Not feeling so good


Well-Known Member
Aug 16, 2010
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Ive been a little worried, ive had a strong pulling and tightening pain across my stomach most of the day and period like pains that have been making me feel really weak.. is this normal for my stage??

could be braxton hicks iv never had them so not sure tho i get very achy if i do to much but im sure someone will be able to answer more fully
How far along are you? I'm on my phone so can't see tickers x they don't sound like the braxton hicks I get x have you been drinking lots, dehydration can cause lots of aches and pains x
oh lovely sorry to hear your feeling like this i had the same i didnt think braxton hicks could be that painful but midwife told me it was normal but they should really last all day but she also checked my wee incase of a infection and that i was drinking enough.
remember if you do get worried to ring your midwife tho thats what they are there for xx
im 31 weeks tomorrow.. i feel like ive been drinking the same amount as normal, i shall try and drink more now and see if it improves..
maybe to much info but is clear discharge normal also at 31 weeks? x
It might be braxton hicks then, I've never had painful ones, though all day doesn't sound right x not sure on the discharge though I'm a bit crap when it comes to body discharge! x Def step up drinking, see if it helps to calm them-it won't hurt x
I keep getting loads of braxton hicks, they're not painful as such just really tight and uncomfortable :( they do make me feel really achey.

Maybe check with your MW to be on the safe side, hope your feeling better xxx
Hey hun, sounds like your havin bad braxton hicks! Iv had them from about 28 weeks and sometimes they really take my breath away! Mention it to your midwife though if your reallyworried.
As for the discharge, completely normal, as long as its not blood tinged on too jellyfied (if u know what i mean haha)

Hopeyou start to feel better soon x x
Hi hon,

Perhaps increase the amount of water you are drinking - I've had a noticeable decrease in the discomfort of BH since I've been drinking more fluids.
my discharge had started badly again :( it feels like i have wet myself sometimes :(
my discharge had started badly again :( it feels like i have wet myself sometimes :(

Pregnancy is sooooooo glamourous!!! Lol x hope you're feeling better today K&A
hi girls,

im feeling much better, i drank lots of water. Apart from going to the toilet every second hehe i feel much better today. Thank you for all your comments :) x

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