November mummies

Thought I’d move over to this thread now.

I’m 6 weeks tomorrow due 25th Nov. Hoping that this is a little miracle bean as I’ve has two lossss before this bfp.

Seems like everyone’s symptoms vary - I’m just very and tired, off my food unless it’s completely plain and boring and feeling a little sick but it lasts all day!! Never had strong symptoms like this before so hoping it’s a good sign!!
I'm due on the 21st, so theres only a few days between us :) Fingers crossed everything is going well for you xx
I'm the same with food. All I want is either fruit or something really bland. Buttered toasts are my go to at the moment, haha. OH thinks I've lost it. But everything else just doesn't appeal to me at all at the moment, especially meat!
It's my early scan day today! I can't ruddy wait! 3pm will not come quick enough! So this will still be at my ivf clinic and they will look to make sure it's implanted somewhere decent and that it's heart beat is strong. Also will look to see whether we have 1 or 2 babies. Ek! So exited!
It's my early scan day today! I can't ruddy wait! 3pm will not come quick enough! So this will still be at my ivf clinic and they will look to make sure it's implanted somewhere decent and that it's heart beat is strong. Also will look to see whether we have 1 or 2 babies. Ek! So exited!

Congrats and Good Luck!!!! :-)
It's my early scan day today! I can't ruddy wait! 3pm will not come quick enough! So this will still be at my ivf clinic and they will look to make sure it's implanted somewhere decent and that it's heart beat is strong. Also will look to see whether we have 1 or 2 babies. Ek! So exited!
Good luck xxxx
It's my early scan day today! I can't ruddy wait! 3pm will not come quick enough! So this will still be at my ivf clinic and they will look to make sure it's implanted somewhere decent and that it's heart beat is strong. Also will look to see whether we have 1 or 2 babies. Ek! So exited!
Soo exciting Katie xx Hopefully you'll find a strong heartbeat <3 keep us updated xx
How did you get on Katie? I hope it went well! :) Rx
I had a scan today over the moon baby is measuring 7w1d which is 2 days more than what i thought. feeling i can maybe start to relax and enjoy this pregnancy .. had anyone else had any early scans? <3
Hi girls!

Well the scan was amazing! I had us at 7w5d but on their dates we should have been 7w2d but the baby has other ideas, it's already measuring at 8 weeks of age. The pictures were so clear! The heart was so strong! It was wiggling about everywhere. The nurse said she's never seen such a clear early scan. She even called in other nurses to come and have a look. Was so surreal to see our baby after all these years of wishing and hoping! Cmah! Huge well Done on your scan too! Sounds like we'll be date buddies! X
Hi girls!

Well the scan was amazing! I had us at 7w5d but on their dates we should have been 7w2d but the baby has other ideas, it's already measuring at 8 weeks of age. The pictures were so clear! The heart was so strong! It was wiggling about everywhere. The nurse said she's never seen such a clear early scan. She even called in other nurses to come and have a look. Was so surreal to see our baby after all these years of wishing and hoping! Cmah! Huge well Done on your scan too! Sounds like we'll be date buddies! X
aw thats so brilliant.. soo pleased for you ans great to fast forward a few days too! it was just the relief of seeing a heartbeat! now have my wee calendar of milestones in my mind less than 3 weeks and we are already 1/4 of the way there at 10 weeks then 12 week scan! we will be date buddies! I need to ring and confirm now with my gp my dates to get my booking scan<3
Those early scans sound so amazing! I wish we were having one this time round :)


My wish came true! The midwife just phoned & they want me to have an early scan before my booking appointment next week . Fx we get to see that tiny heartbeat .

How is everyone doing this week? Nausea hit me yesterday for the first time, feeling a little better today though. Hope you’re all having a good week

My wish came true! The midwife just phoned & they want me to have an early scan before my booking appointment next week . Fx we get to see that tiny heartbeat .

How is everyone doing this week? Nausea hit me yesterday for the first time, feeling a little better today though. Hope you’re all having a good week

aw thats exciting for you its a relief to see that heartbeat how far on will you be when u get your scan do you think?
My wish came true! The midwife just phoned & they want me to have an early scan before my booking appointment next week . Fx we get to see that tiny heartbeat .

How is everyone doing this week? Nausea hit me yesterday for the first time, feeling a little better today though. Hope you’re all having a good week

good luck with your scan, i get very nauseous when I first wake up as I think I am hungry, it starts to get better but I started to get this weird thing where I can smell garlic/onion (and there isn't) and I feel sick.
how is everyone else is doing? I am waiting for my blood test results today, bit nervous as it's like getting your exam results. I think I am more nervous thinking what if its not a good news but whatever will be will be, there is nothing I can do about it. I still can't believe I am pregnant as we weren't trying.
aw thats exciting for you its a relief to see that heartbeat how far on will you be when u get your scan do you think?
I will be anywhere from 6-10 weeks, I feel like it will be earlier on rather than later but I’m not sure - it’ll be interesting to find out for sure! Rx
how is everyone else is doing? I am waiting for my blood test results today, bit nervous as it's like getting your exam results. I think I am more nervous thinking what if its not a good news but whatever will be will be, there is nothing I can do about it. I still can't believe I am pregnant as we weren't trying.

Fx it’s all fine max, I hope you’re managing to distract yourself today Rx
just had a call and its gone up to 450 sooooooooo happy that's more than double!
Hi ladies!

Lovely hearing how well your scans went!!
I’m hoping to get one just before 8 weeks.
I’m 6+2 today...this is a really scary week for me as I’ve lost both pregnancies at this point. I think I’m extra nervous as one was a mmc and if it wasn’t for my pushing of scans we wouldn’t of found out till our 12 week scan.

I’ve had a particularly difficult day, I feel like I’ve been really positive up until today but I’ve been feeling super sick and super tired and today I’m not really either of those. I know symptoms come and go and I still have others like sore boobs and off my food etc...I’ve just put being super sick as a really good sign for me so will worry on days like this where it’s eased.

Hope you all are ok today xxx
Hi ladies!

Lovely hearing how well your scans went!!
I’m hoping to get one just before 8 weeks.
I’m 6+2 today...this is a really scary week for me as I’ve lost both pregnancies at this point. I think I’m extra nervous as one was a mmc and if it wasn’t for my pushing of scans we wouldn’t of found out till our 12 week scan.

I’ve had a particularly difficult day, I feel like I’ve been really positive up until today but I’ve been feeling super sick and super tired and today I’m not really either of those. I know symptoms come and go and I still have others like sore boobs and off my food etc...I’ve just put being super sick as a really good sign for me so will worry on days like this where it’s eased.

Hope you all are ok today xxx

Ah April I really understand you as I lost both of mine around this time too and seriously I am sooo nervous but just me thinking there is nothing you can do to stop it. If it any consolation my symptoms completely disappear for a while too than comes back than some cramps. It’s impossible to relax and enjoy it isn’t it. Miscarriages ruined this joyful tome for us. But let’s be positive and strong and we can do this and all be good. Lots of hugs x

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