October 2014 due dates

Oh no, I'm so sorry Fun1, That's terrible news but rest as much as possible and try to stay strong and positive. I'm keeping everything crossed for you hun xxxx
Mrs T and Fun - I'm so sorry :( Both of you take it easy, and I will have my fingers tightly crossed for you!

Welcome LuLu! We have the same EDD :) And the same birth year too (1987 guessing from your name!)

Hope everyone else is ok? Not been on much due to stress in work, but I hope to catch up this week xx
Oh no, so much bad news since I last posted. Fingers tightly crossed MrsT, fun1uk and Cosmo...

Welcome to the new ladies!

I'm happy I'm finally halfway to my 1st scan. In a week I'll be on holiday as well, very happily off to Scotland for a week, so hopefully time will pass quicker. Who's got pregnancy brain? I have litterally no brain at the moment, I'm driving myself crazy. Have to buy myself post-it notes. Then again, I'll probably forget that too haha
Oh no i'm sorry to read all the worrying news. This is such a scary trimester. I hope you all rest up and those little beans hold on tight.

Welcome Lulu, another due date buddy.
Oh no fun and MrsT I can't believe all this tri 1 drama. I'm 99% sure my pregnancy isn't going to work out, I was bleeding last night and had cramping. Today has just been dark brown discharge.

MrsT keep hope as it's still so early to see much on scan and can change in a few days time. When have you to go back for follow up?

Aw fun this is crap, I'm sick of all this blood, really wish it would do one and stop stressing us out xxx
Oh no fun and MrsT I can't believe all this tri 1 drama. I'm 99% sure my pregnancy isn't going to work out, I was bleeding last night and had cramping. Today has just been dark brown discharge.

MrsT keep hope as it's still so early to see much on scan and can change in a few days time. When have you to go back for follow up?

Aw fun this is crap, I'm sick of all this blood, really wish it would do one and stop stressing us out xxx

I know Hun it's rubbish. Why can't we just have our babies like lots of others. Very cruel and unfair. I'm holding on to the fact I've had no pain and it's only very light spotting yet. Plus I know aspirin can cause a little bleed too.
Back to work tomorrow after 2 weeks off and really don't want to go xxx
I know I don't understand why it's so hard for us, I just want to be normal and stress free. My friend whose a nurse said that to me about aspirin too so hopefully that's what it is for you. The doc said she could see a bleed site next to the sac when I got scanned, I'm hoping it'll go away but it's not looking likely. When's your scan? Hopefully work will distract you but just make sure you're not over doing it xxx
Midwife said she will phone me tomorrow with a day I can go to epu next week. Hope it's sooner rather than the end if the week though.

Oh fun!! Sorry to hear that!! I've spotted a bit today and last night... Hoping it's due to internal scan?! My heads all over the place!

Make sure you put your feet up and relax!! Chill out as much as possible. Fingers crossed it is the aspirin! I know what you mean about just wantin to get pregnant and it all to go ok..... Gotta have some luck soon!

Cosmo, hope your ok! I'm back tomorrow for second bloods and get the result tomorrow afternoon

Thanks for the welcomes ladies!

Fingers tightly crossed that everything is ok for you Fun1, Mrs T and Cosmo, sending you all massive hugs. xxx

Pips - I can definitely sympathise on the baby brain, keep making silly mistakes at work and feeling on another planet in general!
Hi everyone! I'm 4 weeks today- hoping for a sticky bean! :) Due Oct 26th... Congrats to all here, this is my first pregnancy so I literally know nothing!
Me- 30
Hubby- 31
Hi everyone! I'm 4 weeks today- hoping for a sticky bean! :) Due Oct 26th... Congrats to all here, this is my first pregnancy so I literally know nothing!
Me- 30
Hubby- 31

hey sheelo, congratulations! I'm due a fee before you and I'm also on my first pregnancy, me- 28 hubby - 30. :)
Hi Sheelo!

Best add mine too. I believe that my due date is the 24th October.
Thinking of you Fun, Cosmo and Mrs T-fingers crossed for positive news all round xxx
I'm a little confused as to how many weeks I am, this is my first pregnancy too. If I go from the first day of my last period i'll be 5 weeks tomorrow, but I think I actually conceived 2 weeks after this, which would put me at 3 weeks pregnant. When I did my ClearBlue digital last Wednesday, this also said 2-3 weeks!

Confusing. Hoping doctor will be able to give me a more definitive answer on Saturday!
You are 5 weeks pregnant. Clearblue tells you the date of conception Hun- which will be about two weeks before you missed AF. So It saying you are 2-3 weeks means that you are 4-5.x
Just been catching up on here bit worried about some of the girls I have my fingers crossed for you ! I had a small spotting and pink blood then the next day brown but since then ive had nothing but last night at 3am had a horrible feeling in my mouth turns out I had a big nose bleed that took ages to stop I looked it up that it's a symptom of early pregnancy
Has anyone else had nose bleeds !? I don't usually get them so I was abit worried. Feeling abit miserable today tired and moody :( x
Me too chrissy. We went food shopping today and when I got Home tiredness hit me like a bus and I had to have a sleep on the sofa. Xx

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