October 2014 due dates

What a relief for you Kathy I've been thinking about you....!!! Got mine this morning so fingers crossed xxx
Fantastic news Kathy!!

Good luck this morning Mali!

And welcome to the new October mummies :)
Sat waiting for my early 6 weeks scan after my bleed on Monday. So nervous. Hope you're ok too Mali. Xxx
(((huge hugs Cosmo)))

Fun and Kathy, so relieved for you! And good on you for holding strong.

Fx mali and pumpkinpie. Thinking of you this morning...

Phew, October mummies! It's intense!
How's everybody else doing? I'm really tired and started getting headaches but otherwise generally ok. Some weird thing did happen to me this week though, all of a sudden i completely went off coffee. I'd really cut down since my bfp anyway, but I really can't function in the morning without my cup of coffee and all of a sudden I can't drink it anymore, it makes me feel sick. Even the smell of it... So I'm just a walking zombie in the morning now. Oh dear x
Hope the ladies having scans today are getting on ok, thinking of you all.

I just had my doctors appointment and what a complete waste of my time! She couldn't find the right form so said she would dictate a referral letter to the midwife, who would then call me for a booking in appointment and that was it! Honestly and they wonder why GP's are so busy, someone could have done that over the phone! Oh well now I need to wait to hear from the midwife, from memory I think they do the booking in appointment at about 8-9 weeks, then it'll be the scan! :)

Otherwise feeling fine although I am finding I start to feel nauseas if I let myself get hungry.

Hope everyone else is ok xxx
So I had my scan this morning....the sonographer couldn't find anything in the sac with the normal ultrasound so had to have an internal scan....and bingo....she found a heartbeat straight away :) I'm 5w6d. All was normal. she noted a collapsing corpus luteum in the right ovary but apparently thats where I've ovulated from and it should be gone by 12 weeks.

Fingers crossed Mali is oK. :)



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Ah I'm so pleased for you Pumkin :) Amazing to be able to see the baby even that early on!

Glad all went well pumpkinpie! I didn't have to have internal in the end, they found my little bean with a very strong heartbeat on an external scan. Feeling very very happy. Think I may have overdone it last week so going to take it easy from now on......

Roll on the dating scan now xxx
Great news on your scans pumpkin pie and mali xx
Oh Mali that is great news hun, am so pleased all is well :) xxx
Congrats Pumpkin Pie and Mali. Hopefully you can both relax a bit more now. I can't wait to see my baby's heartbeat!

Tinks, good luck for your scan tomorrow!

Not much to report from me. Been so exhausted the last couple of days. - just like I was in the first couple of weeks. Can barely keep my eyes open. Not surprising as have had to get up several times in the night for a wee and been having very weird, vivid dreams. Feeling a bit queasy on and off throughout the day but nothing major. Was OK all day yesterday until tea time when I put some Parmesan on my spag bol and had to spit it out as it tasted like feet. Felt nauseos for a couple of hours afterwards which is strange as I normally love the stuff!
Hi all new to this got my bfp last week and my
Due date is 19th October very excited xxx
For anyone who remembers me making this thread last month and then miscarrying, proud to say I'm back and I'm expecting a November baby! My due date and everything is exactly 1 month after, hoping to god that I stay pregnant this time but I'm not going to make the November thread, just going to wait for someone else to do that this time!
Glad both your scans went well, got my early.scan Tuesday as starting to feel nervous
Do you have a date for your 12 week scan yet Kanga? xxx

No not yet, I wont get one for another 2 weeks yet, I think. Midwife is on monday and then a letter should arrive around a week later going by my mmc and harrys pregnancy. xx
Hi all just a quick update as I am emotionally drained today.

Had our early scan today & little bubba (well little bean) is all fine, saw the little heart beat flickering it was amazing! Best early birthday pressent ever! (bday isn't till next Fri) . I also found out that my good friend is 10wks pregnant with her 2nd, so we can go through the journey together as well as the babies being the same age. So all in all its been a great day, very happy right now. Xx
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Its so good to read happy news on her i'm so pleased all the scans today and yesterday went well. October mummies are on the up.

I'm struggling with a heavy cold at the moment, wish I could dose up on meds but never mind. Counting myself very lucky not to have all the stress so many of you have had.
Do you have a date for your 12 week scan yet Kanga? xxx

No not yet, I wont get one for another 2 weeks yet, I think. Midwife is on monday and then a letter should arrive around a week later going by my mmc and harrys pregnancy. xx

Won't be long :) I'm so impatient to get to the 12 week scan and then no doubt time will start flying by and I'll want it to slow down as I have so much to do! :) xxx

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