*November 2017 thread!* Think I could be in here! Eek!

I like the idea of twins but the actual practicality of it would terrify me. :lol:

I've got real period type aches my back today. Very uncomfortable. xxx

Nausea and exhaustion is back today!
A step closer to monday scan day! Im so scared!
Tiredness is constant here. Doesnt matter how many naps I have or if I have a decent sleep at night. Driving me mad. Work on weds and thurs was so bloody difficult. Im stood on my feet for 10 hours and it was so hard to stay awake.
Having to get up for a wee in the night was one of my first clues that I was pregnant! Usually I can hold it for hours and hours.
Currently walking around a lake dying for a wee, only went 10 mins ago! I've found that when I sit down I'm fine but when I'm walking or stood I need to go
Okay i cant settle at all im so so scared for monday. What if i lie on that bes again and again they tell me that ive hit 12wks byt the baby hasnt :( im here thinking up all these scenarios that could happen when i walk innthat room. Im so so scared 😢
Aw Claire I know nothing I can say will really help but please try and think positively xxxx
I hope all goes well Claire!
I think we're all a bit scared, so I guess it's normal. I'm sure everything will be peachy :)
Until we've seen a little wriggler on the screen we can't know for sure I'm the same worrying about all that could go wrong. Obviously with you having it in your experience you'll be even more anxious. It'll soon be time for your scan & tomorrow you'll be able to put your mind at rest.

I'm off work now until Friday, scan Wednesday so in quite a good mood. Still feeling V tired all the time, and peeing far too much. Haven't been sick for around 2 weeks though. :)

Hope everyone else is doing good! xxx

Felt nauseous today, don't know if it's psychological because I don't want to go to the gym haha.
Got my scan on Friday feeling very relieved I can hear the heartbeat on doppler
Have a lovely weekend xx
Does anyone have a bump yet?
Mine is getting very hard to hide as jeans don't fit me anymore! I'm wearing dresses and it sticks out hehe!
It's cool though, but everyone seems to think I may actually be further along than I actually think I am.
Is anyone in maternitywear yet?
I have a bump in the wrong place lol my upper abdomen is really distended and uncomfortable it's really getting me down. I've heard the progesterone suppositories can do this too but it's not nice I hate it I can't wear anything other than pyjamas and leggings but have no nice tops to go with leggings.. Urgh!
Ive baught maternity leggings and one paor of jeans as i was getting so uncomfortable with all the waistbands digging in xx
I have a bump in the wrong place lol my upper abdomen is really distended and uncomfortable it's really getting me down. I've heard the progesterone suppositories can do this too but it's not nice I hate it I can't wear anything other than pyjamas and leggings but have no nice tops to go with leggings.. Urgh!

Thats where I currebtly have most of my "bump" too lol. Tho I still have my pouch from my daughter. Thats getting bit bigger haha.

Tried my old maternity jeans on...so much comfier than my jeggings lol
I just bought bigger leggings when i was last pregnant instead of materniry leggings xxx
Cati I kind of have a bloat... Lol but I barely got a bump with my daughter, I didn't have maternity clothes, just went up a size in pants. I didn't have a noticeable bump until well after 20 weeks, kept having to have scans as I was so small. Actually hoping for the same this time lol 3 more sleeps till my scan!

Good luck tomorrow Claire! xxx

I'm in maternity stuff, have dug it all out from my last pregnancy, just need to pick up a new pair of jeans and some summer tops.

Anyone else having super emotional episodes? So far this week I have cried at an episode of The Flash, a Coldplay song, and my daughter saying she "loves mummy's baby". Soo not like me normally so must be the hormones!!

I'm gonna have to find a nice pair of maternity jeans tomorrow, I'm struggling to find jean-less outfits!
I was super emotional for about a month, but I think I'm back to normal now, or at least I hope so haha
I don't have a bump, I've just changed shape (although not put any weight on). My normal clothes are too tight but my maternity stuff from my daughter is way too big.
Im crying at everything!
Not sure if its just because im extra emosh because of how scared i am for tomorrow. But im a weeping mess most the time! Lol. Hormones!

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