No Temp Rise = No Egg?


Well-Known Member
Jan 12, 2012
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Hi Ladies,

I'm temping for the first time this cycle. Had positive OPKs between Tuesday evening and Thursday morning, then they went negative again.

My phone app said I was due to ovulate Wednesday and my ticker says today, OPKs would suggest that the phone app was right but my temperature hasn't gone up, so is it more likely that my ticker is right and I'm releasing the eggy today? If so, are the OPKs a complete waste of time or is it normal to ovulate a few days after the OPKs go negative again?

Thought temping would make things a bit clearer - I should know after four cycles that nothing is clear about TTC!

Love and luck,
Lou xx
Hi Ladies,

I'm temping for the first time this cycle. Had positive OPKs between Tuesday evening and Thursday morning, then they went negative again.

My phone app said I was due to ovulate Wednesday and my ticker says today, OPKs would suggest that the phone app was right but my temperature hasn't gone up, so is it more likely that my ticker is right and I'm releasing the eggy today? If so, are the OPKs a complete waste of time or is it normal to ovulate a few days after the OPKs go negative again?

Thought temping would make things a bit clearer - I should know after four cycles that nothing is clear about TTC!

Love and luck,
Lou xx

Hi Lou, there could be a couple of reasons. Firstly how is your temp looking today? Because it can take a few days before the temp goes up after Ovulation. If it is still not up then maybe you didn't ovulate. Also are you taking the temp at the same time everyday? It is possible to get a + opk and not ovulate especially if you are stressed! Your body releases the LH to trigger egg release but sometimes it just doesn't happen. And you might find that your body will try again with another LH surge. I have read this on various websites. So that means some women get + opk at 2 different times in their cycle. Weird but can happen. And also it doesn't mean you won't ovulate the next could just be a glitch this month. Our bodies are very sensitive and if you are stressed etc it will affect things. Hope this helps a bit. Good Luck! xx ps. have you looked on for charting info?

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