had a ginger biscuit and that's helped a bit. I must admit my OH has been really good, he cooked minted lamb chops and lots of veg for dinner last night as he's concerned I'm not getting the right food where I'm being sick and I think that helped with no sickness before bed as it wasn't too heavy. He's also been really good at getting our 2 year old bathed and ready for bed because he knows I'm shattered.

I'm meeting with my midwife tomorrow and then will hopefully get my scan date, am getting very impatient now! I'm also struggling to remember what happened last time and a thought crept over me yesterday that maybe I should ring the hospital to arrange my scan, I guess I'll find out tomorrow.

I can't believe I'm approaching 10 weeks! I reckon things will really start to speed up after my scan which does scare me a bit.

We are staying team yellow this time but I have a sneaking suspicion that this little monkey is a girl. It's weird I knew from literally day one with Max I was carrying a boy, was absolutely 100% sure but this time it's so different and I'm torn although swaying towards girl. I really don't mind either way but have had to get my thinking cap on for girls names as we find them much more difficult than boys, we have our boys name, Theo Jack :) So far for girls I've come up with:

Alanna Rose,
Emilia Rose,
Florence Kate,
Esmay Rose,
Matilda Rose

I thought looking at names might take our mind off the sickness and the time dragging :) xxx
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TaffyRose its so strange but I have this feeling I'm having a girl aswell , never have there been a feeling of it being a boy. I'm just behind you at 9+1 days. Luckily I have both names sorted out ,its when twins come into play which both me and my OH have in our family that I will struggle with names.
I have no idea whether this bean is boy or girl and I dont mind either way. If a boy I think we'll call him Michael jack but absolutely no idea for a girl.
I think I'm having a boy. Purely because I want a girl so much lol. X
My mum always said she knew when she was pregnant with me she knew I would be a girl and then a boy with my brother. That must have been the reason why she let me pick a girls name when she was pregnant with my brother then because she knew she wouldn't need it! Lol :lol:
I'm feeling girl with this pg but I'm only basing that against how I felt in my last pregnancies. So it's not accurate at all and tbh I'm not bothered about the sex but I will be finding out so my son can know if he's getting a brother or sister. X
Be interesting to see if any of us are right :)

Well me and OH own our own business and he's sent me home today to rest. I must admit I am feeling pretty rough and little man is at the childminders so a couple of hours to myself (even if I am running around getting washing done, etc) is much appreciated.

Hope everyone else is having a good day xxx
I had my first midwife appointment this morning, its starting to feel even more real now. I just have to wait for my scan date now. I'm hoping it will be before Easter because that's when we was going to tell our parents by giving them a Easter card with the scan picture in it. :)
I really can't feel boy or girl yet. Maybe with my scan next week it'll all get more real.
I need bilingual names that work both in English and in French. Eek it's going to be a challenge! x
I think a boy this time,although i got both my previous pregnancies wrong so who knows!!!x
Hello all,

I have been a bit of radar the past couple of weeks - madly busy with work and the sickness and exhaustion taking what energy I have left!! Think I have turned a bit of a corner over the last few days sickness has eased and I am awake after 8.30pm!!

Had our 12 week scan today, date three days ahead of where I thought I was, so EDD is now 28th Septemeber.

How is everyone doing? Going to have a read though and a catch up with things.

Think Queenie has her 12 week scan tomorrow?! Good luck!! Cannot wait to see your picture!

IMG_0101.JPG Sucking tumb!!


Aww wonderful pics Kathy, your baby is due on my birthday :) x
Ah amazing pics Kathy, glad to hear all is well and you're feeling a bit better xxx
Great news Kathy.

Has anyone heard from TINKS recently? I haven't seen a post from her for ages. Hope everything's ok with her
Ahhh wow those are amazing pics!!! I love the thumb sucking one! So pleased for you Kathy :)

Sad that you are no longer an Oct mummy lol and jealous that you have skipped a few days from doing nothing lol u must be growing that little bean really well!!

Yup my scan today... Had the worst nights sleep, I'm doing a lot of worrying about it but not long to wait now! DH is very excited, he did a little dance in the kitchen last night lol!

Il update later and hopefully have some pics to share :) xxx
Lovely scan photos Kathy, so cute!Good luck with your scan Coachqueenie today you must be so excited! X
Any of you ladies brought a doppler ? I have and tried around 3 times and can't find a heartbeat. I told myself I won't worry myself as I've seen the heartbeat twice now. Had no problems since my last scan. And yet I'm worrying lol. Wish I never brought the bloody thing lol x

Good luck on any scans today xx
I have a Doppler and haven't been able to hear the heartbeat yet. But that may be because my Uterus is not in the right place at the moment. Maybe in a few weeks you'll be able to pick it up.x
How far gone are you? It's annoying as on my October fb group loads have found it and there less gone than me x

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