No Such Luck!! Had Sweep Got Some Pains...


Well-Known Member
Jan 22, 2005
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Hi Girls,

I had sweep this morning (was not as bad as I thought). About 1/2 hour later I started having sharp pains in my lower region which made it difficult to walk...

They have gone on all day but they are the same pains as I have had every evening for the last couple of weeks. They are not long enough or regular enough to be contractions...may lead on to something but not building my hopes up!!

I am now booked in to be induced on Sat 29th Nov at mid day.

Midwife said that cervix was high but "thinning out" and slightly open. What ever that means!?!

Lots of love and sharp pains in foof,

Julia xxxxxx
noooooo you're not supposed to be here still. I thought you were in labour! :(

fingers crossed it will happen soon then xxx
Oh damn it i thought one of us was finally gonna have a baby!

You are sounding much more promising than me though. My pelvis is now killing me but no contractions and my midwife said my cervix was high, could be thicker (only positive thing) and fully closed. Then again.. this is your second baby isnt it? apparently after the first the cervix never closes fully again.

Im keeping everything crossed for you (and me)..So saturday is the big day?? :cheer:

Claire x
Good luck hun i really hope this kick starts things for you :wink:
I hope this pains turn into labour for you... :pray: :pray:
Thanks girls!

I feel alot better knowing that there is a final date. If it arrives before then that is a bonus!!!

Do you know what???? I think me and Nori deserve a damn good bottle of wine after all this!! Need to totally chill out after the second baby's arrival! Me and DH have said that after the birth we are going to have a celebratory drink in the house and put the world to right (just like the good old days). My parents and in-laws have also said that they will babysit quite alot throughout December for us to go out and have a bloody good couple of nights of FUN!! I am going to think of this during labour to egg me on...

Julia xxxx
what did the sweep feel like? i've got mine next monday & want to prepare! my friend said it's like a willy going in too far?
i've got my fingers crossed for you hun, it's about time you got somewhere! & i'll be joining you on that botte of wine soon :wink:
Oh hun i really thought you had gone into labour we all got excited.

Pleaseeeeeeee stop talking about wine and booze lol im going to be breastfeeding so no booze for me :( :( Well maybe a tiny tiny baileys :D
charlotte_ said:
i'm breastfeeding too, but i've got a breast pump! haha.

LOL :rotfl: yes, but poor bubs will get drunk off your alcoholic boobie milk!!!

Good luck sugar hope you and Nori finally get to meet your little cherrubs TONIGHT!!! xx

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