October 2014 due dates

Ah thats lovely daisyboo!!!

Glad to see everyone elses scans are going well. Still waiting for my dating scan to come through, will be 8 weeks tomorrow and midwife sent request off about 10 days ago now! Got my first appointment with her saturday, really can't wait!!
Aww lovely pic Sally, so glad all is well with baby. I think the early scans are so much clearer as an internal one anyway. Can't wait for mine now xx
Ahh daisyboo that's a lovely reaction, it's made me well up. Will post again when I get home from work as have watery eyes now, hormones hey! xx
what a lovely reaction daisy!
anyone else so tired? I don't remember this from last time but I only seem to be able to stay awake for a few hours and then feel like I need to nod off. xx
Amazing to see the scan pics - all so lovely!! Makes it feel so real - rather than just feeling fat, bloated and tired!!
what a lovely reaction daisy!
anyone else so tired? I don't remember this from last time but I only seem to be able to stay awake for a few hours and then feel like I need to nod off. xx

I am tired all the time! Apart from the mornings!! 3pm ish I feel like falling asleep at my desk. Then from 7:30pm I'm falling asleep on sofa! I'm struggling keeping my eyes open now!
Steffy, the tiredness is so bad for me this time round. I was never this bad last time! I look like death all the time. Yesterday in work, a colleague who doesn't know I'm pregnant asked me if the LM had kept me up all night at all. I'd gone to bed at 8.45 and woken up to get ready for work at 6!! So plenty of sleep had lol. Shows I look how I'm feeling lol!!
Glad the scans are going well I have an earlyvscan on the 11th I can't wait. I'm feeling quite tired and have sore boobs apart from that im feeling great x
Today has been the first day in over a couple of weeks that I've felt human, I better not get too used to feeling like this I'm sure it won't last for long lol. :)
I had my booking in appt today and was there for 2 1/2 hours! Right over lunch! I was starved! Exciting though, makes it all the more real x
Just found out today I'm pregnant :) We think our due date is 17th Oct, if you'd like to put me down for that :)
8 weeks today. Very happy I've got this far still. Hopefully booking a scan for next Saturday x
Welcome to the new mummies and congratulations Fun on the 8 week milestone!!Is it just me or is tri 1 going unexpectedly fast!! X
No I wish it went faster. Just want to know my bean still doing ok. If I could sleep through till the birth I would lol x
I'm 8+2 today and have my booking in appointment with midwife tomorrow and can't wait to get the ball rolling!! I'm like you fun, just want to know my bean is still ok! And think everything is still going slow. Think once I have my proper scan it will definately be on go slow!
I've got the worst headache ever today, had it for 2 days and it's sooooo annoying!!!!
Got my booking in appointment on tues :) and got scan letter through the post today, it is on 24th march. I'm off work sick today, had awful stomach cramps last night and feeling sick. the pain has gone off today just the nausea is awful. it hit about 8 weeks last time so think that is what's wrong. hope everyone else is doing well xx
Snap Steffy, i have my 12 week scan that day too! X

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