October 2014 due dates

Ah Tinks, I'm so pleased all is well :)

Like Mustard says it's great to hear good news from the recent scans, these October little monkeys will hopefully start behaving themselves :) xxx
For anyone who remembers me making this thread last month and then miscarrying, proud to say I'm back and I'm expecting a November baby! My due date and everything is exactly 1 month after, hoping to god that I stay pregnant this time but I'm not going to make the November thread, just going to wait for someone else to do that this time!

Congrats babyphoenix and welcome back! Hope everything goes well for you x
Congrats tinks!! X so glad for all the great news today. Fingers crossed for anyone else having scans or problems this week.

Loads of love xxx
Hi All!
My name is Caroline and I have just joined this tonight.
My period was over a week late and I felt strange so I thought I'd check it on Tuesday evening and it was a shock to discover I was pregnant! Although not planned it is such a blessing to us and I am looking forward to the journey. Probably due around mid-october (I suspect i'm about 5 1/2, 6 weeks pregnant, so my due date would be around 15th oct). Because I didn't know until now I have only just started taking folic acid supplements which is a bit worrying but I can't so anything about it now but hope that the folic acid I am taking now will help. As I am a newbie I would appreciate any advice given!

Wishing everyone a very safe and happy pregnancy! xx
Do you have a date for your 12 week scan yet Kanga? xxx

No not yet, I wont get one for another 2 weeks yet, I think. Midwife is on monday and then a letter should arrive around a week later going by my mmc and harrys pregnancy. xx

Won't be long :) I'm so impatient to get to the 12 week scan and then no doubt time will start flying by and I'll want it to slow down as I have so much to do! :) xxx

No not too long, but we have a private scan booked for tuesday evening at first view imaging again like with harry, I can't wait to see if all is ok still especially after all the bad news in sept mummies today :( xx
:hug: Mrst and Cosmo xx

My EDD is 10th October.. 7 weeks tomorrow and feeling a bit anxious as that's when I started miscarrying last time. X
Big hugs MrsT and cosmo - so sorry to hear your news.

Hugs to all October ladies feeling worried and nauseous - so annoying that the time we feel the worst we can't tell anyone!

My scan this week went well - measuring 7+5 and saw a heartbeat. Very relieved.
Hello everyone!!

Got my bfp yesterday after such a long wait! Just dropping in to say hiiii! I'm so excited, but scared too... Due 29th October :) :) :)

FF says I'm 4+2 today, so very early days! Need to book in with the gp as I need an early scan as lost my right tube in October 2012. Eeeeekk I can't believe this is happening! xx
Congrats to the new ladies with their bfp. I'm 7 weeks today. 2 more weeks and I'm doing a private scan to see if my bean still has a heartbeat..... You worry that there's no heartbeat then just worry if it's still there lol xx
You're so right fun lol and then you find something else to worry about too. X

Congratulations for all of the new bfps :love: xx
Welcome to all the newbies! I just went shopping and the thought of food and trying to buy things to put meals together just made me want to be sick! think I'll be buying online for a few weeks! private scan tomo afternoon, getting very nervous xx
i have a private scan booked too for next Sunday. I should be 8+2 by then. so nervous! x
Yay me too mrsgriff, it's great when ur ticker changes isn't it. Xx
Welcome to all the new October mummies!!

I'm the same steffy I was in Asda yesterday and just looking at all the food made me feel so so ill, poor hubby has been put on cooking duties! I'm feeling so tired today, this is deff the worst I've been!

And I was sick again this morning... The first time I managed to get to a toilet tho lol yay for that!! x
Kathy, can I change my date to the 17th as I'm pretty sure free my scan, I'm a day later. X
Due dates all updated - please check though ladies, don't want to miss anyone!!

Huge congratulations to babyphoenix!! So pleased for you!

How is everyone else doing today - I am shattered!! So glad it is Friday! I total agree with the ladies who are finding food a challenge - I am eating ok, though have become really fussy and find cooking food difficult! Husband has been on cooking duty alot the last week!!
I just don't want anything that takes much prep, so found we havent had veg for nearly a week! so after our scan tomo we are going to go for a carvery so that at least I've had some goodness. wedges and beans are a hit and chicken rolls but it has to be granary bread! tiredness is becoming as issue as I'm trying to look after abi aswell, but today she has been at nursery and I've booked annual leave so had a day to catch up with jobs and get a bit of rest :) xx
I had a half day today, so house is actually a little tidier - I am usually quite house proud but over the last few weeks I have been so exhausted the mess has piled up!! Also, I have got a lovely home made chilli in the oven bubbling away. OH will fall over with shock when he gets home been so useless the last few weeks!! lol!!

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