******November Mummies 2018******

Megmog... I'm hoping to wait until the 12 week scan too just in case anything happens as I really want them to be the first to be told and they are blabber mouths too ! I have thought about paying for an early scan though ... 8 weeks maybe and tell them then if everything is ok ! I will just have to look on Groupon and see if there are any offers ....

I think that is it for now Phillipa, I have bought some pregnancy vitamins today though until I get some from the midwife.

X x

I have been debating the same thing Jade! Although I had a very short bleed before I got my bfp so wondering whether they might refer me for an early scan anyway. If not I may just pay for one. I’m going to call up the doctors tomorrow anyway and see what they say. Also I’m a negative blood type so not sure whether I would need an injection due to the bleed.
I’ve also just got some vitamins. I didn’t know you could get them from the midwife? I do get discount though (boots employee) so get 3 months of pregnacare for around £7 so it’s not too bad.
Megmog... I'm hoping to wait until the 12 week scan too just in case anything happens as I really want them to be the first to be told and they are blabber mouths too ! I have thought about paying for an early scan though ... 8 weeks maybe and tell them then if everything is ok ! I will just have to look on Groupon and see if there are any offers ....

I think that is it for now Phillipa, I have bought some pregnancy vitamins today though until I get some from the midwife.

X x

I have been debating the same thing Jade! Although I had a very short bleed before I got my bfp so wondering whether they might refer me for an early scan anyway. If not I may just pay for one. I’m going to call up the doctors tomorrow anyway and see what they say. Also I’m a negative blood type so not sure whether I would need an injection due to the bleed.
I’ve also just got some vitamins. I didn’t know you could get them from the midwife? I do get discount though (boots employee) so get 3 months of pregnacare for around £7 so it’s not too bad.

When is the earliest you can have an early scan ? Even if I have to pay I want one too.... after bleeding etc
Megmog... I'm hoping to wait until the 12 week scan too just in case anything happens as I really want them to be the first to be told and they are blabber mouths too ! I have thought about paying for an early scan though ... 8 weeks maybe and tell them then if everything is ok ! I will just have to look on Groupon and see if there are any offers ....

I think that is it for now Phillipa, I have bought some pregnancy vitamins today though until I get some from the midwife.

X x

I have been debating the same thing Jade! Although I had a very short bleed before I got my bfp so wondering whether they might refer me for an early scan anyway. If not I may just pay for one. I’m going to call up the doctors tomorrow anyway and see what they say. Also I’m a negative blood type so not sure whether I would need an injection due to the bleed.
I’ve also just got some vitamins. I didn’t know you could get them from the midwife? I do get discount though (boots employee) so get 3 months of pregnacare for around £7 so it’s not too bad.

When is the earliest you can have an early scan ? Even if I have to pay I want one too.... after bleeding etc

From what I’ve read/been told. The earliest you would normally see a heartbeat is 6 weeks so they don’t offer them before then privately. Although even then I think there’s still a good chance you won’t see one until nearer 7 weeks. I’m going to call my doctors tomorrow anyway and explain and see what they say.
You already have an appointment booked don’t you Melanie? Because of your bleeding they might want to refer you for an early one?
My friend who has bleeding in early pregnancy had a scan at 5 weeks and a few days. They could see the sac etc but no heartbeat. She had to go back ten days later. I think that wait in between was the worst bit for her to be honest.
Megmog... I'm hoping to wait until the 12 week scan too just in case anything happens as I really want them to be the first to be told and they are blabber mouths too ! I have thought about paying for an early scan though ... 8 weeks maybe and tell them then if everything is ok ! I will just have to look on Groupon and see if there are any offers ....

I think that is it for now Phillipa, I have bought some pregnancy vitamins today though until I get some from the midwife.

X x

I have been debating the same thing Jade! Although I had a very short bleed before I got my bfp so wondering whether they might refer me for an early scan anyway. If not I may just pay for one. I’m going to call up the doctors tomorrow anyway and see what they say. Also I’m a negative blood type so not sure whether I would need an injection due to the bleed.
I’ve also just got some vitamins. I didn’t know you could get them from the midwife? I do get discount though (boots employee) so get 3 months of pregnacare for around £7 so it’s not too bad.

When is the earliest you can have an early scan ? Even if I have to pay I want one too.... after bleeding etc

From what I’ve read/been told. The earliest you would normally see a heartbeat is 6 weeks so they don’t offer them before then privately. Although even then I think there’s still a good chance you won’t see one until nearer 7 weeks. I’m going to call my doctors tomorrow anyway and explain and see what they say.
You already have an appointment booked don’t you Melanie? Because of your bleeding they might want to refer you for an early one?
My friend who has bleeding in early pregnancy had a scan at 5 weeks and a few days. They could see the sac etc but no heartbeat. She had to go back ten days later. I think that wait in between was the worst bit for her to be honest.

Ive a GP appt for something else so will mention it for sure.
Ah ok Melanie, think that’s a good idea.
I’m concerned that because I’m a negative blood type whether I will need to have the Rhesus negative jab as I’ve had a bleed. No idea if this is something you’re meant to have right away or if it’s ok to wait until my booking in appointment so need to check tomorrow.
Keep us updated as to how you get on :)
@wolfmamma I'm So sorry to hear that. Hugs
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So, so sorry to hear that Wolfie. Hope to see you here really soon.

x x x
I’ve been asked to take over this thread - so if I miss any new ladies please nudge me - send a PM..

How is everyone doing?

Ive never been more thankful for a symptom this AM - boobs are def “veiny”, a little rounder/fuller and I felt a litte icky as had dinner early last night (5.30 when usually we eat 8.30/9ish) so its been a long time since last meal, which I remember last time with my son. It wasnt morning sickness per say (well didnt think so), was never actually sick - just felt the need to eat as soon as i was up. I couldnt skip bfast EVER.

Any symptoms to report ?
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Glad to hear you’ve got some symptoms Melanie!
I’ve just spoken to the gp over the phone (wasn’t sure if I needed a rhesus negative injection - I don’t as not over 12 weeks) but she wasn’t concerned about the bleeding I had and said she thinks it was implantion bleeding. She just said if I get anymore to contact them again. But because it wasn’t a lot and I didn’t really have any pains, plus the tests getting darker, she doesn’t think it’s anything to worry about. At my surgery you have to have an initial appointment with the gp and then they refer you to the midwife, I have that appointment on 21st so will be around 7 weeks.
Glad to hear you’ve got some symptoms Melanie!
I’ve just spoken to the gp over the phone (wasn’t sure if I needed a rhesus negative injection - I don’t as not over 12 weeks) but she wasn’t concerned about the bleeding I had and said she thinks it was implantion bleeding. She just said if I get anymore to contact them again. But because it wasn’t a lot and I didn’t really have any pains, plus the tests getting darker, she doesn’t think it’s anything to worry about. At my surgery you have to have an initial appointment with the gp and then they refer you to the midwife, I have that appointment on 21st so will be around 7 weeks.

Thank you so much for sharing your experience... pretty similar to my experience (bleeding has stopped - last bit was Saturday).

Did you decide about booking a private scan Melanie? I’m undecided about it! X
Did you decide about booking a private scan Melanie? I’m undecided about it! X

im going to ask at gps appt on wednesday evening.. def want a scan asap

Oh yeah maybe see if they can refer you. I suppose I could ask at my appointment but I’m not sure I can wait that long! Plus the doctor wasn’t really concerned on th phone which makes me think they wouldn’t anyway. I think I’ll just book a private one x
I’m still spotting a wee bit. Wish it would go away makes me so nervous x
I’m still spotting a wee bit. Wish it would go away makes me so nervous x

Oh no really. It really is a worrying time isnt it. Everyone has mentioned to me that while it could be a problem - it could also be nothing.

Try relax thats what im trying to do
It’s not very much but it’s still there. More in the am and none by nighttime. Trying to keep calm it’s hard tho isn’t it x
It’s not very much but it’s still there. More in the am and none by nighttime. Trying to keep calm it’s hard tho isn’t it x

yes very. Keep smiling...

Last time we miscarried at 9wks, but the doc seemed to think it stopped developing at 5-6 weeks - so I am desperate to get passed that stage, and see that heartbeat...

I’m still spotting a wee bit. Wish it would go away makes me so nervous x

Oh no, it must be stressful for you! Hopefully it doesn’t last too long. By the sounds of it it’s quite common as that’s three of us just on this thread that have had bleeding. Xx
Thank you Hun. I know must be a more common than I thought. Took another test today line is lovely and strong. Never taken so many in my life. Think I do four a day lol how’s you?

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