Not feeling pregnant....


Well-Known Member
May 30, 2012
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Does anyone else feel like they're not even pregnant? Other than tiredness I really dont feel any different. With my first baby I felt really pregnant lots of symptoms 3 weeks of sickness etc but nothing this time. I'm 8+2 weeks now had a early scan at 6weeks as I had a mmc in December all was ok at scan but then had a small bleed a week later ( nothing too concerning) just worries me that something's wrong again :(
I don't feel pregnant either. Sometimes I wonder if iv just made it all up and the sleepiness is all in my head lol. I have my scan next week so will soon find out .....
I am the same, I am tempted to take another pregnancy test but trying not to, hopefully my scan appointment will come soon. I feel like I'm making these symptoms up too lol
Girls I feel exactly the same. We found out 2 weeks ago but last night my mum brought home the test they use at the surgery she works in as I was starting to doubt if I was actually pregnant. I've not had an appointment with the midwife yet so it just doesn't feel real. Three tests later, I'm definately pregnant, it's just not sinking in! Xxx
I don't feel pregnant either :( it's our first so have nothing to compare it too. And i am also tempted to do another test as it isnt sinking in. Oh well. Hoping mw appointment arrives soon :) Good luck to you all with your pregnancies!! x
I am the same, have known for nearly 3 weeks and am due 26th January 2013 (done 2 tests and showed positive within seconds) and apart from feeling very tired I have no sickness (some nausea)!?! I have slightly gone off a couple of foods E.G. Meat, unless really want it and my breasts are very tender/ sore :( Also when brushing my teeth I tend to feel sick but Dr has advised me to try and eat a piece of toast before brushing which might help?
I feel the same, keep wondering if I am just imagining my symptoms but I have my scan on 17th July so fingers crossed!! Just so difficult to know how to feel until I have that 1st scan and know that everything is okay and my baby is okay.
I don't feel pregnant either :( it's our first so have nothing to compare it too. And i am also tempted to do another test as it isnt sinking in. Oh well. Hoping mw appointment arrives soon :) Good luck to you all with your pregnancies!! x

It is my first too so I understand where you are coming from with regard to having nothing to compare with not telling anyone until 12week scan it is hard to ask family/ friends about their experiences. I went to the DRS to 'book in' pregnancy when first found out on a thursday I think it was and then received my maternity exemption card, midwife appt and 12 week scan appt not the wed after but the wed following so fingers crossed nto long for you. Suppose it depends on hospital availibilty too?!?
It's completely normal not to feel any different, not everyone gets morning sickness. In the first trimester I actually forgot at times that I was pregnant because I felt so normal! lol. x
Thanks for all your replies re-assuring to know other people feel the same xx
This is my first so also have nothing to compare it too we are waiting till the scan to tell everyone which means that anytime our parents come over I have to hide my vitamins and magazines I'm too afraid to go into any maternity/baby shops incase I see anyone I know as I don't want it getting back to my family before I tell them lol ! Can't wait to tell everyone especially my best friend who's daughter is about to turn two and she's desperate for me to have kids so she can hand down all the baby things! At least with me not having any symptoms it's pretty easy to hide that I'm pregnant :) and there's got to be a plus side to not being sick all the time like alot of other mums to be :)
I didn't feel any different with my pregnancy til I was around 23 weeks as that's when I started to feel movement and get back ache and stuff! Other than that I felt totally fine throughout except for a bit of tiredness in the first few weeks of tri1 but that soon passed xxx
I don't feel pregnant, I just feel ill. Constipation with stomach ache, back ache (which I'm used to because I have back problems anyway) tiredness - which also comes with illness...
I take a pregnancy test almost everyday, just to make sure the line is as dark as the previous day.
I'm kind of in denial about being pregnant too, as I'm so worried something will go wrong, I'm trying to stay as detatched as possible.

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