October 2014 due dates

I didn't have any sickness with my first Hun- maybe just travel sickness. This time round I am not sick yet (but it's early still), but boy do my boobies hurt!

Try bit to worry about symptoms. Relax as much as possible.x

Had a wonderful scan, little one behaved and we acctually saw some small movements. Dated spot on today at 8 + 3 weeks.

Not sure what other people experience of private scans have been, we got some lovely printed pictures, a printed sheet with all our information and measurements on and a DVD with a recording of our whole scan on it! Really happy.
Hi Caroline, i am nearly 8 weeks and have had no sickness at all , very slight nausea occasionally but that's it.I was very sick when i was pregnant with my other 2 but they say every pregnancy is different, you might get lucky like me and get away without it! X
Oh my gosh Kathy your scan is amazing!! I cant believe its so detailed for 8 weeks, congratulations! Xx
I know Daisy, I am so pleased with it. It was a lovely place that we went to, think their machines must be quite good images are amazing quality.
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That is a gorgeous scan pic Kathy. Wish I could get an early one, 12weeks does seem miles away. I don't think I've really accepted i'm pregnant yet. I feel rubbish but that is from a cold not pregnancy sx and I keep just forgetting about it. I know with DD I thought about her every second from bfp. Hope it starts feeling more real soon. I'm sure it will when we tell other people.
Lovely scan Kathy!!! Exciting to think that my peanut should be similar to yours :) I won't be getting a scan until 12 weeks tho! xxx
tried uploading but won't work :-( xx
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Sometimes you have to reduce the size to get it to upload…. I am happy to give it a try for you if you want?
Lovely, Kathy! Congratulations!
Thanks ShootingStar11 and Daisyboo :) it's reassuring that I am able to speak to others about this! It is all very new to me (and quite a surprise when I found out last Tuesday evening!) xx
Wow Kathy!! Fantastic photo!! Oooh, gets me all excited xx
I will try when I get home otherwise I'll pm you it Kathy! thank you xx
Wow that's a great photo Kathy for 8 weeks. Congrats x
Great scan pic Kathy! And encouraging in these weeks that tend to drag.

Daisy, when will you tell your dd? X
Amazing scan pic Kathy, am so pleased all is well. Makes me very excited for my scan, only anothe 6 weeks to wait! Xxx
I am due with baby number 3 on October 27th... based on conception date.
I am really excited especially as this little bean was a surprise! :wave:

Here is one of the photos, the black area next to the sac is the bleed measuring 2.3 x 1.3 cm. Has anyone any experience with anything like this?

And here is baby :)

steffy what lovely pictures - how was the scan itself? Where did you go to get it done? I think signs of bleeding are very common in early scans - little baby seems healthy so that is the most reassuring thing!
Scan was lovely, she found baby right away so that was nice! no tense moments. we went to our local kiddicare, they have a babybond scanning place in there :) regarding the bleed she said i need to ring my local EPU or midwife for another scan if I have any blood loss, but didn't seem overly concerned. I suppose at least if I do bleed I most likely know what the cause is. Just wondering if my body will absorb it again or if it's going to be there the whole time and I'm not going anywhere near google, haha xx

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