Hi ladies, just caught up on the thread. My children always measured ahead at 12 weeks, although i knew when i ovulated so stuck with my dates.
My scan is supposed to be on Wednesday and then I will give bloods for NIPT test which then takes up to 2 weeks to come back with the results. So we will find out the gender quite early but I wont be telling people.
I knew my dates were 2-3 dates later than the official EDD. My first was 39+2, 2nd and 3rd were 40+6 (all official EDD)Hi ladies, just caught up on the thread. My children always measured ahead at 12 weeks, although i knew when i ovulated so stuck with my dates.
My scan is supposed to be on Wednesday and then I will give bloods for NIPT test which then takes up to 2 weeks to come back with the results. So we will find out the gender quite early but I wont be telling people.
Just out of curiosity - when did your children arrived compared to their due date and when you thought you were due?
sounds lovely, hope you have a fab weekendx
I am glad to hear that they offer NIPT so you can find out. Although its not 100%, 97 % is pretty good.Found out today my screening has come back really high risk for Down's - 1/12. Luckily my trust offers NIPT, frustratingly they can't do it on a Friday and we are away on holiday next week so earliest I can have it down is Monday 8th then 7 working days for the results. I had a massive breakdown as thought my husband would push for termination if it comes back confirmed Down's, but it turns out I was wrong, the last time we discussed this was probably before we had our son and he has completely changed his attitude. So we both know whatever happens we are keeping this baby, but at least we will be prepared if it is Down's.