October 2014 due dates

I would like to recommend Emla cream for those with a needle phobia. I am terrified of needles and the thought of a blood test made me want to vomit! Luckily, my midwife prescribed me some Emla cream and two dressings to apply an hour before my appointment which numbed the area. I can honestly say that I did not feel a thing :)
Aw no lol he would be annoyed if you posted a scan pic? Boo to that! Lol aw well, I'm sure it's lovely :) x
Today is my last offical day in tri 1 - 13 weeks tomorrow! Starting to feel ridiculously real now :)
Just had my scan date through for the 1st April.

I'm quite upset as it's the only day my husband really can't make it as he has a very very important works meeting that was arranged months ago.

I'm hoping the hospital will rearrange it for me as I really want him there and he'd be so gutted if he missed it. Do you think they might?
I rearrange my scan for dd without any problem although that was almost 3yrs ago but hopefully they'll change it for you.
I got another letter through today with another scan date for in two weeks time. I think they have double booked me as saw midwife Tuesday and letter was dated wends so may have been an error. Can't get through to hospital to check either so will just got to my original appointment which is For Monday.
MrsGriff, it shouldn't be a problem. I had to have my 20week scan rearranged 3 times for the same reason after I was told there were no other slots available. I ended up with an 0830 slot. Perseverance is the key! Good luck!!

Wishing all you Lovely ladies happy and healthy pregnancies :) I'm off to Tri 2!
Bye and good luck to the girls leaving for tri2. See you soon.
Bye Mrs CEe
Good luck in Tri 2 and hopefully will be joining you there soon x
Congratulations Fun, we are nearly there.I am 12 weeks today!Got my scan tomorrow and am feeling really nervous as i have had no symptoms and just don't feel pregnant at all.x
Soon be in tri 2 and can't wait. I've convinced myself baby has lost it's fight but then I did before my last scan and all was well. Got a long 2 week wait before my dating scan on the 7th. Good look on your scan tomorrow and good look any scans today.

good luck for your scan steffy, mines at 10.30 i feel sick so nervous
Good luck to all those with scans today!! Mine still feels ages away on the 8th. Two weeks to go for me. Xx
A few of our scans seem to be In a day or 2 apart. Mine is on 9th April.

Hope everyone's goes well xxxxx
Good luck for all the scans today, can't wait to see pics :) xxx
good luck girls, looking forward to your updates later! Xxx

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