not looking good?


New Member
Sep 21, 2011
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so i had a scan last monday to show i was approx 5 weeks pregnant but she couldnt confirm the flicker of hearbeat she saw as my uterus was 'glimmering'
anyway on sunday i had brown blood, not much but started to get cramps sunday evening,
the bleeding pretty much stopped to where it was only when wiping (sorry if tmi) but pains were still there, woke up this morning to quite a bit of red blood down the toilet and pains reducing, as the days gone on the bleedings also reduced to wiping also and there have been no clots
i know this is most likely a miscarriage but has any one else had this?
so i had a scan last monday to show i was approx 5 weeks pregnant but she couldnt confirm the flicker of hearbeat she saw as my uterus was 'glimmering'
anyway on sunday i had brown blood, not much but started to get cramps sunday evening,
the bleeding pretty much stopped to where it was only when wiping (sorry if tmi) but pains were still there, woke up this morning to quite a bit of red blood down the toilet and pains reducing, as the days gone on the bleedings also reduced to wiping also and there have been no clots
i know this is most likely a miscarriage but has any one else had this?

Go to your local EPU hun and let them sort you out. You should be able to go in as an emergency? (a walk in GP referred me when I needed to go but the EPU I went to was only open 9-6pm)

No-one here can say one way or another.... Only the professionals can give you some clarification.

I hope you goes your way

Can I just ask why you were given such an early scan to begin with? Have you had bleeding before?

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ive got an appointment at epu tomorrow hun, i know no one on here can help but just feels nice letting it all out, ive had mc's before thats why im expecting this to be the same, but both mc's had clotting and this doesnt so i was only wondering if any one else had had mc's with no clotting
and i had an appt this early as i had problems with my first pregnancy (i had pre-eclampsia) so the consultant im under wanted me scanned to see exactly how far on i was to measure my blood pressure xx
ive got an appointment at epu tomorrow hun, i know no one on here can help but just feels nice letting it all out, ive had mc's before thats why im expecting this to be the same, but both mc's had clotting and this doesnt so i was only wondering if any one else had had mc's with no clotting
and i had an appt this early as i had problems with my first pregnancy (i had pre-eclampsia) so the consultant im under wanted me scanned to see exactly how far on i was to measure my blood pressure xx

Oh bless you - having one M/C was horrible enough so I really feel for those of you that have had more than one.

I bet tonight is going to be a long night for you?

Try to get some rest if at all possible and I know it sounds stupid but try to keep as calm as possible.

I hope things are OK - I hope you are posting back here tomorrow to let us know all is well :)

my first mc at 18 had not clots, then my second one last yr had them the size of golf balls, eachone is different.

i also bled in this pregnacy a small amount with a week of brown blood (which is just old blood) and at 6wks 3 days they couldnt find a baby and egg sac yet alone a baby with a heartbeat.

only a scan will tell
my first mc at 18 had not clots, then my second one last yr had them the size of golf balls, eachone is different.

i also bled in this pregnacy a small amount with a week of brown blood (which is just old blood) and at 6wks 3 days they couldnt find a baby and egg sac yet alone a baby with a heartbeat.

only a scan will tell

yeah i thought every one would be different, i have had 2 but they were both pretty similar, same time lost (6 weeks which is what i should be now) horrible pains and clots
a scans only going to comfirm what i already know i suppose :) thanks x
Hey Lauren, I had my first scan at 5w 5d and another at 7w 6d. During both all I saw was an empty sac. Then last Friday I started getting spotting which has been coming on and off ever since, sometimes with painful cramps. I'm returning tmo to see if everything has passed yet (I know I've had a missed miscarriage but will probably need help for it to be complete). At the other end of the scale, my best friend had awful pains and lost a lot of blood as well as clots during her first pregnancy - she went on to have lovely twin girls so the blood was nothing sinister. What I'm trying to say is try not to worry too much as it's out of your hands and you'll hopefully know more by tmo but blood isn't always a sign that everything has gone horribly wrong! Unfortunately you've been there before but at least u are keeping an open mind to what might happen - very brave :) wish u the best of luck Hun and really hope it's good news for u xxxx
Don't have any info or advice but I wish you all the best sweetie. Stay positive xxxxxxxxxx
Hi ya hun. Don't give up yet I have had 2 lots of brown and 1 lot of red blood and bubs is fine. xxx
good luck for tomorow at EPU, fingers crossed for you all is well, not all bleeding is a bad sign hun X
Hi There,

Firstly i hope your ok and i cant imagine how your feeling. The only bit of input i have is ive had bleeding when ive been wiping and had stabbing pains and went to A&,E got admitted and things seem to be working out fine. From what i can gather 5 weeks is early to see a HB, ive only just seen my baby and im 9 weeks LMP but 6 from my early scan measurments. Ive still not seen a heartbeat but every pregnancy is different and maybe yours will be some what like mine where things are out. Are you back for another scan? What id also say is dont do anything until your ready, they told me last week i may have a blighted ovum and that id have decisions to make and a week later my baby was there. As i say im 9 weeks today from my LMP and im measuring at 6 but things are progressing so stay positive! xxx


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