October 2014 due dates

Oh MrsT so sorry about your sad news. Hope you're well looked after. Hugs
Oh mrsT I'm so sorry. I hope you a speedy recovery Hun. All the best and hope to see you back soon. Huge hugs xxx

Well it's scan day. And you know when you just know it's not going to be alright. I can just tell. No boob ache no nausea. I just know there's no baby or it's stopped growing. If it has I don't know how many more times I can keep doing this.

What a hard time October mummies are having at the moment, so sorry to hear your news MrsT such a difficult time for you and your family, take care.
I am thinking of all you ladies today who have scans and appointments, got my fingers tightly crossed for you all and will be checking back later see how everyone is.Big hugs to all the October mummies this morning! Xxxxx
Such sad news MrsT - wishing you a speedy recovery - huge hugs.

Good luck today fun with the scan - I will have my fx for you x

Cosmo - how are you doing today? Are they planning to scan you again?

Mali - how are things today?

I have no bleeding this morning, still quite worried though, will see what today brings. The October beans are a troublesome lot!!
Such sad news MrsT - wishing you a speedy recovery - huge hugs.

Good luck today fun with the scan - I will have my fx for you x

Cosmo - how are you doing today? Are they planning to scan you again?

Mali - how are things today?

I have no bleeding this morning, still quite worried though, will see what today brings. The October beans are a troublesome lot!!

Hi Kathy

Well I haven't had any discoulour when wiping since yesterday afternoon and the cramps have eased off a little. Not sure if this is a good or bad thing?? I've just called the epu and left a message so hopefully they'll call back.

I'm in 2 minds at the moment as it was so bad sat night and sunday, and now its normal so not really too sure what to think. And it wasn't bright red it was really dark brown?

Oh well. just have to wait and see what the epu say xxx
These October babies really are being little monkeys already!

Fun - thinking of you at your scan today, I'm keeping everything I can crossed for you, sending lots of luck your way.

Mali & Kathy - keep positive, that's good there's not anymore blood and less cramps, it may have been your little beans just snuggling tightly in.

Cosmo - how you doing funny?

MrsT - so sorry to hear your news, sending lots of love your way xxxxx
MrsT, I'm so sorry to hear such sad news. I can't imagine how you must be feeling right now. Sending you big hugs xxx

Looks like a very difficult day for lots of October ladies today. Keeping my fingers tightly crossed that it's good news for everyone!
Yes definately agree, fingers crossed for everyone...
Just spoke to epu and she said it can be fairly normal for the cramping and that brown blood is normally old blood, but just to double check she can give me an early scan. So all booked in for Thursday morning.
Big hugs to all, especially those who are currently going through difficult times!

It's the first time I posted in this thread, my edd is 23rd October.
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Yes definately agree, fingers crossed for everyone...
Just spoke to epu and she said it can be fairly normal for the cramping and that brown blood is normally old blood, but just to double check she can give me an early scan. So all booked in for Thursday morning.

Keeping everything crossed for you hun, it's good she said it's normal xxx
Aaww MrsT my heart goes out to you, I'm so sorry this has happened.

Fun how was your scan?

It's not good news from me either I'm afraid, I had another scan and she said pregnancy isn't viable and I have a blood clot the size of my uterus and they don't know what's causing it. The lady I seen was more of a specialist so she's going to do a lot more tests to get to the bottom of things and hopefully I'll be successful next time.

I'm basically just waiting to pass the remains of the sac now :(

Cosmo I'm sorry about your scan. Huge hugs xx

I feel rather guilty after all this sadness but my scan was great. Saw a heartbeat and said everything is healthy. Next scan is 12 week scan. I do have a photo but it won't let me upload. You can't see a thing on it though and I'm not even sure which speck is the baby lol

I'll be thinking of you ladies with sad news xxx
Aw don't you feel guilty you've had enough pain you deserve some good news, I'm glad it went well. Hopefully I won't be too long behind you all with healthy baby number 4 xxx
So sorry to hear your news Cosmo :( blood clots quite big then?! Will you have to pass that?

Don't feel guilty, we pray for happy and healthy babies for all! I'm happy you've had good news! I bet the scan was lovely for you! Good luck with the baby

Really sorry Cosmogirl. I'm full of admiration for the way you're handling this so bravely. Big hugs xxx
Hey Fun, I'm so chuffed that your little bean is growing strong and healthy. I have my early scan on Monday and I'm both super excited and dreading it.
So sorry Cosmo and Mrs T. I've been keeping an eye out for updates. Congrats on a successful scan fun xxxxx

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