*November 2017 thread!* Think I could be in here! Eek!

Starchild - go steady with the lucozade as it can shadow the scan if you dont drink clear uncarbonated drinks xxx
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I'm glad I'm not the only one having crazy dreams! I dreamt last week that I had given birth and she kept growing way too fast, by the end of the dream she was a toddler and I was taking her to a dance class! And throughout the whole dream my sister kept falling down any staircase she was walking down. Very peculiar.

Hope all goes well starchild x
I'm glad I'm not the only one having crazy dreams! I dreamt last week that I had given birth and she kept growing way too fast, by the end of the dream she was a toddler and I was taking her to a dance class! And throughout the whole dream my sister kept falling down any staircase she was walking down. Very peculiar.

Hope all goes well starchild x

Haha glad it wasn't just me. I wonder why we dream of a certain sex of child? Weird eh xx
I'm so sorry lillybell you're going through this ❤️

I keep thinking of the worst. I omow there's s heartbeat I can hear it on the Doppler but can a fetus have a heartbeat and stop growing? I feel silly asking lol
Redbear, my grandmother used to say "dreams are always the opposite", which lead me to believe that it might infact be a boy. But I then dreamt a few days later it was a boy, so I have no idea!
I also just remembered last nights dream. I was at a car boot sale and Prince Harry was there and he kissed me, which then lead to a fight between him and Jamie Laing from Made in Chelsea over me. It was very very weird. I then left them to go watch a game of gaelic football.
Hahaha that sounds hillarious. I've had both in dreams so far female triplets and a boy so far. I suppose it's whatever is on your mind at the time.
That dream sounds good. I was in actual tears when I woke up from mine it was horrible. I'm obviously worried about where I'm giving birth. They turned my local hospital where I had my first two into a birth centre which I've been adviced against because of my last daughter last time. So it's a new hospital and I'm quite scared. It's also huge and I don't know the way in but of I have a fast labour like my first I worry about not making it. I need a trail run later on I think xx
Not good news for me today unfortunately, they couldn't even see an embryo, just the sack which measured 6w1d. They have offered me another scan in a week in case I have my dates wrong but I can't see how! Absolutely gutted, not really sure what to do at the moment ��

Lillybell I just read your message - I'm keeping everything crossed this side that you ovulated later than what you thought! I'll keep you in my prayers.
Scan went well thanks ladies, redated so now due 30th October, but will stay here if that's ok! Means i am 13+1 and officially tri 2!

Pics were rubbish as baby was fast asleep and properly curled up, but did get some lovely views on the screen of legs cross, and baby holding his/her hands��

Congrats on everything being ok!
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Hahaha that sounds hillarious. I've had both in dreams so far female triplets and a boy so far. I suppose it's whatever is on your mind at the time.
That dream sounds good. I was in actual tears when I woke up from mine it was horrible. I'm obviously worried about where I'm giving birth. They turned my local hospital where I had my first two into a birth centre which I've been adviced against because of my last daughter last time. So it's a new hospital and I'm quite scared. It's also huge and I don't know the way in but of I have a fast labour like my first I worry about not making it. I need a trail run later on I think xx

It seems like all we do is worry! It's reassuring to know that all the worrying will be worth it in the end x
Hahaha that sounds hillarious. I've had both in dreams so far female triplets and a boy so far. I suppose it's whatever is on your mind at the time.
That dream sounds good. I was in actual tears when I woke up from mine it was horrible. I'm obviously worried about where I'm giving birth. They turned my local hospital where I had my first two into a birth centre which I've been adviced against because of my last daughter last time. So it's a new hospital and I'm quite scared. It's also huge and I don't know the way in but of I have a fast labour like my first I worry about not making it. I need a trail run later on I think xx

It seems like all we do is worry! It's reassuring to know that all the worrying will be worth it in the end x

I wish the worrying ended after pregnancy but it goes on forever lol xx
Scan went well, dated at 13 weeks 2 days so due October 30th. Halloween baby lol

Got about 15 pictures which I appreciate so much. Everything looked fine baby seems much lazier than our first I had to wiggle around to wake it up. Bottom one is totally freaky! Lol
Fab pics Starchild, so much better than mine! And we have the same due date now!
I don't know how it's right for me as we only DTD one time that month... and apparently I was already pregnant by that point. So think baby is just measuring a little ahead :lol:

I love the top one as it's so similar to my little girls. Both have a really obvious mouth on it. I wanna see it again already lol xxx

That's a lovely picture!
I want to see mine again, it's the best thing ever, it was super wriggly in there!
It has super duper long legs too.

Any one else having extra scans? Midwife said to day I will have to have extra scans as I'm consultant led.
Lovely picture so glad everything is ok. Looks like a lot of us are October dates xx
Yes I'll be consultant led and my midwife said I "might" get extra scans.... I'm not holding out too much hope!
If you don't mind me asking what is your reason? Mines just because I had high blood pressure. So not sure what the extra scans will be for. But I'm not complaining lol


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