******November Mummies 2018******

This first few weeks are terrifying!!

All I want now is a good strong line tomorrow, not even fussed by a digi any more, just a line.
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I’m sure you’ll get your line tomorrow morning Wolf! Keep us posted :)

I’ve been so lightheaded all day. I spent the first trimester with my son fainting and dizzy so I’m taking this as a good, albeit irritating, sign haha x
I’m sure you’ll get your line tomorrow morning Wolf! Keep us posted :)

I’ve been so lightheaded all day. I spent the first trimester with my son fainting and dizzy so I’m taking this as a good, albeit irritating, sign haha x

I hope so Megmog. I'll take it first thing tomorrow morning (if I manage to resist its lure this afternoon!)

To be honest, I'm happy to be convinced that everything is fine in there at the moment. I've had no physical suggestions of cp like I did last time so I am remaining quietly confident :)

You're all so good to put up with me XD
Good luck wolfmamma I'm sure it'll be a good strong line tomorrow.

I'm the similar you megmog the only symptoms I have are sore boobs and a bit of tiredness. And maybe a little more hungry than normal.

I was getting worried bcoz I don't have morning sickness so I took another test this afternoon and it's a strong positive again.i just gotta count my blessings that the nausea hasn't started yet.
Glad to hear it WolfMamma. I think everything will be fine :)

Dominee, yeah I’m trying to make the most of no sickness too! With my first I don’t think it kicked in until around 7 weeks. What’s your due date? Xx
Megmog my due date is 2nd Nov. So I think I'm 5 weeks atm. Still early days really.
Hey Girls !

Please could I join? We just found out yesterday, We are in total shock!! Really didn't expect a positive and more so how strong the line was (it was stronger than the control) never had one that strong before I'm usually squinting and holding it to the light but there was no denying this one !

I'm already mummy to our daughter 4 and son 3, the prospect of 3 little ones is terrifying and exciting. Going off my last period my due date will be 7th November ... all being well that is !

Sending all the luck in the world to all you ladies :)

X x
Hey Girls !

Please could I join? We just found out yesterday, We are in total shock!! Really didn't expect a positive and more so how strong the line was (it was stronger than the control) never had one that strong before I'm usually squinting and holding it to the light but there was no denying this one !

I'm already mummy to our daughter 4 and son 3, the prospect of 3 little ones is terrifying and exciting. Going off my last period my due date will be 7th November ... all being well that is !

Sending all the luck in the world to all you ladies :)

X x

Welcome Jade! And congratulations! How exciting!
When are you planning on telling your other children? My son is 5 but I think we will wait until after the 12 week scan, partly in case something happens but also because he is a blabber mouth and will tell everyone haha.

Scared!! Lol hope everything goes ok. Iv no symptoms either apart from being tired. Get the odd bit of spotting which is worrying me but praying it’s nothing. Hope everyone’s doing well x
Afternoon ladies! I was told to get myself over here as I got my BFP yesterday evening!
Not really sure what to do now lol, got myself a docs appointment booked for the 15th of March, but what else do I need to do?

Megmog... I'm hoping to wait until the 12 week scan too just in case anything happens as I really want them to be the first to be told and they are blabber mouths too ! I have thought about paying for an early scan though ... 8 weeks maybe and tell them then if everything is ok ! I will just have to look on Groupon and see if there are any offers ....

I think that is it for now Phillipa, I have bought some pregnancy vitamins today though until I get some from the midwife.

X x
Sad news on my front ladies. Took another frer today and it was completely clean so I am out of first tri once again and back to TTC.

I will carry on adding names to the front page as I see them but if I miss anyone please do just send me a pm and I will get it done.

Good luck to you all and happy healthy 9 months to you all.

I'm so sorry WolfMamma, that's awful, life is so cruel sometimes. I'm sure someone else will be more than happy to start a new thread. Not fair on you to keep this going. xx
Oh no! I&#8217;m so sorry. Be kind to yourself xx
I'm so sorry WolfMamma, that's awful, life is so cruel sometimes. I'm sure someone else will be more than happy to start a new thread. Not fair on you to keep this going. xx

Thanks for the thought but I'll be fine. I was expecting it anyway.

Life happens.
Sad news on my front ladies. Took another frer today and it was completely clean so I am out of first tri once again and back to TTC.

I will carry on adding names to the front page as I see them but if I miss anyone please do just send me a pm and I will get it done.

Good luck to you all and happy healthy 9 months to you all.


Oh no I am so sorry to hear this wolf mamma! Gutted for you.
Fingers crossed we see you over here again soon. Xxx

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