November mummies

I am ok, I was more nauseous in the morning and it's better now (this also made me worry like something wrong) I won't tell my daughter until we are sure that I can stay pregnant. How many weeks are you?
I am ok, I was more nauseous in the morning and it's better now (this also made me worry like something wrong) I won't tell my daughter until we are sure that I can stay pregnant. How many weeks are you?

Fx we will have a good 9 months :)

I’m not sure how far along I am, I have pcos & my last period was end of January, DH & I dtd fairly regularly. I think it could be anywhere from 4-8 weeks. I just took a test because I had a feeling... so I think it’s probably closer to 4 weeks

Has your nausea settled down a bit? Aside from period type cramping & being very tired I’m ok so far, which also makes me think I’m not that far along

Hi maximus! Congrats on your bfp! Fingers crossed this one is a sticky bean for you!

I'm feeling pretty grand to be honest. My big thing is being tired in the evenings. Normally I'm a total night owl but lately if I'm not alsleep by 9 it's a minor miracle haha that and sore boobs which come and go, but apart from those, I feel pretty normal. Can't wait for my scan on Monday!

That’s so exciting that you’re having a 6 week scan! We had one last time as she was a clomid baby, but I dont think I’m entitled to one this time . Need to be patient & wait for the dating scan. Good luck!! Rx
I just wanted to say a huge welcome and congratulations to the newest mummies to join the November gang.

Unfortunately I’ve come to the end if my journey for now but on a plus, I never expected to get pregnant so quickly after my MMC in November so fingers crossed it won’t be too long before I am back.

Wish all you lovely ladies the very best with your pregnancy journey. Enjoy and good luck xx
Hey Sesame, I’m so sorry to hear your news, i hope you’re looking after yourself & get your sticky bean soon. Hugs x

Congratulations on your bfp Sam! Is it your first?

So sorry Sesame! Like you said, you got pregnant quick so hopefully the next will be the same and a sticky bean to match <3 take care of yourself xx
Congratulations Sam! You’re farther along than me (I’m coming up to 6 weeks) but I am exactly the same, the only symptom I have is really sore boobs. No nausea etc. I think they will be around in time so don’t worry too much! When they all come we’ll be wishing they hadn’t haha ;)
The only symptom that I had was sore boobs as well, I am 6 weeks today and I can slowly feel how I get nauseous from time to time. Hoping it wont get worse,haha. But apart from that I don't really feel pregnant either. But I think that's normal!
So sorry Elf's Mummy ❤️

Congratulations all on your bfps. I'm so nauseous, just the same as last time, which makes me wonder if I am team blue again this time. Anyone else having different or similar symptoms as last time?

I'm up and down with symptoms. Felt sick since Saturday but some days not as much? Tired all the time and so so hungry!!! I'm due for an earlier scan again next week as I had pains 2 weeks ago and she thought I was further along than i was(which I'm not) when I was scanned she said sac measures 5wk5days but my dates at the time showed a week ahead. Currently I'm tracking that I'm 7wm5days but I know it's all a guessing game. I have a midwife app next week too as from my dates I thought I would be 8wks, I'm gonna leave it booked in anyway? X
Any November mummies out there ?
I think I’m due around the 10th :)

I've only recently found out and estimated that I'm due around the 18th Nov, it still hasn't sunk in and its my first :-)

I've had hardly any symptoms (than the odd bout of nausea and feeling fatigued) I've noticed a bit of brown disharge/spotting (which I've been told 1000 times not to worry about, but it's hard not to) is this normal around 5th/6th week?


I’m getting more confused about how far along I am now, I think it’s somewhere between 5 & 9 weeks. I don’t have any strong symptoms yet, mild nausea, slightly tender boobs, some cramping & bloating - which makes me think I’m less far along. I’ve got my booking appointment in a couple of weeks so hopefully the midwife will be able to help figure it out . ChloB have you had any luck with working out your dates?

Hi pilk, congratulations! I think some spotting is normal, but if you’re worried definitely bring it up with your midwife.

I've only recently found out and estimated that I'm due around the 18th Nov, it still hasn't sunk in and its my first :)

I've had hardly any symptoms (than the odd bout of nausea and feeling fatigued) I've noticed a bit of brown disharge/spotting (which I've been told 1000 times not to worry about, but it's hard not to) is this normal around 5th/6th week?

Welcome and congratulations! :)
The spotting is normal as long as you dont have any painful cramping and its not bright red. I've had some light bleeding last week and it was fine, hcg still doubled nicely :)
Welcome pilk we're nearly due date buddies as I'm due on the 14th with my first!

I've only got 3 more sleeps till my early scan on Monday! Can't flipping wait! So exited! Just can't wait to see that little bean and make sure Its doing OK! Feel like it's Christmas lol
hi all its a little quite here :)
I am just under 4 weeks pregnant, my HCP levels were 49 as of yesterday, I am going for a repeat on monday praying that it sticks.
I am actually due on the 7th of December but there is no december thread so I came here :)
how is everyone else doing? I feel a little nauseous time to time. first time I couldn't eat my eggs this morning. I still have cramps on my uterus towards the left so hopefully this little bean will sticks. It's more like a numb, burning, constant feeling on that area

anyone has anything similar?
Huge congratulations Maximus, wishing you a happy and healthy 9 months! And congratulations to all the November moms. My oldest was born in November 2011, it's a wonderful time for a birthday :)

How is everyone doing? I seem to have suddenly developed a rather noticeable bump! I’m really hoping I’m closer to 9 weeks than 5 & also a bit worried about how big I’ll get by 40 weeks! I refuse to get the maternity clothes out of the loft until after my 12 week scan!

I hope eveyone has something nice planned for the weekend

Welcome maximus :) congrats on you bfp!

I've not felt sick at all so far but have totally gone off sweet food or drinks. Normally I have a sugar in tea or coffee (obviously decaf now) but since I got pregnant I can drink it without which Ive never been able to do. Same goes for my favourite jam, it doesn't make me sick, but I just don't want it.

Apart from that my only symptoms are sore boobs and feeling exhausted by 8, where as normally I'm a huge night owl.

Can't wait for Monday now. My one friend is convinced it's twin lol
Thought I’d move over to this thread now.

I’m 6 weeks tomorrow due 25th Nov. Hoping that this is a little miracle bean as I’ve has two lossss before this bfp.

Seems like everyone’s symptoms vary - I’m just very and tired, off my food unless it’s completely plain and boring and feeling a little sick but it lasts all day!! Never had strong symptoms like this before so hoping it’s a good sign!!
Welcome maximus :) congrats on you bfp!

I've not felt sick at all so far but have totally gone off sweet food or drinks. Normally I have a sugar in tea or coffee (obviously decaf now) but since I got pregnant I can drink it without which Ive never been able to do. Same goes for my favourite jam, it doesn't make me sick, but I just don't want it.

Apart from that my only symptoms are sore boobs and feeling exhausted by 8, where as normally I'm a huge night owl.

Can't wait for Monday now. My one friend is convinced it's twin lol
Ooh I’ve got this, I’ve always had a massive sweet tooth but the thought of chocolate just doesn’t appeal. I also loveee my coffee but I can’t stomach it, I’m sitting next to somebody in work who is drinking it and I can’t stand the smell!! Xx
I just wanted to say a huge welcome and congratulations to the newest mummies to join the November gang.

Unfortunately I’ve come to the end if my journey for now but on a plus, I never expected to get pregnant so quickly after my MMC in November so fingers crossed it won’t be too long before I am back.

Wish all you lovely ladies the very best with your pregnancy journey. Enjoy and good luck xx
Really sorry to hear about this xxx

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