Not working. Is this weird.


Well-Known Member
Oct 27, 2007
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Hi i found out i was pregnant last week.
Ive been at my current job about 8 months now. I hate it immensly. Im always stressed, anxious, miserable and angry. My partner wanted me to give it up even before we found out about the baby. We would be able to live on his wages. Now im pregnant he wants me to give it up even more.

I feel silly though giving up my job so early when most people work during pregnancy. I dont want to stay at my job as it makes me miserable and would love to leave. I know we would get MA as i qualify for it but not sure what to do. I havent been for a scan yet or seen a midwife or doctor so if i do leave my job im scared about when they ask me what i do for a living. Im only 24 and would feel like a lazy idiot if i say i dont work. Am i being paranoid? do they think bad of you if you arent working or should i just tell them the truth if i do quit my job?

What do you think? Do i even have to tell a midwife or doctor that ive quit? And if i didnt tell them would i still be able to claim MA?
Your doctor or mw don't decide if you can claim MA - the DSS do so you would need to check with them - but I don't think you can - after all you didn't have a wage before that so why would you get one then?

Give up work if you hate it and can afford to - why not? You aren't claiming benefits but living on your DH's salary - my DH made me the offer just over 2 years ago to have a break from work as I hated my job. I ended up being bored v quickly and working again :roll:

you will qualify for MA as long as you were employed for 26 out of the 66 weeks before your baby is due. Your MW will ask you if you're employed or intending to claim MA as they need to fill out a MATB1 form for you to send off. Don't worry about what MW's will think of you - it's their job not to judge! And there's no point staying in a job that you hate especially if you're pregnant - the hormones don't help! :D
Good luck with whatever you decide!

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