October 2014 due dates

Thanks guys!! My DH and I are so excited- we had been TTC since 1 yr and couldn't believe it- we found out on valentines day....:lol:
Woken up and NO blood yippee ! Hope it stays away.
Back to work today after 2 weeks off. Really don't want to go in. I'm going to have to tell them today as I need lighter duties. Hope they take it better than last 2 times lol x
Yay for no blood Fun!! And yes, take it easy!

Good luck for telling them xx
Hey girls

How's everyone today? I'm still feeling really worried as still bleeding although it's pretty dark and I also passed a small clot today, it's not looking good. I do however still feel pregnant, very nauseous and tired. Have another doctors appointment tomorrow so will see what happens then xxx
Just feel knackered today. It's half term so not at work but I don't think this is a good thing as I just have more time to worry.

Also miffed as has have had to move some heavy stuff that has been in our hallway for nearly 2 weeks which OH was supposed to do but STILL hasn't got round to.
I know he's going to go mad at me for lifting them when preggers but I've been nagging and nagging him for ages and I'm sick of tripping over it.

Sorry for the moan but one of those days!
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Good luck for tomorrow Cosmogirl. What time is your appointment? xxx
Cosmo I'm praying it all turns out ok for you. I've stopped spotting. I'm booked in for a scan at 12.10 tomorrow xx
Finally got round to sorting booking appt today, it will be on the 4th March. We are going to book a private scan for the weekend to try and put my mind at rest.
Cosmo and Fun, hoping everything turns out ok for you xx
Welcome everyone! Think I have updated the due date list I have been a bit behind with it as quite busy!!

So much news since I last checked in - fx ladies.

I had some fresh spotting today - eek, seems to have settled now, a night on the sofa resting up for me! So stressful!
Welcome everyone! Think I have updated the due date list I have been a bit behind with it as quite busy!!

So much news since I last checked in - fx ladies.

I had some fresh spotting today - eek, seems to have settled now, a night on the sofa resting up for me! So stressful!

Ive also had some fresh spotting today too Kathy, have you called anyone? Ive got an early scan on Thursday at the Early Pregnancy Unit. Ive been resting all day and worrying too.

Fingers crossed for us all, especially fun and cosmo!

Not much to report from me really, feeling very bloated and tired but otherwise fine.

Keeping my fx for everyone who has had any bleeding or spotting, make sure you all rest up xxx
I am shattered. I feel constantly tired, and I wake up really early in the morning too. Boobs are really painful too.
Anyone else find that they have a relatively flat belly in the morning, but come the afternoon and after eating the trousers are quite tight?!!
Yes I do Shootstar, I wore a dress to work today and am currently led here with a right pot belly :) xxx
Pumpkin - left a message with my local EPAU and they called back but I was in work so could not speak to them, they left a voicemail advising me to call tomorrow and they will arrange a scan. I have a private one booked on Sat and it seems my local unit only scans in the afternoon and I don't think I will be able to get out of work. Will see how things go tonight.
Just resting tonight - feel like I have loads of niggly pains - not sure how much is in my head!

Hope you are all ok - hugs and thoughts ladies xxx
Taffy - it's worrying isn't it? I keep wondering how I am going to hide it!

Kathy-take it easy. Spotting isn't always a bad thing. Like you said you are going to do, take it easy and relax.
How bout random bouts of hunger, but not able to eat a great deal. Also, I find that some food is tasting soooo good!!
Looks like we're all going through it at the mo! I've been spotting and cramping since sat night. Not so much today was only very watery when wiping but not sure if I've been imagining it! Definately better than yesterday though. Cramps feel like dull ache af pains but not as bad. Spoke to midwife today she told me to call epu in the morning..., fingers crossed for everyone that this is all just a phase of our pregnancys xxx
Hi all

Fun, how was work? Good luck for scan tomorrow

Cosmo - good luck at the Drs

I'm afraid I'm out again girls. Pregnancy was ectopic, had surgery later on yesterday and tube out, still in hospital now :( gutted doesn't even begin to describe it

Good luck for everyone else


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