October 2014 due dates

Tiredness is killing me!! Feels like I could sleep for a week, but never mind. Food hasn't bothered me overly much so far, but still early days for me. Really fancied a piece of chocolate cake before - so I made a whole cake lol!! Oh dear! Still don't actually feel pregnant though :-/ I'm sure I'll regret saying that when the sickness kicks in!

Hope you've all got lovely plans for the weekend :)
Hi all just thought I'd update you all had some bleeding last night and this morning was very worried so went to docs and got a early scan booked went this afternoon and was able to see babies heartbeat was amazing! Fingers crossed no more bleeding hope everyone has a nice weekend xx
Well today i had my first blood test for toxoplasmosis, and I made the most of it to ask for my hcg levels. I got my results tonight and I got 69000 (against 300 at 15dpo) so that's great! I want to tell my dd about the baby for her birthday tomo and now I feel really confident to do so :)
Hope you're all well x
Pleased for your good news Bellac2 and Pips.

How far along did they think you are Bellac?
They said 5 weeks 4days and said it was very lucky we could see the heart beat at that stage! Think I went a little overboard on the water was in agony and felt like my bladder was about to burst!! X
I was the same with my scan - when the sonographer pushed the probe on my bladder I was close to having an accident!

Wonderful news on your scan!!
Morning everyone - lovley sunny morning here today, had a fabulous sleep and feel quite refreshed!! How is everyone else doing today?

I have decided to keep my private scan today; as I found my EPAU scan a bit stressful and found out my unit does not give out scans so now it all feels a bit like a dream… so OH and I are going for 12.30 - baby's are expensive little things so might as well get used to spending extra!! :lol:
Good luck Kathy! we have our scan at 15.20! feeling a bit nervous! xx
Good luck for scans today!! Since I'm not having an early one, mine seems ages away lol!! Xx
So exciting steffy - post some pictures later and we can compare our little blobs!

Do you know when your dating scan is gemmylou?
Good luck for your scans today :) Like Gemmylou my 1st scan will be the 12 week so it feels like forever.

Hi to all the new October mummies :)

Like most of you the tiredness has kicked in, all I wanted to do in work yesterday was curl up and go to sleep! Other than that I'm feeling pretty good, a bit sick if I let myself get hungry but that's about it.

We told my in laws last night, my MIL's face was a picture, telling my parents this weekend :) xxx
Morning ladies. Good luck with scans this weekend.

Is anyone struggling to eat? I am not being sick but I have this constant feeling of being full and like a knotted feeling in my stomach sort of between my ribs. When I eat meals I can't eat as much as normal and I'm getting full really quickly. I never know what to eat and what I fancy. Last night we were going to have omelette but then I wanted chips and curry sauce, so ended up sending hubby to fish & chip shop for chips, battered sausage and we made Chinese curry sauces. How bad is that! I need ideas for tonight's tea as really don't know what to have that I'm going to enjoy let alone stomach. Any ideas??? Xx
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Tinks I'm gagging at the thought of certain foods, pasta is my all time fav food and the thought of eating it is making me want to be sick.. I ate a KFC burger yesterday and it was amazing lol but def not as hungry as I was x
Me too FebMum, I can't even look at some food as it makes me feel funny. But when I actually eat some things they taste sooo good, usually naughty things thou. Least it's staying down atm I guess.
Mine's 8th April Kathy - just seems ages away as we're still in Feb and March is such a long month haha!!

I need to stop wishing time away though, it will happen soon enough.
My scan's at 12 weeks as well, on the 28th March. Can't wait for Feb to end now.

I'm feeling a bit icky too. Not looking forward to taking the plane tomo...

And I told my daughter we're having a baby this morning. She's 8. She really didn't jump around as we'd hoped she would, she just said it felt weird. I hope she's ok about it on the long run x
Hi girls, loads of luck for all of you having scans today how exciting! I have another scan on Monday when i will be 8 weeks, not really sure why they want me to have another after my 6 week scan but i am more than happy to get another peek at baby!
Hi Pips i have a son who is 17 and my daughter is nearly 8 but its my daughter i am most worried about telling!I really dont know how she will take it and as we will be team yellow if we end up having a boy i think she will flip!!Lol
hey :) scan went well. measuring 7 plus 5 but will leave ticker until 12 week scan and see what they say. heartbeat present. small bleed next to gestation sac but she said nothin to worry about. will post pic when home x
Hi everyone!
Wishing you all the best of luck with scans. Booked GP appt for monday and hopefully i'll get a scan appt in April (I think im only about 6 weeks). Hope it is an exciting time for you all :)

I have a question about symptoms please: right now im feeling queasy at times and my breasts hurt. I haven't had any spotting or sickness. I hope its not stupid to ask this, but is it normal not to have morning sickness? I would have thought the hCG would make me sick but if not it could be that my levels are low? and when do most people start having morning sickness? I'm sorry I just don't have a clue! xx

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