Not feeling pregnant!!


Well-Known Member
Apr 2, 2011
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Hey girls

Just wondered if anyone else was the same!? Im currently 9w5d :) had no bleeding or cramping and had a scan at 6w3d which showed heartbeat and got another scan on tuesday when I'll be 10 weeks :) well....basically, Ive got the really sore boobs and Im absoultely exhausted but just cannot get my head around the fact that its pregnancy related ?? I just dont 'feel' pregnant'??

Im really worried that Im kind of distancing myself from the fact Im pregnant because Ive had 2 mcs before?? Im not even excited as I dont think Im allowing myself to be until I get the all clear on tuesday.

Does anyone else feel like this?? I feel really sad that Im not even trying to think of it this as a baby at the end of it? I just feel like at some point Im going to hear those words 'Im sorry but....'

Please someone tell me Im not going crazy :( xx
Definatley not crazy hun! It is all positive and I am sure everything will be fine at ur next scan! It is normal to feel the way u are trust me x
Yes, I keep prefacing any sentance about the future with "Fingers crossed its all fine then......."

Part of me feels like this is only temproray and it will be gone by the time I get to that point in the future.
I can totally relate!
Apart from sore-ish boobs, and popping to the loo a little bit more often, I don't have any other pregnancy symptoms either.
Have had bloods done at GP and have first midwifes appointment on Wed, so maybe it'll sink in a bit more then! :)
So you're not the only one!
I know exactly how u feel! Apart fron sore boobs and feeling bloated I dont have any other symptims. Im like starfish, keep saying "as long a everything is ok..."
It has just started to sink in for me after having an early scan at the weekend.
I know exactly how you feel. I had a scan at 6 wks 5 days and everything was ok - my OH is really excited but I wont plan anything or talk about when the baby is here without saying "if everything goes ok" or "hopefully" etc at the beginning

I'm 9wks 5 days now and feel sickly in the evenings and am constantly tired but dont feel pregnant either. Constantly worry about every little twinge and expect to be told something's gone wrong at the next scan. It took so long to get pregnant I really thought everything would be fine once I was and all our worries would be over - how wrong was I? :wall2::wall2:nice to know I'm not alone though....:hugs:
So glad I'm not the only one.
10 weeks today, feel sick pretty much every day but haven't been physically sick, got sore boobs and I'm peeing a lot but that's it really. I do go to bed earlier as I'm still tired all the time. But that's it really.

Super worried and just want my scan to hurry up (24th May) :( My birthday is 2 days before the scan but I'm looking forward to the scan more than anything xxx
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10 weeks today, feel sick pretty much every day but haven't been physically sick, got sore boobs and I'm peeing a lot but that's it really. I do go to bed earlier as I'm still tired all the time. But that's it really.

'that's it really' i think that's a lot of signs lol! xx
I think you have alot of good signs still hun...I think its prob just that lull between finding out and scan I will prob feel the same
Lol :hug:

Well.. I felt much more pregnant this evening. Felt VERY sick earlier, in fact I felt so ill I was shaking like a leaf.
Also after I ate my tea (which I unfortunately couldn't finish due to feeling sick).. I could feel.. not baby moving but definitely movement down there. I always do after I have ate. I think baby approves of food.

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I was the same. Early weeks all i had was sore boobs. That was it. Still don't feel pregnant now even though I can feel bubbs kicking about and playing on in there xxxx

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