

Well-Known Member
Aug 19, 2007
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Ive had a few crampy pains in my tummy today

But tonight about 9.15 I got a real sharp cramp in my lower tummy, it really hurt and lasted about 10 mins
Also my back was a bit sore

Ive been ok since then but keep getting a few pains on and off.

will i just make sure i rest?
dont know what to expect as its my first one
Yes, make sure you rest (though of course you'll be far too anxious to sleep, wondering if "this is it"?). Contractions don't last for 10 minutes. They'll usually come about 10 minutes apart at first, then gradually get closer together, but each one only last about a minute. Contractions come in "waves" - each one gradually builds up to its most painful point then it ease off again until it disappears. You then get a rest (with no pain) for 5-10 minutes until the next contraction starts to build up. If the pain is getting bad, tell yourself you only have to get through it for one minute. Take each one at a time and relax in between them.

You can get a lot of backache in labour, especially if your baby's back is facing your back.

As long as your waters haven't broken, you can have a bath to soothe any aches and pains and it might relax you enough to help you sleep. If it wasn't so late at night, I've advise you to keep moving to help things along. But it is late, so try and rest.

If your waters break then you have to contact a m/w and you must be examined. If it's just contractions, then you can stay at home as long as you can bear the pain. Once they have been coming regularly for an hour though, contact the hospital so that they know to expect you in at some point. Get your bag and pregnancy notes and keep them beside the door.

I hope you get to meet your baby soon! :D
Thanks for that - it was very useful :)

well I didnt sleep at all last night, tossed and turned and couldnt get comfy
I think I kept thinking to myself 'oh is this it'

At 12.20am I got a real sharp pains in my lower tummy like cramp
I could have cried it was painful, i tried getting up and walking but it didnt ease it at all

It last a few mins then I had 2 more pains like this one 2 more times before 12.40 but then thankfully they stopped

I dont feel good at all today.
Tonight Ive been having quite regular cramp pains

They were 3 minutes apart and had them for about 25 minutes

They were getting worse but have gone now

I also had a really sharp pain in my ribs!! not sure what it was ??
lasted about 2 minutes I could hardly breathe or speak

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