Nursery furniture


Well-Known Member
May 4, 2010
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Hi ladies,

Just wonderin how far gone you were when you ordered your nursery furniture?

I'm thinking of ordering it just after my 22 week scan - is that too early?

My DH has said we can start buying clothes after the scan and I like to be prepared and will want somewhere to put it away once it's bought!
I've still not even looked at furniture yet lol!
Lol! I know exactly what I want and I want it now but I think it's a tad too early at the moment!!
I know what I want, just hope I can afford it.

Most stuff I've seen is 4-6 weeks delivery. So gonna order in September and try and time it to arrive in October.
My mum is buying our cotbed for us and for her sake i was thinking of waiting until the January sales. LO is due 17 December but will be in our room in the moses basket for a few months. Do you think it would be OK to leave it that late or do you think being prepared is better? i want a really decent one so that's why i'm waiting for them to come down in price!

We actually ordered ours when I was 27 weeks pregnant, that said though we ended up having to get different furniture to what we originally wanted as the other was out of stock with no indication of when it would be back in. It arrived within a week but we were told it could take up to 4 weeks so worth bearing this is mind. That said we've only just got round to putting it together!

POS - If you're not too worried about having everything "now" I think it's worth your while waiting for the Jan sales to buy the cotbed particulary as LO will be in your room initially. The cot bed will be the last bit of furniture we put together as it's not essential, the main thing for me is the wardrobe and chest of drawers so I have somewhere to put everything!

POS - If you're not too worried about having everything "now" I think it's worth your while waiting for the Jan sales to buy the cotbed particulary as LO will be in your room initially. The cot bed will be the last bit of furniture we put together as it's not essential, the main thing for me is the wardrobe and chest of drawers so I have somewhere to put everything!


Bella :love: how are you?? xxx

You see i suppose that is the problem with the sales, it depends if i want matching wardrobes chest from one set, i might struggle to get a whole set exactly as i want in the sales? xxx
I'm fine thanks hon :) Not been on here as much lately as been so busy training new girl at work (who is taking over from me eek!!) Have missed chatting with everyone though! How are you? Ahh yes I hadn't thought of that, that is the only thing I guess if you want it matching. I know places like Babies r us have "baby fair" sales on all throughout the year so might be worth keeping an eye out on their website for any bargains? x x
yeah i think i'll keep my eyes open :)

i'm good thanks, i thought i hadn't seen much of you. not long to go now hunny!! so exciting xx
I can't for the life of me remember when we bought our furniture but i budgeted to buy in June so it must have been around then (LO is due in 8 days)

POS, your due date is my birthday, but sssh, don't tell anyone :lol:
We've just finished ours, but OH made it.

Depends where you order from as there may be some wait for delivery!

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