***November 2016 Mummies***

SoObsessed - that's what my little bud looked like at 7+2! Lovely picture! X
I was thinking of booking a early scan, I'm away for a week from Saturday so I would be at least 8/9 weeks before I can have one, I'm wandering if it's worth waiting for my dating scan
I'm just desperate to know everything's ok with Lil chocolate chip :)

Oh and I haven't even rang my Dr yet to book in with the Midwife. ..think I will do that tomorrow , I'm 7 weeks tomorrow, has anyone had their booking appointment yet?

I've got mine on 11th so will be nearly 9 weeks. I personally wouldn't have had an early scan if it hadn't been for car accident x
I know what you mean SoObsessed, I don't know if I should get one, I has a early scan with my little boy as I was bleeding so I feel a bit silly getting one this time as nothing is wrong

I will discuss it with my hubby and see what he thinks

All the scans look amazing ladies!!!! Put one big massive smile on my face :) lovely xxx
Can't believe you are 7 weeks tomorrow Clover, that seems to have gone really quickly.

We had an early scan, was lovely and reassuring. Don't feel silly, I would say go for it if you can get booked in xx
We will be having another scan today on the NHS at 8.30, hope all is still OK.
Good luck for your scan today Lila, let us know how it goes sending you positive vibes :)

Bobby I think I may wait and book one for when I about 9 weeks then ive only a few weeks to wait between that and my dating scan, plus I was 9 weeks when I had the scan with my little boy so will be nice to compare the pics :)
I can't believe I'm 7 weeks too!!!

Hi everyone,

I've just signed up to this forum this morning. I only found out late last night that I'm pregnant so I'm very new! I think I'm around 5 weeks but I've not had anything confirmed yet. I'm still in shock, it was such a surprise. I'm at work now typing this in a bit of a daze! I'm looking for a bit of advice on what to do next, I'm waiting on a call back from my Dr. I'm excited an terrified all at the same time! I haven't told anyone but my partner, I'm keeping this secret inside and it's so hard

Laura :)
Hi Laura! Congrats on the bfp- were you trying/considering trying or was it a complete suprise?

I haven't told anyone but my husband, sister and boss (because I was in and out of hospital due to suspected ectopic!) most people choose to keep it a secret until 12 week scan as this is the point your risks of miscarriage significantly reduce.

At 5 weeks you need to get rest, listen to your body and look after yourself. You can also arrange a booking in appointment with your local midwife - some GPS have different policies. If you are already booking a gp appointment they will just confirm with another pregnancy test and tell you to arrange a booking in appointment - or alternatively (if you don't want to go back and forth and you have a good strong positive test) just call Gp and ask to arrange your "booking in appointment" with the midwife. Usually they give you an appointment in about 2 weeks.

Happy and healthy 9 months tp you!! Xx
Thank you! This is all so new to me I don't know what to do with myself!

The GP have advised a midwife will contact me later today to arrange an appointment. It was a complete surprise, we weren't going to start trying until next year when we would feel a little bit more financially secure.

I'm kinda terrified to be honest! :)
Haha - well it was meant to be!! We planned on trying around may time so that my little girl was over 1 year but here I am! Obviously things happen when they meant to! Also worth keeping an eye out for second hand baby stuff as that helps save a fortune! Look of Facebook groups in your area. Essex have some great parent selling groups. Xx
I had my doctor confirm positive test yesterday. Expected (my calculation 27th Nov) x
Hi Laura and Keely
Welcome to November mummies, so exciting to have more mummies to be joining us

Laura what a lovely suprise :) it's a great forum and the support is amazing

Keely is this your first baby? Congratulations hun

Hi Laura and Keely
Welcome to November mummies, so exciting to have more mummies to be joining us

Laura what a lovely suprise :) it's a great forum and the support is amazing

Keely is this your first baby? Congratulations hun

Thank you!! So exciting..... No this is baby number 2 for me x
Hi Laura and Keely
Welcome to November mummies, so exciting to have more mummies to be joining us

Laura what a lovely suprise :) it's a great forum and the support is amazing

Keely is this your first baby? Congratulations hun

Thank you!! So exciting..... No this is baby number 2 for me x
That's lovely, how old is your 1st?
This is my 4th baby I have 2 teenagers and a almost 4 year old , have been TTC for 2 years


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