*November 2017 thread!* Think I could be in here! Eek!

We pay £5 and get a set of 3/5pics i think

OH really likes teddy -but we have a Rupert so cant have a rupert bear and a teddy bear!
Were set on Arthur Ray and Imogen Faith i think.

Monday needs to hurry up!!!!!!!!
Well there you go Starchild...all the mommies to be have decided that FOX is the name LOL.

What BS - I can't believe that you are being charged for your scan pics. (can you not sneak a pic with your phones) - we don't get charged ...or maybe I do ...but it's all on medical aid so i don't see it.

Also, I read on one of the FB pages I belong too - that this one momma's OB doesn't do a scan with each visit...mine does though.

In other news - I'm 10w1d - and the morning sickness seems to be worsening... I hope this is the last as we are moving onto week 11 and then by week 12 it will be all gone.

I'm not wishing the time away ...just wishing the nausea away!

We get two scans... 12 weeks and 20 weeks. There's loadsa places that do private scans if you're willing to pay. And there's posters up everywhere saying no phones allowed.
That sucks Mayflower :(

My next check up is on the 16/05 - and the OBGYN sees me every month till the 8 mnth and then every week from 36 weeks. And on all these days I get to see little baby.

They don't mind if we take pics though.
They do listen to heartbeat from 16 weeks though. We have a "one stop" midwife as well as the normal mw in our area so you can go every Thursday for a checkup if you want. You just walk in no appointments needed which is pretty cool. And if your under consultant care you have extra scans later on to check on baby.
We got two images for the £5 but they wherent great I think that's why.

I half woke up in the middle of the night last night and my husband was stroking my belly. I thought it was so sweet. Xx
Redbear - now that is cool... we also have a government clinic that you can go to - but they are really useless and if you just want to go for a check up you end up sitting there whole day.

Awww it looks like your LO is laying with it's arms behind it's head in a relaxed position!
I heard the heartbeat on the Doppler ��������
Aww redbear that's lovely. :)

I got a couple extra scans last time one because my bump was measuring small, one when it appeared to have got smaller, and was due one the day after I had her. The bigger they get the less you see on the scan pic tho I found like we had a pic of her foot.. :lol:

Rupert is a lovely name. :)

Great news T2186 :) xxx

Sickness seems to have mega mega died down. Im telling myself its because of the placenta kicking in but still worried its a bad sign :(
Redbear - now that is cool... we also have a government clinic that you can go to - but they are really useless and if you just want to go for a check up you end up sitting there whole day.

Awww it looks like your LO is laying with it's arms behind it's head in a relaxed position!

Yeah it's lovely because it's also next door to the school where I drop of my kids so I bib in there and have a coffee (decaf) and see the midwife there is normally only one or two waiting.

Baby was actually on it's belly she had to flip the image lol. I think baby was doing the worm lol xx
It sort of looks like it's smiling too redbear! <3

Hate this stage calling them IT!! Lol xxx

They said it wasnt a very good picture but i like it, I know probably laughing because we couldnt get the pictures lol.
Okay nausea is hovering back this eve. Not sure if im maming it up or not.........&#128533;
Come on mondayyyyyy!!!

Think well have any twinnies in november group?? Xxx
Soooo poorly - I've been violently sick and have the worst tummy ache. Hope baby is ok in there :(
Aw hope you feel better soon Mayflower!
I'm sick of having to wee all the time. Got up two hours ago to use the loo and I still can't go back to sleep!
I've just started with this peeing all the time malarkey. It's exhausting especially at night. I feel like I wee out more than I take in :lol: 12 weeks 1 day today, one day closer to the scan. xxx
I haven't told my littlest sisters yet that they're going to be aunties and they keep wondering why I need a wee every 2 mins!
"But you just went!"
1.30am and 3.00am wee times atm lol. I bet we have a twin mummy. Any off babies because it's more common for twins then. I was so glad it wasn't me they wouldn't all fit in the car &#55357;&#56834;&#55357;&#56834; xx

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