November mummies

I haven’t even made my appointment yet I must get on that tomorrow! I didn’t take my bf to the first appointment but did the second time. It didn’t really make much difference tbh and it was so long I think he was bored of them just asking me questions haha!

I have my early scan tomorrow after a little scare this week. It’s my birthday and I’m exactly 7 weeks tomorrow so really hoping things go ok - can’t take another loss. Feeling super pregnant tho so hoping thats good as I’ve never felt like this in my last two xxx
Hopefully it will just be everything fitting into place, try not to worry(easier said than done)
I had a bit of discharge 3 weeks ago and had an early scan and a follow up yesterday, all looking good now and I'm sure it will be the same for you too x x x x
Ah I’m glad things went ok. Hopefully I have the same outcome xxx
My first appointment is 23rd and I was told I can take my husband in with me. As it’s both our first he is definitely coming :)
Feel a bit queasy every now and then, and have gone a bit picky with food, but that’s it on the sickness front. Other symptoms are constant tiredness, and still sore boobs! The amount of sleep I’ve had this weekend is ridiculous, but still yawning! Xx
@Aprilxxx good luck tomorrow! I hope it all goes well! Our scan is on Wednesday so it’ll be interesting to see how far along I am, would love to be at 10 weeks, but my money is on 6+3 and my DH thinks it’s 8 (looser is cooking dinner so there is a lot riding on this!)

Our booking appointment is on Thursday, they didn’t want to do it any later just in case I was last 10 weeks, I don’t think DH will come as he is already taking time off for the scan, I’ve got my notes already so we have filled them in together.

@TTChloexx im feeling very similar, quite queasy most of the time, I’m quiet enjoying smoothies though which helps a bit, also so tired! I would love to sleep but our little one has other ideas at the moment.

Hope you’ve had a good weekend
Hope everyone is feeling ok.
I'm 8 weeks tomorrow and feeling nauseous
Not as tired as past few weeks but energy is low.
@Aprilxxx hope your scan goes ok and you win
I'm so hoping these next few weeks fly by !!!
X x x
I can’t believe It... my scan went really well. We saw baby’s heartbeat! We’ve also been given another scan for 9 weeks as reassurance so very happy today xxx
I can’t believe It... my scan went really well. We saw baby’s heartbeat! We’ve also been given another scan for 9 weeks as reassurance so very happy today xxx

That’s such great news April, congratulations . Fx we get good news on Wednesday , I’m definitely feeling more nauseous now & everything has been making me cry today. Hope you’re doing ok xx
That’s such great news April, congratulations . Fx we get good news on Wednesday , I’m definitely feeling more nauseous now & everything has been making me cry today. Hope you’re doing ok xx

Good luck for wed!!
I can’t believe It... my scan went really well. We saw baby’s heartbeat! We’ve also been given another scan for 9 weeks as reassurance so very happy today xxx

That's fab news April!!!
Your a week ahead of me
That’s such great news April, congratulations . Fx we get good news on Wednesday , I’m definitely feeling more nauseous now & everything has been making me cry today. Hope you’re doing ok xx
Good luck for Wednesday
My sickness doesn't feel as bad as the past 2 weeks, but I'm defo going off food a bit more.
About 3 weeks ago I could eat anything in sight
But then I started to feel my belly growing but not from the baby lol
Good luck for Wednesday
My sickness doesn't feel as bad as the past 2 weeks, but I'm defo going off food a bit more.
About 3 weeks ago I could eat anything in sight
But then I started to feel my belly growing but not from the baby lol
Haha I had the same problem with my belly lol. I felt like eating anything and suddenly it was like okay slow down now, that's definitely not a baby belly there :rotfl:
Hi All!

I’m 38 and have 4 kids ages 19, 14, 13 & 13, I just found out I’m pregnant with baby #5 last week. To say it was a shock is an understatement. Getting used to the idea, as babies are such a blessing!

Believe I’m due around November 26th.

I look forward to getting to know everyone!!
I’m so jealous of those of you still being able to eat - I’ve managed to keep down 2 slices of toast & marmite with the crusts cut off today - I’m looking forward to the nausea ending! I’m sure I’m worse this time!

We’ve got our scan tomorrow - I’m not sure how I’m feeling, I took another pregnancy test tonight just to check & it was still positive...

@MeganSxott congratulations! That’s brilliant news :) how are you feeling?

I’m so jealous of those of you still being able to eat - I’ve managed to keep down 2 slices of toast & marmite with the crusts cut off today - I’m looking forward to the nausea ending! I’m sure I’m worse this time!

We’ve got our scan tomorrow - I’m not sure how I’m feeling, I took another pregnancy test tonight just to check & it was still positive...

@MeganSxott congratulations! That’s brilliant news :) how are you feeling?

Thank you, I mean it was shocking!!
Awful!! I get super’s so hard being at work feeling this way when nobody knows!
Morning ladies

Touch wood I've still not had any sickness at all! Tired all the time but apart from that I feel great!

First midwife appointment next Wednesday and 12 week scan booked for the 7th of May :) can't wait to see our baby again! The next 4 weeks will drag I can feel it haha sending huge hugs to you all!
Well that’s a surprise... just had our scan and seen 2 heartbeats...... ahhhmmmm what??? Twins??? Waiting to see the nurse now. DH is a very interesting shade of grey/green!!

Well that’s a surprise... just had our scan and seen 2 heartbeats...... ahhhmmmm what??? Twins??? Waiting to see the nurse now. DH is a very interesting shade of grey/green!!


Congratulations roo what amazing news x
Congratulations roo what amazing news x

Thank you we are delighted, our first was a clomid baby & we were waiting to go back on clomid having been told we wouldn’t conceive on our own so this is such a happy surprise. We’re due early December but they said they would be delivered somewhere between 32 & 37 weeks, so I’ll either be a September, October or November mummy... x
Thank you we are delighted, our first was a clomid baby & we were waiting to go back on clomid having been told we wouldn’t conceive on our own so this is such a happy surprise. We’re due early December but they said they would be delivered somewhere between 32 & 37 weeks, so I’ll either be a September, October or November mummy... x

Oh wow. Must have been a big shock for you then. Will you be finding out their genders ? X
Oh wow. Must have been a big shock for you then. Will you be finding out their genders ? X
Definitely a big shock! We’re so happy! I think we will find out gender. Our DD will only be a18-20 months old. How are you getting on? Are you feeling ok so far? X

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