October 2014 due dates

I don't think it has to be fmu bethyboo, they will prob just be checking it for protein :) good luck!! x
Hi everyone, I'm due 27th October so currently 7 weeks with baby number 1 :-D

Found out three weeks ago and been lurking, decided to come out and say hello. Mostly suffering with complete exhaustion, big sore boobs and nausea when I open the fridge door. And heartburn if I so much as look at food!
Hmm I have another scan at the end of this month. I havnt yet seen a midwife. I'm waiting until after the scan. Is that ok ill be 9weeks by then I think. I just want to make sure I'm actually pregnant before wasting a midwifes time lol. Well I know I am coz I saw the yolk sac a few weeks ago. But I'm half convinced that when I go back they will say it's still a yolksac or something. I lost the last one at 7 weeks and this time I do feel very different but the nerves are a lot higher. I feel like I've been pregnant for years lol.
Hi everyone, just got home, scan went well this morning, I'm so happy! Saw heartbeat, is measuring just over 6 weeks so it's a few days behind what I thought. I burst into tears as soon as I saw it lol! Amazing, roll on 12 weeks! *touch wood* xx
Yay for the scan!

Bleugh for the constant feeling of travel sickness for me today!
Hi girls. Been in hospital for a few days, couldn't stop vomiting and hadn't passed urine for almost a day. Had a drip up and some iv meds, managed a urine sample and my ketones were 3+. I have been allowed home this afternoon, still feel shocking. On anti sickness tablets now and antibiotics as seems to have caused a uti aswell. Signed off work aswell :-( Feeling pretty useless as oh is having to have time off work to look after abi on the days she isn't at nursery. Hope everyone else is doing ok xx
Don't mean to interrupt but is there any reason the 12th and 11th are the wrong way around on the front page? haha
Oh steffy i'm sorry your having a rough time. That must be really hard with a toddler.

Pheonix don't get them to change that I like our threads little quirk. We can rewrite the calendar if we want.
I need to get to week nine because my ticker picture is giving me the creeps.
Bethyboo so glad the scan went well :) x

Steffy hope you feel better soon x

My scan is tomorrow at 4.15, I'm very anxious.. Please send positive bovines my way, will update when I'm home x

Edit: bovines :lol: vibes! X
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Hahaha sending you positive bovines as we speak febMum2Be!! Lol x
Woken with a terrible cold. Headache too. Trying not to move in bed as I feel sick too lol. Glad I've got a few days off work now x
Got dating scan on Wednesday - 1 week today!!
But based on LMP our due date is 1st October :) xxx
I had my early scan yesterday and saw the heartbeat it was so amazing to see it on the screen.
3 weeks till my next scan. It seems so long away and im really not expecting to see anything on there. I don't feel pregnant this time bar the huge boobs! I know I should see something but we are still calling it schrodingers baby at the mo lol. Can't wait to prod the box a bit more though.
Just found some blood in my knicks when i went to the loo. I had this at 7 weeks last time and the HB was lost at 7+3 It's gonna happen again isn't it :( Didn't wamt to prod the box this way :(
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