October 2014 due dates

Evening ladies hope everyone is ok. I thought I'd share an interesting fact that may help some of us in the next few weeks, or those suffering from sickness now. Apparently bannanas are really good as they help with reducing the acid in the stomach. It said it's best if they are ripe. So if u like and can stomach them, bannanas are they way forward.

A week today for my early scan! I'm 6 wks tomorrow! Had acupuncture tonight and he treated me for my headaches. He is also a chiropractor so he manipulated my neck, and massaged some mint smelling balm into my neck & shoulders, it was bliss. I feel a lot better for it too. Xx
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Congrats for the 6 week mark ladies!

Aswell as bananas... Which are much healthier, last pregnancy I had bad nausea and was suggested ginger biscuits. They were quite good, managed one or two a day but better than nothing. Since then I've also been recommended ginger tea, I'd try anything if this pregnancy makes me feel anything like the last one haha!

I have my early scan tomorrow...... Nervous!!

Hope everyone's feeling good

Hey again everyone, how are we all doing? Last night I took a bucket to bed with me lol I have been feeling a little queasy and dizzy the past few days. I hope you all are keeping well xx
Girls I done something naughty this morning....I went to baby gap and bought my first ever baby grow!! OH is going to kill me!! I don't know if any of you seen my other post that I've had some bleeding and was feeling really upset so thought it would cheer me up. It's 0-3 months, I can't wait to have a wee bundle to put in it xxx
I saw your other thread hun, I know it's scary but bleeding doesn't always mean something bad, I have a friend who had 4 losses before falling with her daughter. She had bleeding in that pregnancy and was so scared but stayed positive and we are celebrating her daughters 2nd birthday this Saturday.

Ah I love buying baby stuff. I have so much from having Max but will no doubt still buy bits and pieces, in fact I said to my OH the other day I can spend more on clothes, etc as I don't have any big stuff to buy, he didn't feel the same :) xxx
My cousin bleed for a good while during her last pregnancy and she give birth to a very healthy baby girl just over a year ago, so as TaffyRose says its not always a bad thing! MY OH's step mother bought us some bids ( one saying I love daddy and one saying I love mummy) on monday when I told her, she wrapped them up so that later when we brought my mother down to visit the rest of the family could guess our news from the presents she bought. I really hope the bleeding is just like my cousins and that your little one has a good hold in there!

I have something the same as you TaffyRose, my OH has a son from a inbetween relationship (we split for 3 years then got back together). We have a lot of things from his little one, mainly things to be used from 2yo and up but as this is my first I am sooo looking forward to getting new things for my little one and ofc doing up the nursery but I wont be doing that until after our wedding at the end of april.
So a question.... Does anyone have weird niggly stomach pains?! I'm hoping it's just stretching and things getting comfortable, I don't think it helps that I'm off work at the minute so am feelin absolutely everythin with nothing to take my mind off it.

Thanks girls, just feels like de ja vu but really trying to be positive. I know this sounds silly but trying to drink loads of water to flush it all out xxx
Yes! Today I've got pains but can't work out if stretching pains or not x
Cosmo naughty you for buying lol I sooo want to go out and buy lol. Stay positive Hun xx
I've got pains but the come and go so not sure if stretching.
Yes mine are coming and going too. So hopefully just stretching pains. X
Yeah I get cramp like pains that come and go! I know this sounds silly but I keep expecting to look down and see AF has arrived esp when I have those cramps. I hope my midwife appointment on march 4th makes it feel more real!! x
Phew so we all are the same then! They come and go make make you sweat a little with the though that af may turn up! After my bleed last week I'm constantly knicker checking! Roll on tomorrow's scan

So a question.... Does anyone have weird niggly stomach pains?! I'm hoping it's just stretching and things getting comfortable, I don't think it helps that I'm off work at the minute so am feelin absolutely everythin with nothing to take my mind off it.


I been having loads of niggles this week, just like a dull pain but definitely there . I'm 6+ 2 today so just figured it's everything growing!!! I've been quite lucky symptom wise as I've only had tiredness,slightly sore boobs and needing a wee loads!! Sometimes I worry that I'm not even pregnant!!!!
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Feeling over the moon today, had an earl scan this afternoon after a bleed earlier in the week. Everything was fine and all looks good and turns out according to the measurements I'm actually 9 weeks and 1 day not the six weeks I thought!! So crazy, what I thought wast period must have been a major implantation bleed! Now need to get hold of the midwife and try and bring other appointments and 12 week scan forward! So relieved little one is fine in there and was so exciting to see it. Unfortunately hubby kissed it due to bad traffic thanks to all the flooding we have here but at least we'll be due another scan in about 3 weeks and then we can hopefully tell the world!
I guess technically I should now switch groups as my due date is actually around 18th sept but will be following all you October mummy's journeys too-wishing us all happy and healthy pregnancies!!

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