October 2014 due dates

What awful news cosmo and mrsT i'm so sorry.

Fun i'm so pleased things went well for you.
Good evening ladies - wonderful news Fun, I am so glad you scan went well. I had a tiny bit of spotting today so spoke to EPAU and have a scan book for 14.30 tomorrow, so fingers crossed.

I hope everyone else is doing ok - huge hugs to Cosmo and again to MrsT.
I'm so sorry Cosmo & mrst, this journey is hard enough without having to go through this as well :hugs:

Fun I'm glad everything went well.

Hope everyone else is ok today.

I apologisee now for my moan I'm about to do.

Just before I left work I heard my manager on the phone to her dr & I heard her say "im concerned for the pregnant ladies in my office", so I waited around until she finished. She asked me if I have had chicken pox, I said I think so why. She said she thinks she has shingles as has all the symptoms, but it's ok as I've had chicken pox. I thought to myself WTF!!! She's known all day without saying a word to us and she came in not even knowing if we've had chicken pox! How utterly irresponsible and selfish!!!' she knows what I've been through to get to this point and she was quite happy to jepodise it! I spoke to receptionist at dr's who told me to phone hospital as my clinic wasn't open, I phoned epu who confirmed it is fine if I've had chkn pox but dr's can do blood test to check I'm immune if I'm worried. I have booked in for blood test tomorrow, but don't know if I'm just being irrational and silly??
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Oh Cosmo and MrsT, I'm so incredibly sorry to read your updates :( Sending you both lots of love and take care of yourselves!

Fun, that's wonderful news, and I bet you feel really reassured too.

Kathy, hope all goes well with your scan this afternoon.

Well, not much to update my end. Still got a huge, bloated water bump. It's so big I've had to tell my boss so that she could order me a bigger uniform to hide it!! I had the same thing last pregnancy too haha. Joys!!

Hope everyone else is ok? Xx
Sending huge hugs to Cosmo and MrsT, I'm so sorry.

Kathy I'll be thinking of you today, good luck with your scan.

Mali - I think I remember you saying you were also having a scan today? If so lots of luck hun, sending lots of positive vibes to you both.

Like Gemmylou, not much really to report from me, quite bloated by the evening and feeling absolutely exhausted but otherwise nothing really. Although I did notice my nipples are very sore in the shower this morning, not my boobs, just the nipples, which I think I remember from last time too. Just getting impatient to get my scan date now, I have to see the doctor tomorrow and will then get a booking in app with my midwife and then finally get my scan date.

Sending lots of love and luck to all who need it, I'll be thinking of you today xxxxx
Thanks TaffyRose I have my scan tomorrow morning, haven't had anymore bleeding or cramps which is good. Maybe I just overdid it last week.... Will feel a whole lot better once I've had my scan!
So so sorry for you losses Cosmo and MrsT, thinking of you at this hard time!

Good luck today Kathy! Can't wait to hear how everything goes!

Finally got my booking in appointment date for this Monday, I'm excited to get the ball rolling! Then hopefully the scan date will come through soon after that! Feeling quite nauseous all day every day but iv only been sick once.

Hope everyone is keeping well xxx
I'm new to this section and I just want to say how sorry I am to read about the losses it must be so difficult for you ladies.

I would like to join you in here I've had a frozen embryo transfer this month from our last IVF cycle in the summer and I'm so pleased to say that I got a BFP on sat. I've waited until today to post in here as today is my OTD and I didn't want to jinx anything.
Me and oh are so pleased as we have been TTC for such a long time and we are just so grateful to be at this stage.
I have had the odd symptom such as slight twinges and sore boobs but apart from those I feel amazing and I'm looking forward to joining you all over the next coming months as we share our pregnancy journeys together.
I have an early scan booked for 11th march at the fertility clinc I've calculated my due date as 30.10.14
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Sorry for your news Cosmo and mrst

Had my midwife appointment yesterday lots of things to
Fill out and send off. Got another appointment
On the 4th my midwife seams lovely so I'm happy was worried
She would stick her nose up even tho I'm 25 I feel like
People think I'm young.
Got my blood tests next time and I need to take in a urine sample fun times :)
Told my boss today she was shocked but I'm glad that's another thing out the way and I got
The day off for my midwife appointment which is good news :) x
Please can I join this thread? My due date is 15th October.
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Hi Ladies, just thought Id reply in response to all the rubbishness that seems to be going on for us October babies!

Fun - glad things seem to be going better now.

Mrs T and Cosmo - Im so sorry to hear of your terrible news! I am thinking of you both and hope you're not doing too badly. big hugs.

Mali - Im with you on the scan tomorrow morning, Im due in at the EPU at 0930hrs (I had a bleed on Monday but stopped since).

Kathy - how have you got on...any more bleeding? have you got a scan booked other than your private one? are you keeping your private one if you get an EPU one?

Tinks - hows the pox situation?

Love to you all. mwah....xxx
Hello all - sorry late with an up-date had a very hectic day!

The good news is scan went well, saw a happy little baby with a good heart beat. No obvious cause for the bleeding, and no more today. Massively relieved!

Dated at 7+5 thought I was 8+0 today, so not far behind - think I will keep current EDD till twelve week scan.

Debating cancelling private scan as all was well, may save money and have early sexing scan or 4D scan later on, if all continues well….

How are you all, thank you for all your lovely thoughts today x
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Oh it's so nice to hear some good news on here. There's been far too much heartbreak recently. Really pleased for you Kathy x
Hi i'm a newbie. I am 32 and have 2 gorgeous children already, this will be my 3rd and last hehe. I have worked out i am due 26th OCtober :)
Kathy - I'm so chuffed things went well with your scan, it must have been such a relief.

Hi to all the new October mummies :) xxx

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