October 2014 due dates

I'm going to work soon but I will try and log on to make sure everything's ok fun x x x Best of luck and positive vibes your way!
Aww MrsCee everythings so similar for us!!

I have just survived a hen weekend and I have no idea how!! Being the only sober person is not fun! And rolling into bed at 4.30 seems impossible in my head so I don't know how I stayed awake, iv been up twice to wee since then! Total nightmare!

I have the wedding on the 29th and iv decided not to announce until after that, I don't want any attention taken off the bride but it's going to be so hard... I won't even tell my parents until after! Also my granny likes to tell me when iv put on weight so id like to tell her where to go if she mentions it too me! I'm so bloated! Oh and il add constipated to that list too... Makes me feel rotten! Sickness seems to have eased slightly tho which is a bonus!
Good luck today fun, keeping my fingers crossed for you xx
Sat in epu. Started spotting again. Just wish they would hurry.
Hope they don't keep you waiting too much longer Hun xxx
I literally can't stop refreshing this thread, hope everything's ok x
Well last night was painful for me.lost part of my bison before I went to bed. I recognised this as an aura which meant a migraine was on the way. However it did frighten me as the distorted thing in my eye was quite large and not the size I'm used to. Gone now, but clearly slept through the migraine as suffering after effects today. Pesky hormones.x
Been stalking this thread all day for news on Funs scan, fx everything went well but am a bit concerned as she hasn't updated yet.Hope everything is ok Fun! Xxx
Been stalking this thread all day for news on Funs scan, fx everything went well but am a bit concerned as she hasn't updated yet.Hope everything is ok Fun! Xxx

I've been checking all day aswell for news on Fun X
Oh no - still no news???! I'm going to try to stick to the mantra "no news is good news...."

Hope all is ok Fun xx
I'm so sorry been out all day lol

Good news. My bean still has a heartbeat. Measuring at 8+6 so only a few days out. No reason for the bleeding they say as they can't find anything. Little heart was flickering away and you could see it moving around.
Soooo happy. I really was thinking it would be bad news.
I'll post a pic ASAP Asti won't let me for some reason x
I'm so happy for you Fun xxx I've been checking all day to see how you got on :dance:
Yay Hun Oh congrats!!!! I'm so happy for you I really really am :) made my night! (Even better than the news I qualified for my quarterly bonus!)
Haha thanks ladies. In shock myself. Hubby had tears in his eyes lol.
And she managed to see it all on belly scan too which shocked me as all other scans been internal. I'm plus size so was shocked. Being naughty and looking at dopplers on eBay now lol x
Going to leave my ticker till 12 week scan and change if needed then x
Awww yay Fun!!! Sooo pleased to hear this news. Bet you feel on top of the world today :D xx

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