October 2014 due dates

hey ladies, just thought id check in. hope you're all ok. I'm not doing too bad with eating, although last week i wanted curry for breakfast on numerous occasions (and i wasn't on nights, unlike this next week!). My trouble is being bothered to eat...if its cooked already of put in front of me, ill eat it...but otherwise i have to force myself to eat, otherwise i feel sick. not only that i feel so full after what id normally eat. I've already got maternity trousers at work as my work trousers are just too uncomfortable.

anyways, hope everyone is feeling ok and those who have scans, good luck, thinking of you all :) heres to another week! lets hope its better than last for most! anyone heard how MrsT and Cosmo are? Thought of them all weekend. xxx
Hi ladies. Its lovely to see all the scan pics! I absolutely Cannot wait for mine and have been toying with the idea of suggesting a private scan to hubby.

I had an awful time with food in the last 2 weeks when my morning sickness was constant. Its easing up now but I keep feeling strange about the thought of certain foods. Hubby's been wonderful and done most of the cooking.

Hope everyone's doing well.
Ps has anyone started taking multivitamins along with their folic acid?
Hi Ladies, I've been exactly the same with food and the thought of cooking. Thankfully my sickness had let up these last few days, was constant weeks 6-8. I had a scan the other day at epu as had a little bleed. They couldn't find anything wrong and bubba was happily zipping around. I attach a pic....this is at 8 weeks exactly :)

Aww lovely photo Hun.

I'm not feeling it today. Feeling sicky and got work all day. Gonna be a long day lol. Xx
Lovely photo Smithy! Hope you feeling better soon Fun and the day doesn't drag to much.I have a really short day at work today as will be in late this morning due to my scan and its my early finish today as its my day to pick daughter up from school! X
Good morning ladies. Hope everyone is feeling OK today.

I have my early scan (7+3) this afternoon and I am so so worried that they won't find a heartbeat. Please can everyone keep their fingers crossed for me.

Liz xxx
Good luck with your scans Daisy and MrsGiff :) post pics! Hope you feel better soon too Daisy xx
Good luck with your scans girls, be keeping everything crossed for you xxx
Best of luck for those scans today!! Can't wait to hear the good news later xx
Good luck for the scans girls, everything crossed xx
Good luck. I'll be checking in for updates xx
I am back from scan and all went well,bit disappointed with my photo as baba is still a blob and was hoping for a little more definition, but all in all very happy. Now to count down till my 12 week one! Hope everyone else's scans have gone well too! Xx
Fantastic news Daisy!! Sorry about the picture, but at least it gives you something to look forward to at the 12 week scan!! Xx
Your scans all sound so exciting! I'm seeing the doctor after work this evening to tell them the good news and for them to arrange my early scan. Do you know how this happens, will I receive a letter with an appointment?
How exciting glad all went well daisy :) xx

Bethyboo...you usually get your scan date at your booking in appointment around 8 weeks x
Great that scan went well daisy, hope everything went well with the other scans today.
Congrats Daisy on your scan. Great news!

I had my scan this afternoon and all went very well. We got to see a very strong heartbeat flickering away which was just magical. Lovely pics as well. Showed then to my MIL who teared up a bit as she's so chuffed. It will be her 1st grandchild.

Hope everyone else is having a lovely day!
Congrats mrsgriff, lovely that your MIL is so excited.

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