October 2014 due dates

Sorry your going through that. Can epu get you seen before your next scan? Huge hugs xx
Hey girls, how's everyone doing?

I'm still suffering with nausea on and off and today my boobs have been sore, otherwise nothing much to report. Just counting down until my midwife appointment (next Thursday) and looking forward to getting the letter with my scan date :) xxx
Hey taffyrose, I had to phone scan unit yesterday to chase my ultrasound as I was 10weeks on Wednesday and hadn't heard anything!! So scan date is now 27th march oh my god I'm so excited just a little worried about the combined test.
My boobs are very tender and tiredness is just ridiculous!! I'm up in the night for a wee average 3-6 times every night but haven't had any sickness !! Only feeling sick on occasions. So I guess my symptoms are a good sign that all is ok with my little prune!!!
Glad your ok!!
Hi everyone, sorry not around much. This nausea/sickness/tiredness is kicking my butt lol!! I do keep popping onto this thread to see how you're all getting on though. Still counting down to scan day on 8th April. It needs to hurry up!!

Hope all is well with you all xx
Same here. So tired I can't be bothered with anything. My nausea comes and goes as well, and oh very generously shared his stinking cold with me. I feel like crap!

BUT I've reached the 10 week mark, really happy, and two people at work looked at me this week and guessed! So I'm not just imagining I'm showing anymore. I'm just about to do a spot of online shopping for pregnancy clothes to celebrate :)

Hope you all have a restful weekend x
Had a cry today at work. Someone came in who just found out about me expecting and said out loud in front of customers congrats and all that and I overheard a couple of women saying how gross it is I'm pregnant due to my size. I'll be dead before baby is in it's teens and it will turn out fat just like me. Normally I brush off any weight comments but today I let it get to me. Why can people be so cruel. I know I'm going to find it hard and I swear after the birth I'm going to loose weight. I don't want to miss doing anything with my baby because of my size. And I'm not going to be feeding it crap! I'm a size 26 but why shouldn't I be a mummy just because of my size. I really felt like smacking her and prob would have if I wasn't at work lol. Really upset me.
Oh my goodness fun that's just disgusting! I'd have handed them some soap and told them to wash all that sh*t out of their foul mouths. But if they're so nasty they've clearly got issues of their own. Blame the tears on hormones and hold your head up high because you deserve to. x
That is awful fun. I hope they don't have children because if they fill their heads with that bigoted rubbish they are doing far more harm than you could possibly do your kids by being big.
My due date is 10th October (although knowing my luck it will come on 3rd October which is mine, my sisters and my great nephews birthday lol)
They must be really vile cows to make such horrible comments Fun. Please try not to let such nasty people make you feel bad. Some people just thrive on trying to make other feel crap.
You'll be a much better mum than they can ever be.
Thanks ladies. I'm fine now lol. Just upset me at the time. I know I'll make a great mummy and gonna think sod them in future xxx
Fun, who do they think they are saying something so horrible about another person. If they are mean enough to say such things then they are just vile human beings who aren't worth your tears and feelings. Bloody makes me mad when people comment on things they don't even know about.
Morning all. Hope you all had a nice weekend. I had flu about 2 weeks ago and now I feel like total rubbish again. Aching all over and sore throat with cold. Is anyone else picking up colds so easy. I'm finding it hard at the mo and just want to cry!
Sama you should go and have the flu jab. If you ask your gp they should still be able to give you one!!!
I'm out girls take care see you soon for longer i hope
Oh no I'm so sorry to hear that Eryinera :( thinking of you, take care of yourself x
So so sorry to read that. Take care of yourself. Huge hugs xxxx
So sorry to hear this Eryinera, sending lots of hugs, take care of yourself xxx

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