Not sure what to do.


Well-Known Member
Sep 15, 2010
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Hi ladies. :wave:

My first time using AC this cycle and I'm not convinced it's been a success. I got my smiley face on a digi OPK on CD29 and my cheapie opks gradually went lighter. I did another digi opk on CD31 in the morning and it was positive but the line was fainter, did yet another digi in the evening and it was negative.

So, going by that, I have passed the 2WW and I'm late for AF. Over the past few days I've had spotting, varying in colour... From pink to beige to dark brown and last night before I went to bed, it was clear EWCM with streaks of red.

It can't be a light AF, I've only noticed this when I've wiped.. and had a little poke around.. :oooo: It actually started after I BDed with my hubby, that was the first time I had *any* discharge and it's just kept going really, even though there's not been very much. I've had mild crampy/achey feelings but not AF pain. :think:

I'm beginning to wonder what's going on, whether I really ovulated at all. I've done cheapie HPTs, a couple of which I've seen faint lines on but then I did an FR and got nothing. I did a cheapie ov test today and it was quite dark. :confused:

I mentioned to hubby last night about going to the doctors, getting checked out and he didn't say very much. I think he felt disappointed it's come to this, maybe we both expected too much from the AC given all the success stories. :oooo:

I'm considering starting the AC again either today or tomorrow, but I'm not sure that's really a good idea... What if we ARE pregnant and just need to use a different test or wait a bit longer? After all, some people don't get BFPs til they're a week late.

I want to get tests done but I know hubby is hesitant. :(

I just feel really peed off... :cry: :cry:

Sorry for the long essay.

x x
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In all honesty MissJ, i've always been a bit confused why you've never been for diagnostic testing knowing full well that your cycle is a mess :oooo:

I didn't realise that your hubby was a bit uncomfortable with it.

I'm not entirely sure that you are ovulating properly. I know you got pregnant that time, but you do have a lot of sex to catch any ovulation but it doesn't mean that you are ovulating normally.

I think that you are having normal cycle lengths, but are not ovulating and therefore you don't have an increase in progesterone to lead to a proper bleed if you don't conceive to mark the start of a new cycle.

I suspect the pinky that you are having now is actually your period and it so light because you didn't ovulate properly.

I wouldn't take AC just yet, just because i am only guessing afterall :)

However, i would definitely get your behind to your GP. You want to be checked for PCOS.

I sorry that it makes your hubby a bit glum, but to be honest he doesn't really need to be involved just yet because i'm sure you'll give the doctor plenty to work from :hug:
I've wanted to go for tests for ages, but as hubby's been through the process with a previous relationship and from what he said, it was quite a stressful time, he's hesitant to go through it again but he knows we should, so he does agree, it's just getting the ball rolling. I've considered just booking us into the GP myself but knowing how sad it makes him, I don't want to go behind his back. I will definitely talk to him again about it though, definitely...I need to do the tests, I can't do this every cycle. :(

I have at least had blood tests for PCOS which came back normal, as well as scans - I remember having two scans actually, one with the previous GP who sent me for bloods (I liked her, she was lovely) as she was shocked about the fact my cycles were so loopy, she said my scan and bloods were normal. But my last scan with this useless GP showed "mild follicles" which he said were too mild to say they were PCOS but he refused point blank to send us for tests to confirm it or not, because we hadn't been trying for long enough.

Hopefully tonight, I can gently persuade hubby to call the GP and book us in. x x
I bit the bullet and texted hubby saying we need to talk r.e. the doctors for my cycles... He's agreed to talk it over and decide from there, so that's a start I suppose. x x
I hope I'm not speaking out of turn MissJ, feel free to tell me to piss off if I am, and I know you prob think it's easy for me to say - but I think if you want answers, you're going to have to take the bull by the horns yourself. Surely your husband must see how frustrated you are after TTC for a year and in that time only having 5/6 cycles, not knowing if you're ovulating, not knowing if you're getting a regular period. And if he wants a baby as much as you do, surely he is going to have to understand that something needs to be investigated now. Fair enough he did something in a past relationship but you're his wife and he must see how much this means to you.

I think maybe it's worth doing a little bit of research yourself online to see who else out there has cycles like yours and see what they did, what they were told by their GP's etc That way you can go to your hubby and say "OK, I think these are our options" - personally I would just tell mine my husband he had to bloody do it (whatever "it" looks like) and I'd be on the phone to the GP/hospital everyday myself, until I got some answers and wouldn't wait for my hubby to do it (although I understand and appreciate that this may not be what you or he wants.)

I would hate to see you here in another year with no answers. Or still hoping and wishing that you will fall but not knowing if your body is doing all that it should be each cycle. There are so many great women on this forum in the same position as you that would give you fab advice on where to go next but obviously it's got to be up to you to want to do it and I guess, acknowledge that maybe something is wrong. I imagine that can be pretty hard to do.

:hugs: x
No Jen, I completely and totally agree. I've done some research, albeit not LOADS but from what I've read, women with cycles like mine go and get checked out! :rolleyes: In a weird kind of way, I think it'd be exciting, because I love the thought I'd be finding things out, getting down to what's what etc... If that makes any kind of sense..?

I would have gone to the GP ages ago, as I've said but I know my hubby and I know he wants to do everything together and go through it together - I'm fine with that but I wanted to do this months ago, something which I'll be telling him tonight. He said the other day about getting his swimmers tested again so I know that getting tests done is obviously playing on his mind if he's thinking about it for himself too.

I need to give him a kick up the bum, so FX tonight goes to plan!! :)

x x
Definitely sound like the right thing to do Miss J, good luck tonight.

miss j i do feel for you, i guess what the girls are saying is, no one has any answers anymore, its going to take tests to get to the bottom of things.

if hubby has been through this before i guess the thought of it is making him worry it is him that's the problem so i understand but this is getting you nowhere at all.

:hugs: xxxx
Thanks girls. :hugs:

I strongly believe it's me with the issue, but we'll have to see eh? FX we get somewhere tonight, I won't take no for an answer though, I desperately need to see a doctor about this. X x
Good luck with tonight!

It will do you the world of good together getting to the bottom of it no more wondering whats going on in there and guessing x x x
I agree with the other ladies, i wouldnt take know for an answer form hubby, and if he dosnt want to go then you can always start things off yourself, would hate to see you go around in circles for another year having no answers

I think you should get the PCOS bloods done again, i know you have to have them at the right points in your cycle, and as someone else said before sounds like you have high LH which is maybe the problem its self.

Hope it went well with OH last night.

Thanks for the support ladies. :hugs: x x

Last night was painful... I knew hubby found it hard to talk about as he went through so much with his previous partner (multiple mc's and loads of tests) but I had to do it... I needed to talk about it because it's driving me nuts.

So anyway, tears were shed and at first he didn't want to talk it over but eventually, we agreed that something has to be done. We have a busy month for August so we've decided as soon as that's out of the way, we'll get down the doctors. It gives us time to figure out what's happening with this cycle as well. I know he still doesn't really want to go, but he's willing to support me which is all I was asking.

So roughly the end of August, we'll be off to the GP.

x x
Hey Miss J,

Hope you and Hubby are ok, I can understand why Hubby is hesitant as things certainly aren't that easy having to go through fertility testing and things but I really think your problem is likely to be PCOS or ovulation related and hopefully can be treated pretty easily with clomid and/or metformin, I guess as Hubby has conceived before his spermies should be ok too so he shouldn't need to produce a sample.

I think you could just call the doctors and ask for a referral, they just have to write to the hospital, do some research and explain the reasons for your concerns and then they can't possibly refuse.

It makes me so cross you weren't referred ages ago Miss J just based on the length of your cycles.

I wouldn't wait around til the end of August as I reckon a wait for an appointment could take 6-8 weeks.

you are so patient missJ

I would say same as maybe, if you wait till end of aug then a referal can take quite long so if you go now then you could have an appointment by september.

Glad you and OH talked it out :hugs:

I agree with nurse and maybe, I would ask for a referral now because it takes a long time. They still might want his sample but it wont be until you get your appointment probably. Given your cycles, the problem is ovulation and its much easier to fix than some other cases.
Hope you don't mind me peeping in, I just wanted to say I agree too missJ. If your bloods are normal its not PCOS, full PCOS diagnosis requires both cysts, abnormal bloods (esp testosterone) and unusual AF patterns. You don't both need to go down to the GP, they won't do anything but refer you, so you can pop down on your own. I would think that just by doing this you will feel better and more in control, more positive. The referral appointment (which will almost certainly be a couple of months, if not more) is when you both need to go together. I really hope they can help you. :hug:
Thanks everyone. :) x x

I did consider going in and speaking to the GP myself but like I've said, I already know how OH feels and I just don't want to go off and do something which I know will hurt his feelings. I'm ok about waiting and I understand a referral can take ages but like I say, it gives us time to see what happens with this cycle and maybe even have another go with the AC if another cycle starts.

x x
I do think you will feel better if you go and get some tests done at least it will give you some peace of mind xx

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