October 2014 due dates

I'll keep everything crossed for you Cosmogirl but glad it's all looking well.

Well I felt the need to poas today and it's so good to see the words :) The crazy thing is if I had waited until tomorrow morning it would have said 3+ but never mind maybe I'll do one more next week to see that. Here's my digi xxx

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Did my last ever digi today. Didn't get my 3+ I wanted but when I opened it up the line has got darker from a few days ago so I'm happy with that. Not testing no more as have my scan sometime next week so just relaxing about it all now.

Hoping mrsT got on ok has there's been no update. Fingers crossed xxx
Fx all is good with MrsT.

That's good the line is darker fun :)

We've just got in from my a family party where 2 of OH cousins announced they were pregnant. It was so hard not to let anything slip especially to MIL, but we didn't. They will be shocked to fin out there will be 3 newborns in the family by the end of the year! xxx
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Not the best news may have lost baby, maybe ectopic, slim chance im still pregnant. 5 and half weeks and they saw nothing whereas last time they did. Lining of uterus is thicker so shows activity of some sorts.

They took my blood, got to go back Monday morning for them to take more then will find out Monday afternoon for sure


So sorry mrsT i hope it all works out for you.
MrsT - sorry to hear your sad news, could it be it is just to early to see anything on scan? I guess the blood tests will give you more information. FX - thinking of you xxx
There is the chance it's too early but I think that's be holding on to false hope as the nurse did say how good the ultrasound lady was and if she had seen anything she would usually write it but she didn't.

I know torturing I'm myself but I've done another test this morning.... Just to try and set myself up for bad news and it's soooo positive it's ridiculous?! The positive line came up straight away as my wee ran up the stick if that makes sense:

I've attached a picture of the test. Any advice... Anyone.

And thank you everyone, for thinking of me yesterday and for the well wishes, I really appreciate it xx

My phone was showing that the previous image didn't upload :( thought of try again

That's a good test line Hun. I'll keep my fingers crossed for you. Could there be a chance you ovulated late? Then maybe it implanted late? How long did you bleed for? X
Mrs T thinking of you - your test is SO positive that maybe you're just earlier in pregnancy then you thought? If you ovulated late?

I worry every day, everytime I cramp and everytime I go to the loo I check for blood - yes I am that paranoid. Another 6 weeks before I have a scan but tempted to pay for an early one.
I was doing ovulation tests all the way through..... I know I ovulated a week later than the "norm" so going by last period I'd be 6+5 bit I know I'm only 5+4, I've told the hospital this and they've gone by what I've said rather than lmp which is good!

I bled for 6 days.... A lighter than usual period but no way light enough for implantation bleeding, I have heavy periods anyway so a lighter one for me is probably someone else's normal. No clots or any dark/brown blood either side tho, started bright red and finished light pink as it diluted more with discharge (sorry tmi).

Just googled hormone levels in blood at 5 weeks and they vary dramatically!! Like 18-17800!! So I can't even ask on Monday what Fridays test were for piece of mind as it could be anything in that range lol!!

Hope everyone else is ok and enjoying your weekend!

I'm sorry mrst stay strong and I have everything crossed for u xx
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I really hope it's just a slow starter Hun. Fingers crossed it all works out xx
Hi ladies!

I'm new to the forum, and would love to share symptoms and experiences with my fellow mums-to-be!
Been TTC for 6 months and finally got a BFP Wednesday just gone, so still in shock a little. I've used an internet due date calculator which tells me my EDD is 20th of October.

Not really had much in the way of symptoms yet, they were worse just after I missed my period but have now subsided a little. Mainly just feeling tired, difficulty concentrating and sore boobs. I'm sure there will be more to come. lol
Hi and welcome lulu. All the best in your pregnancy x
Thanks Fun1uk, all the best to you too. Hope everything is going well for you :)
Think of me ladies I've just started spotting pink blood. No pain as yet but I just know it's starting again like last times. Gonna rest up xxx

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