October 2014 due dates

Hi guys, I'm Claire my due date is 22nd October (my grandads birthday :) ) . Hopefully this pregnancy will work out, I lost one last October. ( around the same date as my currant one is due )

So hopefully this October will be better than the last one x
Hi guys, I'm Claire my due date is 22nd October (my grandads birthday :) ) . Hopefully this pregnancy will work out, I lost one last October. ( around the same date as my currant one is due )

So hopefully this October will be better than the last one x

Aww you're due a week before me:) Congrats xx
Hello Claire and welcome! Hope you are feeling well x
Hi Kathy, I have been feeling well but ever since Friday night I have been suffering with sickness. I think I've got it under control now I've bought sea bands for the sickness and so far so good, I've just got to hide them from my workmates tomorrow lol .
I got the sea bands too Claire Louise and they are working wonders so far (fingers crossed) highly recommend them! I'm actually feeling human for the first time in 2 weeks! x
Scan was lovely, she found baby right away so that was nice! no tense moments. we went to our local kiddicare, they have a babybond scanning place in there :) regarding the bleed she said i need to ring my local EPU or midwife for another scan if I have any blood loss, but didn't seem overly concerned. I suppose at least if I do bleed I most likely know what the cause is. Just wondering if my body will absorb it again or if it's going to be there the whole time and I'm not going anywhere near google, haha xx

I had a blood clot found at an early scan at 7 weeks, due to a small bleed. Not had anything since though and now 9+4wks. Got my private scan on Tuesday, so I will kept you know if it's gone down. I think usually by 12 weeks they are gone xx
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No matter how many times your pregnant, you worry just as much and im just as knackered as first time around. Oh how I wish I could hibernate for a few weeks at a time!
Welcome to the new ladies and hope everyone is doing ok?Is anyone else getting really fussy about what they want to eat?I can normally eat just about anything , i sometimes say i could eat a scabby man and his horse!but these last few days i just don't really fancy anything, think i am driving my oh mad as he does most the cooking and i am being a real pain!Got my 8 week scan in the morning, excited!!:dance:
Welcome to the new ladies and hope everyone is doing ok?Is anyone else getting really fussy about what they want to eat?I can normally eat just about anything , i sometimes say i could eat a scabby man and his horse!but these last few days i just don't really fancy anything, think i am driving my oh mad as he does most the cooking and i am being a real pain!Got my 8 week scan in the morning, excited!!:dance:

Me!!! My hubby is a chef and is getting fed up already because I only want bland things like chicken and iced fingers lol :wall2:
Scan was lovely, she found baby right away so that was nice! no tense moments. we went to our local kiddicare, they have a babybond scanning place in there :) regarding the bleed she said i need to ring my local EPU or midwife for another scan if I have any blood loss, but didn't seem overly concerned. I suppose at least if I do bleed I most likely know what the cause is. Just wondering if my body will absorb it again or if it's going to be there the whole time and I'm not going anywhere near google, haha xx

I had a blood clot found at an early scan at 7 weeks, due to a small bleed. Not had anything since though and now 9+4wks. Got my private scan on Tuesday, so I will kept you know if it's gone down. I think usually by 12 weeks they are gone xx

Brill thanks xx
Welcome to the new ladies and hope everyone is doing ok?Is anyone else getting really fussy about what they want to eat?I can normally eat just about anything , i sometimes say i could eat a scabby man and his horse!but these last few days i just don't really fancy anything, think i am driving my oh mad as he does most the cooking and i am being a real pain!Got my 8 week scan in the morning, excited!!:dance:

I don't fancy much to eat either and that's never an issue with me, to make things worse I work in a food shop and foods around me everywhere and don't get me started doing the food shop god only knows what I'm gunna put in my trolley tomorrow when I do my weekly shop :wall2:
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Glad it not just me and i have just read him your replies to prove its not just me being difficult! Oh is making Chinese, i am having jacket potato with cheese! X
Glad it not just me and i have just read him your replies to prove its not just me being difficult! Oh is making Chinese, i am having jacket potato with cheese! X

Hubby made a chinese the other day and spent hours making char sui pork... when i got it i literally felt sick and could only pick out the noodles lol. He was NOT impressed!
I have a similar issue with food. I can't think about it, can't think what to cook or put a meal together. I couldn't stand the thought of cooking veg so we went to a Toby carvery last night :) and had a Chinese tonight! realli need to try and cook as OH can't! xx
Glad it not just me and i have just read him your replies to prove its not just me being difficult! Oh is making Chinese, i am having jacket potato with cheese! X

Hubby made a chinese the other day and spent hours making char sui pork... when i got it i literally felt sick and could only pick out the noodles lol. He was NOT impressed!
Ha ha ha i bet he wasn't!! X
I'm exactly the same not coz it makes me feel sick but hot proper dinners just don't appeal to me anymore. I would rather have a jacket spud with salad or pasta!! Cooked a roast today and only really ate the chicken and potatoes. I forced some veg but gave the rest to the dog. For me not to eat a Sunday roast is very strange lol!

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