November mummies

Hello everyone I'm nervously joining this side of the forum for the 1st time since ttc for nearly 3 years .

Had ivf and got my BFP yesterday. I am due around 29th November but no doubt will be in December? So was t sure if I join this or December ?

I am super anxious as my tests have been pretty pale yesterday and today but staying hopeful. Got a scan in about 3 or 4 weeks time .

Hope your all well? Al x
Hi Alexis and welcome! If I were you I’d just go by your due date for now and stick in this thread. If anything changes when you have your scan you can always move over :)
So lovely to hear of your news after being TTC for 3 years! Hope you have a sticky bean and a happy and healthy 9 months <3<3 Xxx
Hi ladies, I’m bit feeling very positive that this pregnancy will last much longer. I’ve had mild brown spotting since finding out and today it has turned to pink. Having had a MMC at 11w6d in November 2018, I know this is this start of the end of the road, but will keep you updated.

So sorry sesame seed, I hope you are wrong and all will be okay. Keep us updated

I can't stop worrying I will have a mc as this is first time I've been pregnant and it's taken so long. I am super super anxious.
So sorry sesame seed, I hope you are wrong and all will be okay. Keep us updated

I can't stop worrying I will have a mc as this is first time I've been pregnant and it's taken so long. I am super super anxious.
Thank you alexis, I hope I’m wrong too!

I hope you have a safe and enjoyable pregnancy. I loved being pregnant with my little boy xx
Sesame sending you a huge hug and keeping my fingers crossed that it's not! Keep us updated

Alexis - both over here from the long term board! Can't belive it!
Congratulations again @Alexis2017 and welcome :) So happy for you!

Aw I'm sorry to hear that @SesameSeed. Hopefully its nothing serious and everything will be okay!:hugs:
Hi, i think I belong here :) I got my bfp yesterday but my last period was in January, I have pcos so that’s not surprising. I think I ovulated 2.5-3 weeks ago. We had just finished all our tests and we’re waiting to see the consultant to start on clomid, so this is a very happy surprise!

I hope everyone else is doing ok & the first trimester is being kind so far

Well that was short lived. Woke up to some bleeding, not loads but enough and positive on digital but lines weaker on other tests now. Just at clinic for bloods to confirm. Don't think it could be a viable pregnancy now.

3 years and ivf to get here and still in same place. I'm heart broken
Well that was short lived. Woke up to some bleeding, not loads but enough and positive on digital but lines weaker on other tests now. Just at clinic for bloods to confirm. Don't think it could be a viable pregnancy now.

3 years and ivf to get here and still in same place. I'm heart broken
Alexis, I really hope you’re wrong. Fingers crossed that your bleeding is caused by something else and no harm to baby.

Fingers crossed for you.

I’m still red bleeding when I go to the loo so I’ve accepted it is the end of this pregnancy but will wait a week and test again xx
Alexis & Sesame I’m so sorry you’re going through this xx
Well that was short lived. Woke up to some bleeding, not loads but enough and positive on digital but lines weaker on other tests now. Just at clinic for bloods to confirm. Don't think it could be a viable pregnancy now.

3 years and ivf to get here and still in same place. I'm heart broken
Oh no Alexis Im so sorry! Hopefully it will still be good news xx Having all my fingers crossed for you hun xx
Forgot to say, hi roo and welcome to the november mommies hope you're doing OK?
hi all I just got my BFP yesterday, it says my due date is 7th of December but I think it will be more like November because of C section and previous history.
I had 2 miscarriages , very early before 6 weeks, so right now I am soooooooo scared. It always starts with a good BFP than cramping starts a week later. I am keeping my fingers crossed this time
Hi Katie, I’m doing well so far, just a bit crampy & tired. I’ve got my booking appointment for a couple of weeks time so it might start to feel a bit more real the! :) how is everyone else feeling?

Congratulations maximus! Do you mind me asking why you might need a c section? I was told i would need one after DD but I’m definitely keen to explore the possibility of a VBAC

Hi Katie, I’m doing well so far, just a bit crampy & tired. I’ve got my booking appointment for a couple of weeks time so it might start to feel a bit more real the! :) how is everyone else feeling?

Congratulations maximus! Do you mind me asking why you might need a c section? I was told i would need one after DD but I’m definitely keen to explore the possibility of a VBAC

I had low amniotic fluid with my daughter and she was breach. So I had to be monitored and they told me that it has to be a c section at just over 38 weeks because of the low amniotic fluid. This time I am over 40 and I am thinking it will probably be worse and don't want to risk complications.
That sounds very sensible maximus! Mine was due to a very big baby (despite arriving before her due date) and failure to progress (beyond 9.5cm) after 47 hours... I’m obviously keen not to go through that again either :) I guess they’ll give me the information nearer the time to make a decision. How are you feeling so far? Have you told your daughter? Rx
That sounds very sensible maximus! Mine was due to a very big baby (despite arriving before her due date) and failure to progress (beyond 9.5cm) after 47 hours... I’m obviously keen not to go through that again either :) I guess they’ll give me the information nearer the time to make a decision. How are you feeling so far? Have you told your daughter? Rx
I am ok, I was more nauseous in the morning and it's better now (this also made me worry like something wrong) I won't tell my daughter until we are sure that I can stay pregnant. How many weeks are you?
Hi maximus! Congrats on your bfp! Fingers crossed this one is a sticky bean for you!

I'm feeling pretty grand to be honest. My big thing is being tired in the evenings. Normally I'm a total night owl but lately if I'm not alsleep by 9 it's a minor miracle haha that and sore boobs which come and go, but apart from those, I feel pretty normal. Can't wait for my scan on Monday!

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