October 2014 due dates

Introducing my peanut!! I think that's a foot up by the head! Lol!


Aw fab MrsCee!! Do u have a pic to show us all?? xxx
Aw beautiful pic :) Makes me so excited for my scan, just need a date now! xxx
Lovely pic Queenie. Flexible baby (gymnast or ballerina?).
So glad scans went well for you girls, but please stop all moving on to September!
Thanks ladies :) haha yes mustard seems I have some sort of gymnast in there!

Haha aww pips! I haven't been officially moved to September yet, we will know for sure next week if baby decides to co-operate lol x
Shootingstar, good luck with the blood test. I'm just back from my monthly one and it was sore!!! AND the woman there told me I should be doing urine tests every month as well (what's up with all these tests in France?!). I'll need to ask my gynaecologist about that. Roll on next week, getting fed up with the annoying sides of pregnancy and want to get on with the positive ones such as cooing over scans for example.

I'm happy though because I'm going to my home town after work and I'm having dinner with a friend who's getting married soon, and I'm planning on telling her tonight. :)
I got pricked twice! Right arm is terrible for giving up blood!

Pips- do you live in France? I am about the only family member who isn't out there. Supposedly they give you a pelvic exam early on?
I had my first ever blood test on the 4th of March when I went for my first scan, my OH told the nurse he needed to come in with me because if he didn't I might murder someone lol. Over here they just take one blood test at the start and then when you visit the midwife they do the fingertip blood test for your glucose level. I'm so glad of that as I am petrified of needles and everyone looks at me strange as I have 4 tattoos lol. Is it weird that I totally forgot about my birthday yesterday because I can't wait until next thursday for my next scan? I was like mm why do I have so much post today and opened them to find birthday cards haha.
Great news Kathy.

Has anyone heard from TINKS recently? I haven't seen a post from her for ages. Hope everything's ok with her

Hi mrsgriff I'm still here and I'm ok thanks. I've just been lying low for a bit trying to get through these weeks until the 12wks scan. 9 more days for me (prefer to say 5 working days :) ) I can't complain really as haven't had it too bad, just praying everything is ok.

How u doing? 11 wks today, quite a milestone hey! Xx
Had a acan yesterday after some bleeding - still have 12 week scan on Monday. All is fine although baby not helpful in getting a good pic.
[/QUOTE]Hi mrsgriff I'm still here and I'm ok thanks. I've just been lying low for a bit trying to get through these weeks until the 12wks scan. 9 more days for me (prefer to say 5 working days :) ) I can't complain really as haven't had it too bad, just praying everything is ok.

How u doing? 11 wks today, quite a milestone hey! Xx[/QUOTE]

Glad everything is ok with you TINKS. I haven't had my scan date through yet but I can't wait.
Just want to be able to tell people now and get it out in the open.

I'm doing fine. Had a bit of nausea but nothing too bad at all. Will need to start buying some maternity clothes soon as belly looks huge and nothing is fitting any more.

Not long till tri 2 now!
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Glad your scan went well crazycat.

I am so happy today. I found my little seed's heartbeat on my Doppler this morning. I think it was about 162 beats per minute. Best sound ever. I even managed to find it again for DH to have a listen. It's his birthday today so that was great and we are going to tell his parents at his birthday meal tonight (we will ask our DD to tell them).
Yay, I've just had my scan date through the post. When I heard the postman I haven't moved so quick in ages lol. My scan is Wednesday 9th April. :)
Glad to hear baby's fine, CrazyCatLady!!

CoachQueenie, my husband would kill me haha

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