*November 2017 thread!* Think I could be in here! Eek!

Got some bloating but I dont think I will be able to it much longer lol. You can def tell with my upper tummy. My lower bit still has a pouch of fat haha

Snap dam mum tum fat overhang, but the top of my stomach is all round and stuck out! My daughter asked why my belly was big and if it was the baby... I told her 10% baby 90% food.
I feel a bit sick today but I've got right pants on and I can't cope with pressure on my stomach. But only one pair of my pants are soft and stretchy enough not to. I may need maternity pants already lmao xx
Just been sick. I was really hoping it would just be the nausea but nope. Is it November yet x

T2186 I'm the same I want to get sickness so I know things are going well and progressing but then again who wants to be sick haha?! Xx
I've been having 1-2 cups of coffee a day (I don't drink Coke or energy drinks) but today I can't face it :( I love coffee! I went off it with my daughter too.
That's how mine started I went off coffee. And coke.

I've just broke down, LO practically threw orange juice everywhere and I just cannot cope. I feel guilty for not being able to play with her properly.

I just can't stop crying now. OH is finishing early thankfully. But this is everyday now. I just don't know how I'm gonna be able to cope :( xxx

Sat at my desk and i really really want to vom 😢 hate this feeling 😢
Starchild you will be fine. I've fallen out with my dh because he didn't clean the kitchen to my standards yesterday. Ah well he will get over it. I'm currently sat in my lycra shorts after the tight pants making me almost throw up and my pyjamas and comfy pants in the dryer.
I hope no one comes to the door.
Whatever you're comfy in! :lol:

Feeling a touch better. Can't eat or drink anything now except from cheesy bread & ice lollies so stocked up.

We took LO to the park so I'm feeling a little less guilty.

My OH is doing almost everything atm as I'm really struggling with life!

Anyone tried those preggy pops things? xxx
Awww Starchild, like redbear said - you will cope and it'll all be fine. I know on days like this it feels like it won't but you'll surprise yourself.

My oh is away for the week with work, and all I want to do is veg out. The 21mo is a terrible sleeper too so evenings aren't as relaxing as I wish they were. He's currently having a nap so I've sat down and done nothing for the past half an hour :)

My gp appt isn't until the 3rd of April (I'll be 9 weeks by then) and that's when they order he scan and you are able to see the midwife. I think that's leaving it a bit late. I can make on the day appointments but the receptionists always asks me if it's urgent... would you rebook for an on the day appointment?

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Thank you Pismo.

I think 9 weeks is about average to see the midwife. I'll be seeing her on April 5th when I'll 9 weeks and a few days. Veg out whilst you can, and deffo enjoy your rest time whilst you can, too!


Happy Monday everyone! Glad I'm not the only one struggling with bloat, mine is no better, I look ridiculous in my work clothes and there is absolutely no way people won't guess.

Nausea comes and goes, I was just thinking earlier how it wasn't too bad today and then of course it hit!

Scan tomorrow, getting myself a bit worked up about it, the two week wait since my last scan has felt like years!
I'm not seeing midwife until I'm 9 weeks some but I'm not worrying. It won't make a difference in the long run they really don't check much. It's a questionnaire and weigh and measure usually and that's it. Then you book your scan in a few days later (that's how it works where I live). Your not missing much by waiting a few week is what I mean. Oh and they give you folic acid but I picked some up from Morrison's for 74p or something xx
74p?? The only folic acid I could find was like £3 lol

I just had a major panic, I threw up (again) and there was clumps of red, I was planning all kinds in my head before it dawned on me I just had a bite of one of LOs strawberries :lol:


I'll be 10 weeks when I see my midwife, that's then earliest they'd let me book in. Ours don't give us folic acid either, they just advise you to take it and you buy your own. I've been taking the Boots pregnancy vitamins on and off since my MC anyway.
My GP offered me some but I'd already been taking it since we set a date to start TTC. Giving it out at booking in appt is a bit silly anyway as it's most important before 8/9/10 weeks.

I've thrown my pre natal up & my folic acid up today. :( xxx

Got my midwife appointment through today, I'll be 11 weeks 5 days... Similar time wise to my last pregnancy. Which means that my scan is likely to be late too (was nearly 14 weeks last time!)

Hope you are all managing your symptoms ok, nausea bloody sucks!! Thankfully I haven't thrown up yet, still time tho I guess!

My GP offered me some but I'd already been taking it since we set a date to start TTC. Giving it out at booking in appt is a bit silly anyway as it's most important before 8/9/10 weeks.

I've thrown my pre natal up & my folic acid up today. :( xxx

I did this everyday with my last pregnancy but just ate lots of food high in folic acid. They are staying down this time. The last I went to the Drs scared that I wasn't getting enough and they didn't seem at all interested at all! Trying to remember to take it is bed enough I'm terrible at pills. Xx
Well luckily I've be drinking gallons of fresh orange juice so I'm getting some folic acid but can't eat much else other than dry bread atm without throwing it up.

I'm the same with pills I leave mine by the kettle so I see them in the morning.


I had kale with my tea so that will help. I actually enjoyed it I'd not tried it before I normally just stick to cabbage. Xx

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