November 2020 Mummies

Where did you get your pillow from? I think I should get one of these.
I got one off Amazon but it's not that great so do shop around. There is one that comes recommended called sleep genie or something similar. You could use a normal pillow behind your back or between your knees too x
Can someone promise me that brushing my teeth will get easier? At the moment it’s an exercise in not vomitting.
Can someone promise me that brushing my teeth will get easier? At the moment it’s an exercise in not vomitting.

Yes it does haha it never bothered me as much with my DD but this pregnancy on my gosh I gag everytime xx
Can someone promise me that brushing my teeth will get easier? At the moment it’s an exercise in not vomitting.

Omg me too, I have to talk myself into it every time!

I think it will get easier when sickness symptoms go away!
Yes it does haha it never bothered me as much with my DD but this pregnancy on my gosh I gag everytime xx

Haha yes, it is the worst. I'm grateful for these symptoms but that one is particularly evil.
Oooh hubs ig going to think that i'm kicking him out of the bed if I get that delivered!
Definitely look at the dream genii on amazon. There is a video too that describes the pillow. Its not massive either, so enough room for hubby.
Oooh hubs ig going to think that i'm kicking him out of the bed if I get that delivered!

It does look quite big! :O I definitely don't think that would fit in our bed without D falling out, haha.
Oooh hubs ig going to think that i'm kicking him out of the bed if I get that delivered!

Haha its no different from my tucking my legs between the spare single duvet I have in bed. It is a big of a separation between us but as soon as I'm comfortable and I can sleep I dont care, specially when my SPD kicks in. Its not forever so he can lump it till babe is born :rotfl: xx
My stomach is so big today haha. I know it's probably still bloat but I love it :D
I'm definitely starting to get the start of a little bump. Kinda just looks like I put on a few kg right now, but its still exciting.
Ten weeks today! My boobs (albeit still a cup size bigger) are now no longer sore. I guess that’s ok? I still threw up brushing my teeth this morning so no letup on the nausea.
Ten weeks today! My boobs (albeit still a cup size bigger) are now no longer sore. I guess that’s ok? I still threw up brushing my teeth this morning so no letup on the nausea.

You should start feeling a bit better next week. I was feeling a bit better when I woke up then it hit me again. Yesterday was the worst day for me so fingers crossed things will start getting better from now onwards. Only 4 more days till my scan xx
You should start feeling a bit better next week. I was feeling a bit better when I woke up then it hit me again. Yesterday was the worst day for me so fingers crossed things will start getting better from now onwards. Only 4 more days till my scan xx

It's so close now! :D You must be so excited! I feel like such a scan picture junkie haha. I just want to see more pictures.
Ten weeks today! My boobs (albeit still a cup size bigger) are now no longer sore. I guess that’s ok? I still threw up brushing my teeth this morning so no letup on the nausea.

My boobs let up for a while, then became sore again today. Everything seems to come and go as it pleases. I also got a new bra recently, why didnt i do this sooner, so much better now I'm not cramming myself into my old bras anymore. I'm now 12C, never thought I would see the day!
You should start feeling a bit better next week. I was feeling a bit better when I woke up then it hit me again. Yesterday was the worst day for me so fingers crossed things will start getting better from now onwards. Only 4 more days till my scan xx

There is nothing like it! Prepare to be absolutely obsessed with all the pictures afterwards.
My boobs let up for a while, then became sore again today. Everything seems to come and go as it pleases. I also got a new bra recently, why didnt i do this sooner, so much better now I'm not cramming myself into my old bras anymore. I'm now 12C, never thought I would see the day!

I'm still waiting for my new one to arrive. Being stuck in one bra is no fun, haha.

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