*November 2017 thread!* Think I could be in here! Eek!

That's great news redbear!!!!

Love all these name ideas. I only have one for a boy it has to work in Swedish and English, Max, it's my OH middle name as well.

9 weeks today and still without symptoms not even sore breasts period pains aversions cravings sickness tiredness.. Scan next week I'm prepared to hear the worst lol. My Doppler came yesterday but can't find anything
Is 9 weeks too early to hear anything? I remember at 13 weeks with my daughter the midwife said it could still be too early. Try not to worry, I have no symptoms either aside from the sickness. I don't feel like there's a baby in there at all.

Max is cute! xxx

Starchild - I don't think Fox is too out there... my opinion ... it's your kid...not other people's if both you and hubby are ok iwth the name then go for it!.

I personally don't like names that can be abbreviated....or long names.

Both my kids have short names my son is Noor (which means light) and my daughter's name is Imaan (which means faith). for now I have a girl name I really like ...actually two...one is Kyda which means strong or Wisal which means Communion of Love.

I'm still going through boys names as most of the names I like is already in our family!
Struggling today. Im exhausted. I want to curl up and sleep.
Not really any symptoms - trying to tell myseldlf its because the placenta hasbstartee working but im just one bug huge worry :(
Yeah it probably is too early starchild so I'm not super stressed. It can be found at this stage but unlikely
HalcyonAries those are unique names, I love that. Our daughter is Luna, which in 2014 wasn't that popular but seems to be increasing in popularity everyday.

I remember OHs mum was appalled when we mentioned Fox. :lol:

Being exhausted is a symptom Claire, I don't have anything other than sickness.

Literally checking off the days until my scan. I can't wait.

I was looking at my brothers scan pictures yesterday. They have like 18 of them!! Some people I've heard only got one picture lol xxx

Thanks Starchild!...

We'll I think Fox fits in perfectly with Luna... Luna means moon...and Fox also reminds me of the moon... cause Foxes howl at Moons! LOL.

I'd say stick with the name!
Aww go with what you like, I love Teddy but our last name starts bair. So they would be Terry bair pronounced Teddy bear so my husband refused lmao.
Fox is cute i can see it working. Fantastic Mr Fox themed Nursery would be the cutest. I had a fox cosatto which would have been prefect. Xx
We like it from The X Files. It's nice hearing people say they like it. Told my friend today and she likes it too. Need to stop worrying about what other people with think.

Teddy bair would be the cutest! Lol xxx

£5 at mine too, and then to leave the Carl tried to pay and it wouldnt take the new pound coins! Luckily I had a note and it accepted that.

Yes go with what you like. My mum hated Tempy but it suits her perfectly.

Gender scan booked for 4 weeks time! Xx
Am I ok to take paracetamol before 12 weeks?! Am sure I read somewhere you were advised not to. Got a banging headache that just isnt ahifting!!
Am I ok to take paracetamol before 12 weeks?! Am sure I read somewhere you were advised not to. Got a banging headache that just isnt ahifting!!

Absolutely fine to take. Hope you feel better soon!

Five days till my scan, finally feels like it is almost here. My nausea has been horrendous the last week or so, evenings are the worst, not managed dinner most days, yesterday I had something then threw up when I went to brush my teeth. Lovely....
£5??! Our hospital doesn't charge for them. I think that's unfair, £5 is a lot of money to someone expecting a baby. And scan pictures can mean so much to people.

redbear do you have any feelings about what the gender may be? I'm excited for you! Lol

Paracetamol is fine to take. Ibuprofen is the one to be careful of. And aspirin, though I've been prescribed aspirin which I'm in two minds about taking. :/

spallerina same for me with the evenings, and getting to sleep is becoming difficult with sick pains in my tummy. Hope you feel better soon! My tablets seem to be really helping, buccastem they're called. Helping me get through my shifts & long days with little one without rushing off the throw up. Haven't been physically sick for a whole week now. xxx

£5??! Our hospital doesn't charge for them. I think that's unfair, £5 is a lot of money to someone expecting a baby. And scan pictures can mean so much to people.

redbear do you have any feelings about what the gender may be? I'm excited for you! Lol

Paracetamol is fine to take. Ibuprofen is the one to be careful of. And aspirin, though I've been prescribed aspirin which I'm in two minds about taking. :/

spallerina same for me with the evenings, and getting to sleep is becoming difficult with sick pains in my tummy. Hope you feel better soon! My tablets seem to be really helping, buccastem they're called. Helping me get through my shifts & long days with little one without rushing off the throw up. Haven't been physically sick for a whole week now. xxx

I think it will be a girl i have two girls already and just feel like we will have three girls. which im happy either way we really dont mind. I do love the fun guessing though xx
Luna and Fox are such pretty names!
I'm loving the Welsh name Lleu, which is short for lleuad meaning moon in Welsh, if it's a boy.
I also like it because my name begins with a double L too. I have no idea on girl names though!
Yes £5 per image! I hoped we'd pay £5 and get a handful of the best ones, but nope. You have to get a ticket from a machine, and if your ticket says 1 image, that's all you get! I paid £15 for 3 because I wanted a couple and my partner wanted one.
Well there you go Starchild...all the mommies to be have decided that FOX is the name LOL.

What BS - I can't believe that you are being charged for your scan pics. (can you not sneak a pic with your phones) - we don't get charged ...or maybe I do ...but it's all on medical aid so i don't see it.

Also, I read on one of the FB pages I belong too - that this one momma's OB doesn't do a scan with each visit...mine does though.

In other news - I'm 10w1d - and the morning sickness seems to be worsening... I hope this is the last as we are moving onto week 11 and then by week 12 it will be all gone.

I'm not wishing the time away ...just wishing the nausea away!
I've been struggling to post my first scan pic... I think it might be ok now.

the top bit is the head :)


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