***November 2016 Mummies***

Hi everyone, hope everyone is OK!
I hope you feel better soon clover!

My husband and I had sex last night and I had an orgasm, I am scared I hurted baby now as the muscles of the womb contract right? We had sex last Saturday but then I was not worried as I did not orgasm then,

Sorry I feel so silly, sorry for TMI:oooo:

I was in the same boat! I felt so scared to do it thinking it would harm baby! But in my pregnancy book it encourages you to orgasm during pregnancy...apparently senses are heightened and pregnant sex is often a lot more enjoyable and orgasms last longer ;) so honestly try not to worry :) xx
Runny eggs are fine now in the UK - this was announced in January. Using lion stamped eggs - the risk of salmonella is massively reduced x
Glad you've said this as I've really been craving boiled egg and soldiers!!! :D :p

Sharcaz that's really interesting, I have found sex a lot more intense since my Bfp, not a bad thing at all ;) and it's also nice to DTD for pleasure and not to concive, TTC for 2 years most of the time we only had sex around Ovulation and it wasn't always enjoyable

Sharcaz that's really interesting, I have found sex a lot more intense since my Bfp, not a bad thing at all ;) and it's also nice to DTD for pleasure and not to concive, TTC for 2 years most of the time we only had sex around Ovulation and it wasn't always enjoyable


I can imagine it became more of a chore than fun! We had been ttc for just a year and it felt that way so must be even more so for you! Time to have a bit of fun and relax :D xx
Hey girls
How is everyone? Had a afternoon nap a bath and feel a bit better, although I missed all the nice weather

been thinking about dopplers
My friend is sending me one and I was just wandering if anyone else was thinking of buying /using one?

I've never used one before so no idea when to start using it
I'm 6+3 so I'm guessing ill have to wait a few weeks before I would be able to find the heartbeat
And if I couldn't find it it would probably worry me

Doppler, I didn't find a heart beat until 12+6, being fair I was convinced it would be on the left hand side but found it on the right so probs could've found it earlier. If you are quite chilled out, they are a good idea. I just used to check every Sunday morning or afternoon to see if I could find it. It's very reassuring when you do and lovely to hear xx
Usually after 12/13 weeks. I found a heart beat at 10 weeks with a hospital Doppler with my first, but then I'm 'in that business' so kind know where and how to find it.
It's not recommended if you have any concerns about baby or babies movements but as a comfort to you it's a nice idea x
Has anyone felt teary yet?? I'm an emotional person anyway but just seen a picture on Instagram that Victoria Beckham posted of David - he is sewing their daughters dolls dress and it made my eyes fill up!!! I sobbed my heart out at gogglebox last night as well!!!! X
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Usually after 12/13 weeks. I found a heart beat at 10 weeks with a hospital Doppler with my first, but then I'm 'in that business' so kind know where and how to find it.
It's not recommended if you have any concerns about baby or babies movements but as a comfort to you it's a nice idea x
Oh what job do you do hun? I'm also able to use a Midwife's Doppler as I'm a immunisation nurse and I share a room with the Midwife hehe

Has anyone felt teary yet?? I'm an emotional person anyway but just seen a picture on Instagram that Victoria Beckham posted of David - he is sewing their daughters dolls dress and it made my eyes fill up!!! I sobbed my heart out at gogglebox last night as well!!!! X
I feel quite emotional most of the time lol but noticed more now that I'm pregnant, I cried at an episode of the Walking Dead last night lol

Usually after 12/13 weeks. I found a heart beat at 10 weeks with a hospital Doppler with my first, but then I'm 'in that business' so kind know where and how to find it.
It's not recommended if you have any concerns about baby or babies movements but as a comfort to you it's a nice idea x
Oh what job do you do hun? I'm also able to use a Midwife's Doppler as I'm a immunisation nurse and I share a room with the Midwife hehe

I'm a midwife. If you share with the midwives I'm sure they'll have a sneaky listen in for you if you need reassuring x
Has anyone felt teary yet?? I'm an emotional person anyway but just seen a picture on Instagram that Victoria Beckham posted of David - he is sewing their daughters dolls dress and it made my eyes fill up!!! I sobbed my heart out at gogglebox last night as well!!!! X

I'm super teary but I've had a really tough couple of weeks which I'd be tearful about anyway.
I'm so sick it's untrue. Even a 2 min car journey as a passanger is struggle. I've never felt tiredness like this before even after working nights.
Crazy how 2 pregnancies can be so different. I sailed through the first trimester with my daughter.
Really looking forward to my scan on Tuesday too. At least I'll have a better idea of my due date anyway x
Has anyone felt teary yet?? I'm an emotional person anyway but just seen a picture on Instagram that Victoria Beckham posted of David - he is sewing their daughters dolls dress and it made my eyes fill up!!! I sobbed my heart out at gogglebox last night as well!!!! X

I'm super teary but I've had a really tough couple of weeks which I'd be tearful about anyway.
I'm so sick it's untrue. Even a 2 min car journey as a passanger is struggle. I've never felt tiredness like this before even after working nights.
Crazy how 2 pregnancies can be so different. I sailed through the first trimester with my daughter.
Really looking forward to my scan on Tuesday too. At least I'll have a better idea of my due date anyway x

What time is your scan Tuesday? Mines 9am - I'm wishing my weekend away to get there!! I have an awful niggling feeling that something has gone wrong for some reason. Think it's because every single day is a milestone for us.

I'm really shocked at the lack of sickness for me. I've had the odd sickness (this morning after brushing my teeth I suddenly threw up!) but at least it's not constant. I'm just pretty tired a lot to be honest and my boobs hurt on and off. I've been very lucky bar the horrendous anxiety! I told OH yesterday never again after this. If it works out, it will be an only child (oh is an only child and wanted 2 but can see now it's not that easy) and if it goes wrong I'm not trying again. My mental health is shot!! Xx
I also keep getting butterflies in my tummy - mainly when I'm just sat relaxing on the sofa watching tv. Never felt anything like it before, it's really strange!! I know it might not be, but I'm telling myself it's bubba having a rave in there telling me it's ok when I'm doubting it's not xx
How many weeks are you Mrsmiller? Could you be feeling bubba?? :)

MM I'm sure everything is fine and you're just expecting the worst because of all the heartache you have had already xx that's normal. I am absolutely shitting myself that something has gone wrong. After two mcs last year I just can't imagine getting to a scan so I understand your feelings x I just want the first tri over. I was anxious when I was pregnant with dd but had never had a loss before. Guess I took it for granted. This time round I sometimes feel that I cannot possibly take anymore anxiety. But we will all get through this!!

Bloody dragging though..:) xx
The anxiety is awful isn't it Tootie?!? I really haven't enjoyed Tri 1 as much as you should really - I'm wishing my life away into Tri 2, but I think the whole pregnancy I'll be on edge.

Clover I'm 8+3 - not confirming its bubba, some say that fluttering is wind. And without sounding crude, I know what wind feels like!! And it's not a faint tickling feeling in my lower abdomen at the front like I keep experiencing. I'm seeking comfort in my own head, telling myself it's bubba moving about. I've read it is possible to feel slight movement in the way of butterfly like feelings in the stomach at around 8 weeks, but in subsequent pregnancies, not firsts xx
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I think, wind or otherwise, if it gives you a bit of comfort then that's a good thing. Baby feels it if you feel good and happy but it is so hard to keep a lid on your anxiety. Its completely out of your control. Scan day will be here for you very very soon xxx
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Happy Easter girls!!!! The easter bunny has been :D

How's everyone feeling today? I had really bad cramps this morning but they have eased off now,

I did a lot yesterday cleaning and tidying (seem to be nesting already !!! ) so think I overdid it


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