October 2014 due dates

Wow fab news beckybiscuit!!!

Nice to have missed out three weeks of tri 1!! Good luck for everything :)

Hi girls, sorry been a little lost, haven't told at work yet, so staying away from using the internet at the office and at home don't always get a chance from my 2 1/2 years old :) Hope everybody is well!

Anybody experienced this? I just noticed the other day that I've gone off food. I'm not terribly nauseous or anything, so it's not that holding me back, but simply just not hungry.... Now normally I'm a big snacker and constantly thinking about food to munch on, but now I found myself going for hours without even thinking about it.
I've seen some ladies saying that they experienced similar with their daughter, but with sons it's the opposite....
Anybody any thoughts?
Hi girlies hope everyone is doing ok?
I just feel grotty today , its like i just feel slow and slugish and a bit off.Hoping i haven't jinxed myself by mentioning my lack of symptoms and sickness!
Does anyone know what is safe to take to get rid of my slugishness, i am going for number 2s but just not like normal.I think the pregnacare might also be having an effect.x
Feel so much more relaxed as I've got a few days off work, and 1st midwife appointment booked. Oh is currently obsessed with watching braking bad and all I seam to be doing is obsessing over cute baby things online..

Just wondering are any of you working and what do U do ?? Have U told your boss yet and how did U tell them ?? I have to ask for a morning off because my next midwife appointment is the 4/march .. any advice and are you allowed time off for these appointments paid or can they make U do it another time ??

Hope your all feeling well xx
Ruby05... I'm the same and thought it was just me! Last pregnancy I was starving for the first two weeks, this pregnancy, just feel constantly full and don't really fancy anythin and like you I'm a snacker, constantly grazing!

Daisyboo I really don't know what to say about the sluggishness.... Is it worth seeing if you can maybe take berocca?! I feel the same, tired and just lazy which isn't really like me.

Also been having cramps and pains. Usually it doesn't bother me but every now and then it does panic me a bit. Woke up this morning at 4am with bad cramps and felt quite damp 'down there'. Really thought I was bleeding but turned out not to be. Was so anxious though that couldn't get back to sleep so ended up on the sofa watching crap telly.

Thought morning sickness had started yesterday as felt very sick yesterday morning and (sorry for the tmi) a little bit of diarrhea but been fine today so maybe it was just a bug. I know you should be careful what you wish for but I really wish I had a touch of morning sickness just to reassure me that things are progressing ok.

On the plus side I had a call from the midwife today and I have my booking in appointment on 8th March - Yay!!
Unfortunately, she's run off her feet at the minute with all the post xmas babies so I have to see her colleague instead and then she's going to take over. Not sure how I feel about this as would much rather meet my own midwife rather than have to deal with two different people. Has anyone else seen someone different for the first appointment?
Well as I've got midwife phoning Monday and I'm at work I'm going to have to tell them. Didn't want to as last time boss rolled her eyes as if to say god not again. But I need to pick up the phone and may have to change my days at very short notice of she gets me in for a scan Tuesday or Wednesday as I'm working then so won't be happy but think sod her. I work in a bookshop and have to carry books up and downstairs. Heavier than you think too a box of books is lol so I'll be shoved on till now most of the time. I'm supervisor so have a a little say in work duties anyway. Just not looking forward to telling her again. She's not maternal at all as she's known from a very young age that she couldn't have children due being born without something so just come round to children won't be in her life and she's fine with that. Good job really as she hates children so dreading telling her again. She moaned so much last2 times doing the risk assessments she had to do xx
From what I gather work has to give you a reasonable amount of time to go to appointments, etc, although I'm not sure if they can ask you to take it as holiday or make the time up. Thankfully me and OH own our own business so I can go to appointments, etc when needed.

As for cramps, I haven't had that but I have felt as though I have a bad tummy if you see what I mean. I have also been pretty windy :blush: and my left boob has started to feel as though it's filling up. It's hard to explain but it's the same feeling I had when I bf my son. Not had any nausea or sickness, but I didn't have any last time either. I've got to see my doc before getting an appointment with the midwife, it's so long winded, I have no idea why!

Hope everyone's doing ok and having a lovely Valentines Day eve :) xxx
Evening ladies.

Ruby & Mrst I am glad u feel the same. I haven't been feeling hungry either, always have that full feeling and when I do eat I don't eat very much.

Today I have been feeling like I have a lump in my throat constantly. I can't work out if it's integestion or if I feel sick. It's hard to describe really.

Your employer has to give u reasonable time off for antenatal care by law. My manager has been great as I've told her from the outset that I was going through ivf and then an fet. She's been really supportive.

My ticker is confusing me. Yesterday eve it clicked to 6 wks and today it's still 6wks?
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Hi girls glad to hear most of you are feeling ok ish. I have those weird stretching cramps and wet feeling too bug nothing else. Booked spot with gp today which seems a waste if time as could just see midwife but apparantly i have to see the gp first.
Yay! Good luck and I'll be checking for update x
Hey all
We are due on the 15th of October with our second and we are very excited as we have been TTC for 3 years xxx
Welcome Kirsty! Wish you a healthy 9 months xxx
Huge congrats Kirsty :)

Can't wait to hear how you get on MrsT xxx
Congratulations Kristy.

Good luck with it scan mrst let us know how it goes. Xx
Hope scan went well MrsT!! My scan was ok, seen sac and yolk ring but dr also identified a bleed next to the sac so back in 2 weeks for a follow up. Praying everything will be ok this time xxx
Glad your scan went ok cosmogirl, hope time flys for you so your next scan comes around quickly.Have everything crossed for you Hun.xxxx

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