Hi girsl! Hope everyone is feeling good

Been away for awhile. I want to share a little bit of things whit you all.
I have been to my doctor, and I have a few things to share with you.
I think it will be good information!
She told me never to sleep with my tummy down, and to not sleepy on my right. We have one of our major arteries that runs on the right side of our spine, and because of the baby, it will start to cause pressure on it, and we may loose our breath and have problems due to lack of oxigenation by blood. So always sleep tummy up, and on your left side!
For foods, do not ever eat raw eggs, if well cooked, they are fine. Fruit, well washed and peeled. Salad, you need to do an exam to see if you are imune to toxoplasmose (i am not, so my doctor told me i need to only eat salad at home, and to wash it well, and leave it in a bowl with a few drops of vinager, to kill germs responsible for it, and then wash it again).
For high sugar foods and salt, she told me to eat it in moderation, as some pregnant woman could develop high blood pressure and diabetes due to the pregnancy. Our hormones are a mess!!
Pregnant woman have a big tendency for urinary infections and do not have symptons. Do drink between 1.5 a 2L of water!
Also it is normal to have more running throughout the pregnancy, but it is supposed to be white. If it changes colour and starts to smell, go to the doctor as it is a sympton of vaginal infection.
For nausea, there are medicines we can take that are harmless for the baby. Speak with you doctor. I was prescribed one today, i have big nausea especially at night, and cant eat much, so already lost 3kg. Which shouldnt be happening.
She told me that we should eat small nibbles every 3 hours tops. In the mornings have some biscuits by your bed side table and eat it before getting up. It helps. She told me i dont need to eat a lot, as long As we eat every 3 hours. And eat our vegetables, as we need it! If you are taking vitamins, the most important for us, are folic acid, iodine and Iron.
Do not bend to pick things from the ground, use your legs, bend you legs with back straight. If you bend on your tummy, it can cause you pain and discomfort.
she advise to do walks as well. It will be good for the circulation.
And I think it was it.
Sorry the long text. Hope it will be helpfull!