***November 2016 Mummies***

I do this clover, if I do too much I get lots of stretchy aches xx
Has anyone felt teary yet?? I'm an emotional person anyway but just seen a picture on Instagram that Victoria Beckham posted of David - he is sewing their daughters dolls dress and it made my eyes fill up!!! I sobbed my heart out at gogglebox last night as well!!!! X

I'm super teary but I've had a really tough couple of weeks which I'd be tearful about anyway.
I'm so sick it's untrue. Even a 2 min car journey as a passanger is struggle. I've never felt tiredness like this before even after working nights.
Crazy how 2 pregnancies can be so different. I sailed through the first trimester with my daughter.
Really looking forward to my scan on Tuesday too. At least I'll have a better idea of my due date anyway x

What time is your scan Tuesday? Mines 9am - I'm wishing my weekend away to get there!! I have an awful niggling feeling that something has gone wrong for some reason. Think it's because every single day is a milestone for us.

I'm really shocked at the lack of sickness for me. I've had the odd sickness (this morning after brushing my teeth I suddenly threw up!) but at least it's not constant. I'm just pretty tired a lot to be honest and my boobs hurt on and off. I've been very lucky bar the horrendous anxiety! I told OH yesterday never again after this. If it works out, it will be an only child (oh is an only child and wanted 2 but can see now it's not that easy) and if it goes wrong I'm not trying again. My mental health is shot!! Xx

Mines at 8. I think it's quite normal to feel like that. Any symptoms are good. My first pregnancy I didn't have any sickness at all. This one I'm so sick it's untrue. People keep telling me it might be twins!!!
Bless you hon. It must be so tough for you. Huge hugs xxx
How's everyone feeling today? I had really bad cramps this morning but they have eased off now,

I did a lot yesterday cleaning and tidying (seem to be nesting already !!! ) so think I overdid it


Morning clover. I was in bed at 8.30 last night and got up at 7.30 feeling quite refreshed until the sickness kicked in!
Sorry to hear you've had cramps, glad they've eased off. You need to rest a bit (I know, easier said than done)
Hope you have a fab Easter x
Happy Easter ladies

Not feeling too bad yet, but early days. So cramping, so boobs and kinda hangover feeling at times.

Gonna do my first cb digital tomo and hoping for a 2-3weeks.
Happy Easter ladies

Not feeling too bad yet, but early days. So cramping, so boobs and kinda hangover feeling at times.

Gonna do my first cb digital tomo and hoping for a 2-3weeks.

I got my 2-3 at 17dpo so I'm not sure how many weeks I was then?? I got my 3+ at 5+4
good lucky lovely!! :)

I'm still cramping and I'm 6+4 today boobs killing and just feel tired, I haven't had much nausea yet, the only time I feel bad is when I haven't eaten for a long period of time, I work in schools and last week we didn't get lunch till almost 2 and I felt awful, as soon as I eat I feel ok

Has anyone told work yet?, I carry a lot of heavy equipment when I'm in schools but luckily its school holidays now so will be just doing baby clinics for a week then I'm off for a week, I will probably have to say something soon

I've told one work college and she was lovely, her daughter is pregnant after recurrent miscarriages, so she wont let me carry anything, so sure others will guess soon

well I'm off to a easter egg hunt :egg: so i'll catch up with you all soon :)

How's everyone feeling today? I had really bad cramps this morning but they have eased off now,

I did a lot yesterday cleaning and tidying (seem to be nesting already !!! ) so think I overdid it


Morning clover. I was in bed at 8.30 last night and got up at 7.30 feeling quite refreshed until the sickness kicked in!
Sorry to hear you've had cramps, glad they've eased off. You need to rest a bit (I know, easier said than done)
Hope you have a fab Easter x

Sorry to hear you've got sickness hun :sick: I'm waiting for mine to start!!! when did you start with it?

How's everyone feeling today? I had really bad cramps this morning but they have eased off now,

I did a lot yesterday cleaning and tidying (seem to be nesting already !!! ) so think I overdid it


Morning clover. I was in bed at 8.30 last night and got up at 7.30 feeling quite refreshed until the sickness kicked in!
Sorry to hear you've had cramps, glad they've eased off. You need to rest a bit (I know, easier said than done)
Hope you have a fab Easter x

Sorry to hear you've got sickness hun :sick: I'm waiting for mine to start!!! when did you start with it?


Thanks clover. About a week ago but I have no idea how many weeks I am!! Anywhere between 6 and 8.
I never had sickness like this with my first. It's totally wiping me out x
I've told my manager Clover due to past losses plus I've been off work now for 3 weeks. Going back Tuesday should the scan be all good.

Just had a phone call to say my niece is in hospital with appendicitis and is having her appendix out at tea time. Going to take my sister some bits shortly and hopefully see my niece xx
How's everyone feeling today? I had really bad cramps this morning but they have eased off now,

I did a lot yesterday cleaning and tidying (seem to be nesting already !!! ) so think I overdid it


Morning clover. I was in bed at 8.30 last night and got up at 7.30 feeling quite refreshed until the sickness kicked in!
Sorry to hear you've had cramps, glad they've eased off. You need to rest a bit (I know, easier said than done)
Hope you have a fab Easter x

Sorry to hear you've got sickness hun :sick: I'm waiting for mine to start!!! when did you start with it?


Thanks clover. About a week ago but I have no idea how many weeks I am!! Anywhere between 6 and 8.
I never had sickness like this with my first. It's totally wiping me out x
I remember you were getting BFNS after AF was due weren't you, so you could of Ovulated a bit later ? When are you having a scan?

I've told my manager Clover due to past losses plus I've been off work now for 3 weeks. Going back Tuesday should the scan be all good.

Just had a phone call to say my niece is in hospital with appendicitis and is having her appendix out at tea time. Going to take my sister some bits shortly and hopefully see my niece xx
Oh I hope your niece is ok hun,

And good luck with the scan Tuesday, I bet it can't come soon enough

Ah and happy easter, joey looks so cute x
He's had a lovely day been to a Easter egg hunt with his big sister and friend, he's exausted now...and so am I! !! Hope you've had a lovely easter too :)
I do this clover, if I do too much I get lots of stretchy aches xx
I know it's due to stretching and hormonal change but it's worrying , will be glad when we're all past Tri 1

I agree sweetie, tri one is so bloody agonising! Xx
I remember you were getting BFNS after AF was due weren't you, so you could of Ovulated a bit later ? When are you having a scan?

Tomorrow at 8. I can't wait :-)
Yes i think about a week late so I'm hoping to be 7/8 weeks tomorrow x
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Can't wait to see your scan tomorrow, what time is yours MillersMrs :D

Could we all do introductions again and tell each other a little bit of information about ourself's?

I'm Gail I'm 35 I live in West yorkshire I work full time as a a childrens immunisation nurse and vaccinate babies in clinic and childrem in schools

have 3 children ages 16,13 and 3
I have been TTC for 2 years and got told by my fertility Dr that it would be unlikely I would concive again naturally as I have severe PCOS and a low egg reserve

I had 7 failed Clomid cycles last year and I had given up hope of a Bfp , I tried Soy isoflavones last cycle for the first time and got my miracle Bfp

I'm so happy I get to have another baby and a sibling close in age to my little boy 3 as there is a very big age gap between him and my Girls

Would love to find out more about you all :)

My scan is at 9am. I didn't sleep too well last night as had bad dreams about it so dreading tonight's "sleep"! I'm such a worry wort.

Anyway - about me. I'm Leanne, I'm 33 from Sheffield and ive been with my boyfriend for nearly 3 years. We both have been married before which ended due to our other halfs being unfaithful. I'm very lucky to have found my oh when in an incredibly dark place. I never thought I'd have children, or meet anyone I'd want to have children with after my marriage breakdown so i consider myself very lucky. We started discussing having children very early and have been trying for 2 years. Sadly we have had 2 losses (I had a miscarriage with my ex) so this is our 3rd time lucky!!
Yay got a 2-3 weeks on my cb digital this morning :-D

Going to wait a week to use the next one. Wow clover 3+ at 17dpo? Surely you're having twins?

Im Niki, 30 from Newcastle. Been ttc just over a year and had one MC summer last year. Hope to get to stay in Nov mummies xx
Hi Niki
Yay for your 2-3!!!!! So happy for you

I got 2-3 at 17dpo but I didn't test for my 3+ till 5+4

I would love twins :)

Really hope this is your sticky one hun


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